
Superhero Imagines

@superhero--imagines / superhero--imagines.tumblr.com

Sim| She/Her | 25 | Requests: Open |
Jason Todd’s GF 💖
Also I made the term “bat-mom” in 2016

A/N: I am tired but I hope you love <3

* Steam curls from the dish, gnocchi covered in a creamy sauce in a massive dish in the center of the table, around it are countless side dishes- tomato fritters, at least three types of salad, two types of soup, something that looks like quinoa, risotto, and so much bread you’re wondering if your sampling the menu for a bakery.

* The most extravagant part is not any of the food however, it’s not even the set of four dishes you have in front of you, it’s the fact that you have five—five—glasses full of drinks in front of you.

* ‘How thirsty are these people? Are gods just always parched?’

* The glasses automatically refill so you can’t tell.

* “—why do you always have to bring this up?” Your father grumbles from your left.

* “Bring what up? I’m just mentioning that there’s a penthouse available in the underworld.” Persephone looks like the very picture of innocence, spearing her pasta with a fork.

* “Do you think I’m stupid Mom? I know what you’re doing!”

* “What am I doing?”

* The argument only escalates.

* ‘I always figured dad didn’t get along with Hades, I never would have imagined he doesn’t see eye to eye with Persephone.’

* Your grandfather sits at the head of the table on your right, sighing as he watches his wife and son argue over copious amounts of food.

* ‘Looks like the old man is used to it.’

* “Have you tried the autumn squash soup?” He asks, and when you shake your head he brings a spoonful of soup to your lips.

* “Good?” He asks when you’ve engulfed the spoon, a smile twitching on his lips when he sees you nod. “That’s good.”

* You watch your grandfather ladle soup into a small bowl, placing it on your plate before adding bread.

* “Are they always like this?” You ask, and Hades sighs.

* “Don’t worry about it too much.” Maki reassures you from across the table, cutting her cauliflower steak into small pieces.

* “It’s because they’re so alike.” Melinoe adds from beside her.

* “We are not alike!” Both Persephone and Zagreus shout at the same time, and Melinoe looks at you with a raised eyebrow and a small smile, as if she’s saying “See, I told you.”

* This is your first time meeting Melinoe, she’s…happier than you expected.

* From the tidbits you’d gathered from Zagreus and Makiara you figured she was a very morose woman.

* Instead she seems refined, wearing a long sleeve turtle neck sweater, her hair held up in a claw. Her demeanor is equally calm, watching the situation unfold with keen amber eyes.

* The shape of her nose, and her face are like Persephone, but everything else feels like it’s been plucked from Hades.

* ‘She’s a far cry from Makiara who’s wearing that same varsity jacket I’m beginning to suspect she hasn’t washed in over a decade, or my emotional father who’s having a screaming match with his mother right now.’

* “We are not moving to the Underwolrd, end of discussion.” Your father says with an air of finality. “We have an entire life in the mortal realm, and come spring (Y/N)’s going to try out for the lacrosse team.”

* “Do you like Lacrosse?” Makaira whispers from across the table.

* “St. Catherine’s makes you pick a sport.”

* “That’s…fair,” Persephone says, her hands clasped on the table. “What if you just came during the holidays then? During winter vacation, summer, and in the spring?”

* There’s a glimmer in her eyes that reminds you a little of yourself, making a bold statement that Makaira should live with you so you could negotiate a family dinner.

* ‘Maybe I take after her more than I thought.’

* You can see your father can tell it’s happening too, a wary glance at you, before his hands' thread in his hair.

* “That’s…reasonable.”

* You watch Persephone barely contain her joyous smile, and Zagreus look away like he’s embarrassed.

* ‘Mother and son have never been more alike.’

* After the dishes have been taken back and the coffee is being served with thick slices of baklava, Hades has a notepad out, while mother and son stare each other down.

