* ‘Florida is hot, and the ocean is blue.’

* They’re two of the most obvious thoughts, but as you stand there on the beach, warm sand between your toes, you can say they’re the truest feelings.

* You’ve never seen the ocean before, not in this body, driving with Maki to the camp was the closest you got, a sliver of blue against the horizon.

* But now it stretches out in front of you, the half green, half blue shade of the ocean stretches off into sky, melting into the azure blue.

* Your nose twitches at the salty scent of the ocean, the way the breeze is heavy with humidity everytime it brushes against your skin.

* You’ve seen the ocean before, in other lives with other people but right now—

* ‘I think I’d stay here forever if I could.’

* It’s so calm, so peaceful—

* “You royal highness, are you done?” Clarisse growls.

* ‘And just like that the illusion is broken.’

* You steal one last glance before turning away.

* The others are crossing a leafy jungle area, with Luke hacking away with his sword like he’s in the Amazon rainforest.

* “There it is.” Behind the trees, just a hundred feet away from the public beach, is a single stretch of land—no wider than twelve feet— that stretches into the ocean. It looks like something straight out of a photograph.

* ‘I wish I had a smartphone so I could take a picture. It’s too bad we’re in the 2000’s and that cell phone signals attract monsters.’

* “How long do we walk into the middle of the ocean for?” You ask Annabeth whose mouth is creased in a fine line.

* “It’s about fifteen miles, give or take.”

* ‘That’s ridiculous, those old men expect children to walk fifteen miles in the heat.’

* “I guess we better start walking.” Luke says unsheathing his sword while Clarisse uses her spear as a walking stick.

* ‘I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that some bozos really expect us to walk fifteen miles or the fact that these kids are just taking it in stride.’

* About a few hours in, Luke realizes he has magic shoes and uses them to hover—only crashing into the ground four or five times first.

* Clarisse starts eyeing the water beside you around the third hour, like it might be easier to swim, then notices the strong currents and shakes her head.

* Around the fourth hour Annabeth has enough, and you hike her onto your back.

* “Hey Annabeth,” She perks up at the sound of your voice. “I’ve been wondering what you’re doing away from your parents like this.”

* Luke has his mom, and Clarisse…well from the bits you’ve made out it seems like her Mother was a pretty proper woman and Clarisse was experiencing a serious bout of teenage rebellion.

* “I just, I wanted to be somewhere where I was wanted.” You shouldn’t have asked. It hasn’t been years, like in the book, the hurt is still real.

* “Well it’s their loss, I’m happy to have you here.” Annabeth smiles into the back of your neck.

* And it’s in the fifth hour that you all collectively collapse onto the hot sand with a huff.

* It felt about time for a break.

* You sit beside them, opening your backpack. You’d been so busy pllowing ahead you didn’t notice how far you came. The beach you initially left is almost non-existent, the size of the tip of your finger somewhere in the distance.

* You chat about this and that, the latest camp gossip and how hot Florida is, all the while in the back of your head there’s a nagging feeling that something about this is wrong.

* This is called the Sea of Monsters right?

* Your eyes flutter from the land beach to the smooth cerulean colored sea.

* But as far as you can tell it’s about as peaceful as a tropical island like Bali or Bora Bora.

* ‘Didn’t someone say something about the ocean being dangerous?’

* Right on cue you hear the most bewitching melody, better than any pop song you might hear on the radio.

* ‘That sounds so nice.’

* You feel yourself sway forward, your eyes drooping close.

* How long has it been since you had a nice sleep?

* You’re so tired.

* You’re a second from stepping into the ocean when something inside of you snaps, for a second you swear you see five glowing eyes in the back of your mind, a wave of despair rolling off of you.

* A shriek comes from the depths of the water, a green tail flicking into the ocean

* You’re tugged back by the neck of your collar.

* “They’re sirens!” Annabeth screams, the others are snapped out of the haze, as the sirens shriek around you, circling either side, venom spewing from their maws.

* ‘For such pretty voices, these sure are some gnarly looking creatures.’

* Fish scales cover their entire bodies, but where eyes should be there’s just fish scales, and where a man might imagine the sweetest pair of cherry red lips is an unhinged jaw full of razor sharp teeth.

* ‘No thanks, I’ll pick a less painful death.’

* You think it’s going fairly well, Luke’s able to ward most of them off with his sword, and Clarisse even spears one straight in the water like she’s spearing a fish. You’re basically useless with your whip, but it looks like they don’t like the noise.

* You hear a shriek of pain, panic striking you when you turn and see Annabeth’s been struck by purple venom, the acid already digging into her flesh.

* ‘How am I supposed to beat that?’

* “Make sure not to get hit! We don’t know if it’s poisonous.” Luke shouts, cutting a leaping Siren in half.

* “Thanks captain obvious!” Clarisse grunts as she maims another Siren.

* They’re putting up a good fight, but they won't last long if you keep getting assuage with venom attacks.

* ‘Maybe this is the only option.’

* You hold your hands out, a space time distortion field is risky—who even knows where the things inside go. But right now it’s your only option.

* You try to picture what it was you felt then, energy flowing from your body to the tips of your fingers, you’re a second away from pulling the trigger when you feel a hand on your shoulder.

* “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t destroy my land bridge.” The woman’s voice is soft, as frail as a human’s, but when you turn, nothing about her seems human.

* She stands at a solid ten feet tall, in a dark cloak, long auburn hair falling past her shoulder, a large wooden staff clasped in her hand. Her amber, hawk-like, eyes turn away from you to the Sirens.

* “Begone.” It’s a single word, said only a step above a whisper, and as if hearing a call from their master the sirens immediately turn away, diving back into the depths.

* The woman stands before you, a orange tint radiating from her.

* “Now tell me, what is the child of Hades doing looking for me?”

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