
Glory to the Resistance

@hussyknee / hussyknee.tumblr.com

Queer disabled lady from South Asia. Social Anarchist. Decolonize or die. Batfamily sideblog here. I swear a lot, follow at own risk IF you are over 14. If I haven't answered your ask it's because I'm too ADHD to function. DNI: suicide baiters, antis/fandom police, oppression olympians, radfems, zionists, tankies, blue-no-matter-who liberals.
Anonymous asked:

your masterlist literally starts with a video denying Palestinian indigenous status made by a radfem and is full of Israeli propagandist Ilan Pappe? take your antipsychotics brother

Not that I care about the opinions of people who use ableist insults like this but: going in the notes to do a cursory check on any criticisms or additions is the bare minimum you should do before reblogging a post, but especially an information post. If you had done that you'd know that the video was flagged and taken down by me literally a day after I posted it (even though it absolutely does not deny Palestine's claim to anything). But the reason I'm publishing this ask instead of blocking you is that "Israeli propagandist Ilan Pappé" has me in absolute stitches. Try harder, little Zionist.


People seem to think this is fake because it's written in English. Apart from the racism in believing that Arab doctors and nurses aren't fluent in English (a second or official language for half of Asia), Palestinians have deliberately been addressing their audience in English on every social media, from journalists to children, because they know speaking English to Westerners immediately makes people more human in their eyes. Because language is one of the ways the imperial cultural hegemony conditions us (yes, everyone in the world) to see who qualifies as "people" and who are simply a mass of bodies who were always made to suffer and die. Gazans know this deeply, which is why they have been using English to beg and plead through social media, "We're not numbers! We're not numbers! We're people like you, we speak your language, we deserve to live!" all the while they're systematically slaughtered.

Israeli forces also encircled Al Shifa Hospital yesterday and bombed it for several hours while shooting dead anyone trying to flee including medical staff moving between buildings. Not sure whether it's still continuing because WHO lost all communications with its staff there a few hours after. The last new report said that thirty-nine babies had been removed from the incubators before the power went out. It's extremely unlikely they will survive.

Please understand that these atrocities depend on the war of attrition between governments and public attention. The momentum of public outcry is difficult to sustain through repeated stonewalling and bureaucratic intractability. When we're flooded with these reports and a sense of futility and despair replaces the anger, it allows compassion fatigue to set in and the violence to become normalized. Massacring hospitals, killing sick children and openly targeting humanitarian aid workers (Netanyahu just declared the UNRWA is in league with Hamas) will become simply more news articles that fade into the background, and open genocides will soon become part of the "lesser evil".

Take care of yourselves how you can, take distance where needed, but please never tune out and give up on the two million people for whom we are the only witness and hope. Never stop boosting and sharing the news and posts you find, never stop getting out there and joining every protest you can, however small. Anger burns out, which is why activism must depend on an immovable sense of justice and uncompromising value for human life. It's not just about Gaza, it's about the kind of evil our generation will be coerced into accepting as unchangeable and inevitable hereafter.


like idk how to tell you that sometimes people who are mentally ill will accidentally harm other mentally ill people with their mental illness and nobody is at fault. i have multiple times had someone's symptoms trigger me. I had a paranoid dude tell me that he would know if i ever said or thought anything negative about him and my own paranoia made me spend several hours freaking out that he could read my mind. neither of us are perpetrators or victims. who cares.


I hate these people in a way I can't adequately put into words.

I don't have a reaction image for shit like this, how can you admit to pure evil and still not recognize that you're a psychopath

almost 10k upvotes and then these drones will be like "heroes!!!"


Same exact energy when teachers say they hate kids????? Like what?

people will see a person doing their job right and shit their pants.

cant wait to see these same peoples reactions when they find out customer service employees don't actually give a shit how the customers days are going.


Nurses should actually care for their patients as though they were their own children. Not only should every single nurse develop an unbreakable, unconditional, deep emotional bond with every single patient, and cry upon their death, but if you can't, you're a cold heartless sociopath incapable of love.

There's emotional labor and then there's ... whatever the fuck this is. I absolutely think that nurses should be professional, but if you think nurses are bad as a profession, you've never met a surgeon in your life.

And I hate to say it, but death is coming for all of us. There's a reason most medical workers have advance directives and DNR orders for themselves. Your 92 year old great grandmother who stopped breathing at home, had her ribs broken by EMTs en route to the hospital, and had her life extended by one week, in horrible pain and hooked up to machines with tubes to breathe and hydrate and pee, is not being cared for by an "angel of death" just because her nurse has the medical and scientific knowledge to understand how expensive and painful and ultimately futile it all is.

I wonder why the major social media backlash to nurses in the midst of a global pandemic and short staffed hospitals ... actually nevermind.