* “According to the terms so far party A, also referred to as Zagreus, Prince of the underworld and God of Space-Time Anomalies, will reside in the underworld for two weeks in the winter, one week in the spring, and at least thirty-one days in the summer, this amount may increase based on necessity and external conditions including but not limited to; weakness in either party, emergency situations where presence may be required, etc., should such a situation arise Party A, also referred to as Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of Spring, will determine the necessity of such actions within reason, should there be a disagreement mediation will be handled by The King of the Underworld, Hades, and his advisor Hecate, Titaness of Sorcery.”

* Hades looks up over his black-rimmed glasses, to his wife and child, respectively.

* “If these terms are agreeable, please sign below.”

* ‘Was a contract really necessary.’

* They’re silent for a moment, before the shouting starts again.

* “Only one week in spring? Zagreus you know that’s the busiest time of the year!”

* “(Y/N) only has one week off from school, you don’t expect us to drop everything just because you can’t take care of spring on your own?!”

* You see Makaira and Melinoe exchange a glance as another screaming match begins to bubble.

* Makaira taps on your shoulder, gesturing to the door.

* As you quietly leave you see Hades mouth: “Take me with you.”

* You sway your hand, watching as your magician's staff appears in a burst of light in your hand.

* Makaira settles onto the soft grass of the field.

* “You’re getting pretty good with that thing!” She validates.

* “I only know like three spells, I’m going to have to go back to Circe sooner or later to learn how to use it properly.”

* “Hecate might be able to offer some advice.” Makiara hums to herself.

* “I wouldn’t count on it, I haven’t seen them in four months.” Melinoe sighs, settling beside her.

* “Yeah, they are kind of flakey, huh?”

* You watch the sisters gossip: Hecate’s flakey tendencies become Ares inability to let Aphrodite go, which become Hera’s new nymph companion.

* It looks like the godly rumor mill is well nourished.

* You tilt your head back and look at the blue sky, thin cloud stretching across like cotton pulled too far.

* As a child of the underworld there is nothing but restrictions in the mortal world: you can’t swim or get too close to the ocean or Poseidon will drag you to the bottom of the sea. You can’t risk going into the sky because Zeus will strike you down—

* But here, under the false blue sky laced with the sweet smell of pomegranates, you’re free.

* You still feel wobbly when you sit on your staff, rising into the air ever so slowly. But when wind brushes against your face, the entire underworld sparkling underneath you like a diamond laughter bubbles from your mouth automatically.

* Melinoe watches you fondly from the ground.

* “They’re a good kid.” Her younger sister says.

* “They remind me of—" Melinoe starts.

* “Don’t.” Maki interjects. Her teeth biting into her lip. Melinoe watches her sister carefully before swinging her gaze back at you.

* Maybe one child of the underworld can blossom yet.

* The years fall like sand through your fingers after that, the way they always seem to in peaceful times.

* You spend Fall in the upper-west side with your Father, who shows you how to bend space and time to the waves of your fingers.

* “Time is all around us, broken up into pieces like stardust, it flows in our blood, you just need to know how to reach out and ask.”

* You spend the winter in matching tunics with Hades, watching how he uses diplomacy with soft words and kind eyes.

* “Everyone just wants to be heard, if you make them feel seen and understand they won’t just be people—they’ll be your people.”

* You spend spring with Persephone, sitting with her on a picnic blanket in Central Park.

* “Close your eyes and think of a moment you felt safe and loved—at complete peace—now think of that feeling like it’s an object that you want to share.”

* And summer—summer is reserved for Dionysus, Luke, Annabeth, and Clarisse.

* You puff a near perfect rendition of “So Yesterday” into a pan flute, Grover, Annabeth, Luke, Clarisse, and the entire camp looks expectantly to a contemplating Dionysus.

* “What do you think?” He asks Chiron, who gives you a rare smile.

* “It was well done.”

* Dionysus sighs, mocking exasperation.

