
Ask Mirage and Macabre!


Learn more about these Celestial Entities! (Based on fan characters of the webcomic "Housepets!" by Rick Griffin) http://www.housepetscomic.com/
Anonymous asked:

Who is the most inspirational mortal you've met personally? What feats or parts of their character inspired you and in what way?

Well, I’ve had to do a lot of growing in recent years.

Let’s start with Solomon Cohen, who I usually refer to Sir Hivemind, the leader of the Beacon of Hope and the Champions. He has access to incredible power and resources, yet is probably the epitome of “selfless.” He does everything he can in order to better the lives of others as best he can. From what I’ve learned, it is an incredibly tough job, but one he does well. I do hope he eventually gains time to truly rest.

Then there’s Lady Eira Steele, one of the Champions. I do my best to live eye-to-eye with mortals, but she showed me that I had a lot of humbling to go through still. Her mastery over her element and her strength are incredible, and like Sir Hivemind, she is incredibly compassionate, especially to the downtrodden. Our first meeting was rough, I can’t lie, but I think I’ve grown since then, and now I trust her to look after my son, Ollie. I still have a lot to learn from her, but I have faith in Eira.

In another world specifically in Richardson Valley, there’s the mouse, Flash, and his friend, the bear, Deus. Hoo, boy, that initial meeting was….just not good, but it became more amicable near the end. Both are trying to make the best of and improve on their lot in life. Something many aspire to do, and something even I have done in mortal lifetimes. Our initial rough meeting was due to I guess “philosophical differences,” but hopefully things continue to improve.

In the nearby Babylon Gardens, there are plenty more mortals that I’ve learned to bond with, and that initial meeting was also pretty rough, but most of us have mended that.

Peanut is a well of optimism, even when things look dire.

Grape is loyal, and will definitely let you know when you’re out of line.

King and I don’t get along, but I learned that he has reason to be wary of Celestials, and he is a dedicated husband and father, wanting what’s best for them. At least his wife, Bailey, and I get along.

Fox is learning to reel things in recently, but you’ll have a hard time finding a more loyal friend.

I like Fido. There’s apparently an old stigma of him and Sabrina being together, yet they eventually gained the strength to show their love to the world. Almost reminds me of Macabre and I.

Ultimately, this is really only a selective list, but I hope it gets the point across. We’re all partially molded by the company we keep and the relationships we forge. Sometimes they spring up from surprising places, but that’s what makes life so exciting, isn’t it!

(OOC: Hivemind, Eira, Flash, and Deus belong to @cybertherobotdragon , Peanut, Grape, King, Bailey, Fox, Fido, and Sabrina belong to Rick Griffin)


So, eventually Sickle finally got to meet Eira Steele. She was already aware of his antics, and he was already aware of her capabilities. I’ve heard that they got along pretty decently at that time, once she managed to get the fear of God in him, which considering that we’re also but lesser gods, is pretty impressive. He’s decided to add her to his list of ‘never prank,’ but he also needs to make sure she’s not around when he’s getting a prank set up. Needless to say, things have gotten a lot more peaceful on the Beacon.

(OOC: Eira Steele belongs to @cybertherobotdragon )

Anonymous asked:

Hey, it's me, Eira! So... You remember when Vice showed up and tried to mess with our attempt to contain Harriet? And how I kind of... well, mulched him? Well, I used the same amount of telekinetic power against him as I did against Phlegmy in my last encounter with him. Vice got turned into a skeleton and splatter residue, while Phlegethon just got a nosebleed. It got me thinking... Just how much stronger are Archdemons when compared to mid-level demons like Vice?

Hey, Lady Eira, good to hear from you here! Though I’m going to have to turn over the question to someone more knowledgeable on the subject than I am. Ermina?

Thank you, Mirage, and hello once again, Lady Eira. Now, unfortunately, it’s not always easy to gauge power based on rank. For example, Vex is a Low-Tier, yet no doubt he could hold his own against Mid-Tiers. Each tier is quite the spectrum. As far as I can observe, tiers tend to denote durability and effectiveness of latent powers. Archdemons are typically High-Tiers, so that would be why your abilities did comparatively less damage to Phlegethon than it did to Vice.

Now, I say “comparatively” for good reason. A mortal with the capability to do so against a demon of that rank is nothing less than astonishing. I heard from the others about what was left of Vice, definitely would make one think twice about coming against you. Apparently even Macabre was stunned, and that’s really hard to do!

I hypothesize that doing whatever you did to a low-tier like Vex, Macabre, Aria, or even Lilith wouldn’t even leave behind a skeleton.

Still, as you have experienced, there can be power chasms even between adjacent ranks. Ranks above Low are not commonly granted for good reason, but when they are, the demon has shown that they’ve earned it, and with it comes an even further power boost.

Side note, not all High-Tiers will look obvious. Goetia are typically Mid-Tiers, but there are plenty of exceptions. I’ve heard of one by the name of Andras from Lady Laurana who was a High-Tier. Allegedly he’s the brother of Halphas, making him Macabre’s uncle, but Macabre didn’t have any recollection of him. Well, considering how distant he was from his family, no doubt there wouldn’t be a lot of details to share.

Another exception I’ve heard of is a demon called Forneus. Aria and Macabre mentioned that he’s a High-Tier Goetia, but he spends his time as a teacher to demon and mortal alike, often acts as a mediator, and doesn’t even claim souls. Oddly gentle of such a rank, though I’ve heard that his power may be because he was one of the Throne Angels prior to his defection. Not sure why someone of his caliber would defect at all…

Uh, sorry for the wall of text, Lady Eira. TLDR, there is an incredible gap between all ranks. I guess one way to look at it is instead of an incremental increase, imagine a more exponential one.

Still, just because one is outranked doesn’t mean one is outgunned. Right now, you’re among one of the examples of such. Your feats have definitely made the rounds here, many in awe of your power and abilities.

Anonymous asked:

Hey Mirage! It's me, Eira! I've heard there's a Celestial named Sickle who's inexplicably terrified of me, despite the fact that we've never met. On one hand, that's a little strange since normally people don't become viscerally afraid of me until *after* I meet them. On the other hand, I've also heard he's the kind of guy who needs to get scared out of his fur every once in a while. I guess my questions are: How much does he know about me, and do you want to "Introduce" me to him the next time he needs to... rethink his current actions?


So, bringing up Eira again, after some talks with her boss, the leader of the Beacon of Hope, Hivemind, it was decided to allow younger Celestials have a sort of humanitarian outreach/training program there. It’s an opportunity to better understand mortals through a hands-on experience while also taking advantage of things like our natural powers and immortality should things get dangerous. Even a young Celestial is capable of a lot.

Ollie is set to be among their first students, though I’ve been hearing that Caleb and Aria are considering helping out, too. Still being a child came with some, shall we say, awkward first impressions.

First was meeting Kaleb Dalisay aboard the Beacon. Now, Kaleb was a human who through an accident during a genetics test became a quadrupedal dog with limited shapeshifting powers of his own. He didn’t let that stop him from being involved in their activities, so good on him! What didn’t help was that Ollie thought he was a pet. Easy fix, at least.

Then there’s another reason Ollie got involved. Eira Steele has a mastery of aquakinesis beyond what he can do, as well as incredible abilities in cryokinesis and hemokinesis, and that’s not even taking into account her hand-to-hand style! So he’s eager to train under her as well.

Ollie is a great kid with a compassionate heart, though his interactions with mortals has been somewhat limited outside of his paternal grandfather. I do hope that this will be a good growing experience for him.

(OOC: Kaleb Dalisay belongs to @krytusthedreamer-blog, Eira Steele belongs to @cybertherobotdragon, both characters reside in the Beacon of Hope RP


Ermina got the idea for these weapons pretty recently. That mortal that was able to afflict Ermina outside of a sanctioned tournament? Well, the two of us had a talk with her to clear the air, a werewolf named Eira Steele. Turns out the initial bite on Ermina was a complete accident while the two were fighting off a demon invasion. I was scared of Eira for a bit, but she told me what their world goes through on a frighteningly frequent basis, so someone with her capabilities is really a godsend. I do intend to help them whenever I can. Ollie is even set to train under Eira, who has a masterful control over water in all forms, so he can increase his abilities too.

Apparently one of the things Eira showed off was freezing liquids to use as weapons, such as making wine into a buzzsaw and freezing demon blood into spears. This was where Ermina got inspiration for these retractable spears.

Regal Spear: A working prototype of what Ermina had in mind for the set as a whole. It’s not the most balanced thing out there, but it works.

Divine Javelin: Pretty basic weapon, though definitely be careful of where the bottom is pointing when activating it.

Noble Pierce: Apparently considered a failure, because the head of the spear has a tendency to get caught on the protrusions of the handle. Works well enough when loosened, though.

Gungnir: I think this is supposed to be a replica of the god, Odin’s, spear? Never seen it, myself.

Bubble Bash: Leave it to Sickle to make a joke weapon. Still, the bubbles are made with Holy water, so some practicality?

Hard Light: Weird to learn that some realms figured out a way to give light mass. Super light, yet packs a mean punch.

Lycan Tribute: So, turned out that while Ermina and Eira were patching things up, the Archdemon who led the earlier invasion attempt came back. He was apparently beaten again rather easily by Eira alone this time. Ermina, always curious about Infernals, asked if she could take a blood sample. Eira gave her every drop in the demon's body. Don’t worry, he probably eventually walked this off. Ermina and Nikolai worked pretty tirelessly to see about weaponizing the remainder once Ermina was done studying it, eventually getting a working weapon. The handle is made of consecrated materials, able to freeze the blood inside to make the sharp parts of the weapon. Since it’s Archdemon blood, it’ll never break in combat. As a bonus, since the handle is consecrated, it’s always reacting to the desecrated blood inside, leaving a glow. When activated, the whole thing is covered in Holy Flame, making it much more effective as an anti-demon weapon. Quite a sight to see!