* “A deal is a deal.” He snaps his fingers and in each of your hands is a can of full-sugar cola.

* “Thanks Dennis!” You call out as you’re hoisted onto someone’s shoulders, paraded around.

* “You’re unexpectedly soft.” Dionysus says with a grin to a shrugging Chiron.

* “It’s always interesting with them around.”

* You go to combat practice, watching as Luke strikes down a training dummy. He looks at you with a triumphant expression. You only raise an eyebrow, raising your staff—a bright white light shooting out of the orb and leaving a pile of dust where the dummy was.

* He looks at the ash for seven long seconds, then at you.

* “I think that’s cheating.”

* You sit beside Clarisse who’s fidgeting in her seat.

* “How is it?”

* You hold the letter she wrote to her mother in trembling hands, swallowing hard.

* “I think you could bring Themis to tears.”

* Her smile is brighter than the bonfire a few feet away.

* Annabeth sits on the ground, another potion held between her mocha colored hands.

* “How about this one?” You pour it at the base, waiting and waiting.

* You frown, looking up at the tree—at Talia—still unchanged.

* “I guess I still need to work on my potions.”

* You watch as Luke gets called on a quest, a gold envelope descending from the heavens themselves,

* “I could come with you?” You offer, watching him pick his things.

* He shakes his head

* “Dear old Dad didn’t specify if I could bring companions.”

* You bite your lip, what can you say?

* “Hey Luke?”

* “Yeah?”

* “Um, you know, scars are hot!”

* You want to smack yourself

* He gives you a raised eyebrow but grins.

* “I'll keep that in mind.”

* You sit by Talia all summer, waiting and watching.

* Sighing when you finally see his form in the distance, running only to see a pink gash across his right cheek, stopping an inch from his eye.

* He greats your worried expression and gentle touch with a grin.

* “Scars are hot right?”

* You laugh from the absurdity of it.

* “Yeah, scars are hot.”

* The years roll by with visits to Circe’s island, where she gathers you in her arms like a mother reaching for their child.

* Glimpses of Hecate and Helios muddled somewhere in languid days.

* A shallow vision of Hermes and Thanatos while you’re waiting at your grandfathers desk, the two bickering over something or another.

* A vision of Hera who greats you with a golden smile, holding your hand in both of hers like she could think of nothing better than being in your presence.

* A nymph trailing behind her, freckles splattered over her nose, and a nervous flick of her eyes.

* They were days filled with so much joy you get lost in the feeling that even though you’ve been alive for hundreds of years, there’s still so much life to experience.

* Your caught up in your growth, your friendships, your experiences, that you barley notice the passing of time.

* Quests come and go—mostly simple errands from your family like finding Makiara’s lost textbook or walking Cereberus—always with Luke, Clarisse. Annabeth, or someone else from camp.

* It’s a good life.

* You let sleep take you, dreaming of distant shores and men with eyes the color of the ocean. Waking up to a loud bang.

* You raise an eyebrow, muffling a yawn as rain hits your cabin window.

* ‘That’s weird, it almost never rains here.’

* You shuffle on a sweater, opening the door to see a drenched Luke and Annabeth.

* They speak over each other

* “A kid showed up—”

* “He’s really hurt.”

* “You should have seen him—”

* You cut them off with a wave of your hand.

* “You go first.” You say pointing to Annabeth, she may be younger but she’s usually better at giving you a high level overview.

* “Grover and a Demi-god showed up with a Minataur at their heels—”

* Wait, a minotaur?

* “—and the kid won! It was like nothing anyone has ever seen.”

* “They’re saying he might be big three material.” Luke whispers.

* They go on, whispering conspiracies in the middle of a rain soaked night.

* You feel numb.

* ‘It looks like time caught up after all.’

A/N: as a reminder please comment on this (or the most latest part if you want to be added to the tag list. If you have asked to be added to the tag list and have not been that means your account is not able to be tagged pls contact tumblr support

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