(OOC: Eira Steele belongs to @cybertherobotdragon)

Anonymous asked:

This is Hivemind, leader of the starship Beacon of Hope, and the superhero team known as the Champions. I have identified a person of interest by the name Phoebe Natanya. I determined you were among the people who intervened during the attack by the assassin, Harriet. I am trying to understand Phoebe better as she may need protection or aid in controlling her abilities. Help me help her. What do you know about Phoebe and the attack in question?

Well, we weren’t initially there for Phoebe. We were actually trying to stop Harriet from taking another life, and apparently someone wanted Phoebe dead. Until the kill is confirmed or the summons wears off, Harriet will continue to attack. But I guess no one anticipated Phoebe’s demon guardian, Nightmare, to fight off Harriet for a while, manifesting a variety of shadowy blades to do so.

Phoebe is a heavily traumatized girl, we’d eventually learn, to the point that she manifested her own demon, and Nightmare will do everything in its power to protect her if she becomes sufficiently scared. Usually ends if the trigger stops being a trigger, either they leave, or they’re dead. Nightmare only becomes stronger and more destructive as Phoebe gives in to her panic, and since Harriet can’t die and won’t stop for a while, it became a war of attrition, with Nightmare becoming exponentially stronger as time went on.

Then something we didn’t expect happened; Phoebe’s mind became so engulfed in fear, that she and Nightmare fused into what was called “Phobia.” This only made a bad situation worse. At first, we decided to turn our attention to the more dangerous of the two, but Macabre realized that as long as we went on the offensive and Harriet was still around on her mission, Phobia would only get more violent. The maelstrom of blades that manifested would certainly have made Sickle’s jaw drop.

It was then decided that Vex, Nikolai, and I would focus on keeping Harriet restrained, and Macabre would try to soothe Phobia. Thankfully we managed to run out Harriet’s clock, but Phobia kept up the attack. Until they saw Macabre. Something clicked that made Phobia pause long enough for Macabre to get in and talk her down. I couldn’t quite make out what was said, but that, plus Macabre having his violin play a tune meant to soothe wayward souls, eventually caused Phoebe and Nightmare to finally split. Phoebe passed out in Macabre’s arms, and after we found where she lived, apparently was out for quite a while.

The property damage was horrific, but it was definitely a miracle that no one else was around at the time. Was that you who provided the “localized tornado full of chainsaws and razor blades” cover story, Hivemind? We had nothing, but frankly, we’ve seen stranger.

Anyway, apparently the reason Phobia stopped at seeing Macabre was because Nightmare could tell that he was also a demon, and that Macabre wanted to help. Turns out, Phobia was basically the very violent manifestation of a panic attack. I’ve seen mortals suffer from them from time to time, and I can’t lie, it’s frightening to see, even more so when you don’t know how to help. This was the first time I’ve seen a lashing out of this caliber, though. Macabre usually has a good eye at seeing the hurt in others, and does what he can to aid them.

Thankfully, once Phoebe and Nightmare came to, Macabre visited them to learn more. Turns out, Nightmare is a paranoid sort, but it trusts Macabre, possibly because of their similarities. Plus, Phoebe and Nightmare are working at better controlling their fear responses. The encounter with Harriet was an incredibly extreme occasion, one that we hopefully don’t have to experience again. Harriet remembers who it was that summoned her, so we’re looking into ways to make sure they don’t try the same summon again. Scare tactics usually work on those, anyway, we got that covered, at least.

Unwanted responses to outside triggers. How do I keep coming across those? First myself, then Harriet, now Phoebe. What makes things worse, is the fact that Phoebe was able to create a demon in the first place. Can all mortals do that? The pain that must be required for such…I can’t bring myself to fathom it, despite the experiences I’ve had as a mortal, myself.

I guess if you want to keep this from happening again, Hivemind, you could try to keep her safe from triggers, and trust me, there’s a lot. Macabre will keep tabs on her since Nightmare is much more open about conversing with him, but he’s no therapist. Completely removing trauma from the psyche is unlikely, but being able to keep it from hindering your life is possible. She needs serious, professional help for that. At least she has started on the path of control, she just needs someone who can be with her more reliably to help her continue.

(OOC: Phoebe, Nightmare, and Phobia belong to @cybertherobotdragon )


Mortals that can take battle with Celestials and Infernals and manage to win on what is ultimately their own power? That’s a terrifying thought. They wouldn’t attempt to wage war on us, would they?

(OOC: Yeah, definitely limiting coloring on these answers unless I see reason to go all out. Just gets tiring. Will at least always to give them their eye color. Also, Eira is an OC belonging to @cybertherobotdragon )

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