I don't give a flying fuck if my nurse cares about me lmao. I only care if they're doing their job when I need them. they don't have to CARE about me personally to do their job correctly. this ridiculous expectation obviously stems from the fact that most nurses have been/are women historically. women don't have to care about you even when it's their job to provide care. I'm sorry you didn't get a hug from mummy but it's not your nurse's job to love you

some of you are literally too dense and gleefully malicious to be alive

this post isn't about the nurse not hugging you or not being your mommy or anti-feminism (doesn't even mention gender), it's about having a modicum of respect for your fellow human beings instead of being a literal psychopath


There’s all kinds of examples of Medical abuse perpetrated by nurses, too many to list (I’m talking real abuse not “they didn’t treat me like their own infant baby” ) and I don’t think it would change y’all’s minds anyway but lmao at the comparison of service workers with people who’s job (that they get payed more for, went to more school for and has a bigger responsibility) is to care for people’s health. Saving people’s lives vs serving people a meal or a coffee at Starbucks are two vastly separate things.

And this applies to doctors too. It has nothing to do with sexism. Maybe for a small minority but most people have had a run in with a bad nurse, either themselves or their family. Male nurses suck too.

I’ve met some incredible nurses but the very reason they seemed incredible to me was because they treated myself and my sick family members like human beings, which should be a prerequisite for healthcare service.

There are people who cannot comprehend that there isn't some dichotomy of that has two states of "unbreakable love" or "utter apathy". And frankly, those people are almost certainly the kind of people this post is about, because they lack any sort of truly human connection. Far too many these days see all contact as some form of transaction, and it's incredibly telling just how sad these people must be for having such a severe lack of emotional depth. There is so much more between apathy and adoration that these people cannot comprehend, and it's sad.


I for one admire their professionalism. They have better work ethics than me


Lol love ppl who whine about someone performing their job well without getting emotionally devastated/burned out, and calling them a psychopath WHILST wishing to see them suffering/burned alive and acting like that equals some kind of moral high ground 😆😭. Some people just exist w zero self awareness and it’s hilarious 🤪🥴

The outrage is confusing. So far as we’re told, this nurse is doing her job wonderfully, when she’s on the clock.

When she’s off the clock, does it matter if she compartmentalises it all away? Isn’t that healthier for her longevity in the profession? So strange. This isn’t psychopathy, this is literally professional distance. She isn’t ignoring anyone’s needs/desires and so on while on the job. She’s just leaving it at the job, and not letting it eat at her. good for her. That’s better work ethics than many can manage in a job where you have to deal with people.


Hey listen. As a disabled person with diagnosed hyperempathy who has suffered medical abuse and gaslighting for 15 years, I love this person. I would give my right arm to be given the care I need and nothing more. Also, I fucking love psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and all low empathy people in crisis professions and care work, because they're the people who're cool and clam and steady and amazing at their jobs with the lowest likelihood of burnout.

Kindness is what you do. What you say. Not your goddamn fucking feelings and intentions. It's about how you treated the other person. Treat. That's a goddamn verb.

You are not entitled to people's thoughts and feelings and needs and desires. You are entitled to care, ethical behaviour and basic respect. Workers, all workers, only owe you to fulfill their obligations to the best of their ability. That's it.

I would take a hundred psychopaths and sociopaths and narcissists, who have been among some of the best and kindest people I know, over you ableist, bigoted, ignorant assholes who treat mental disorders like the receptacle of all human evil and feel entitled to people's interiority.

You like empathy? That's ironic. Because you have none, and are still worse humans than any neurodivergent.

Anonymous asked:

What would your reaction be to a pilot program confining male comedians to safe asylums until they prove they are safe to interact with women and kids? Ideally they would be able to perform under guard and psychiatric supervision, and after a period of years a panel of social workers, doctors and women from the community would assess their compatibility with society at large.

Which males are those? Black? Brown? Indigenous? Undocumented immigrant? Muslim? Disabled? Mentally ill and neurodivergent? Queer? Trans men? Unhoused and poor? All of those men already get arbitrarily thrown in what you euphemistically call "safe asylums" because their very existence is seen as dangerous to women and children. It's why I'm a prison abolitionist. And now you want to add the crime of making bad jokes?

See where it says "Radfems DNI" on my bio? That means clowns like you who send me asks like this. Even if you meant it as a joke, this entire premise is grossly ableist, and pathologizing half the human population frankly unhinged. Take your white female victim complex and GTFO.


I recommend watching all of this I cannot believe that this man has a career given how goddamn ugly and untalented he is anyways all descendants of slave owners need to pay the fuck up (credit: @/kuhdeejuh_)

Yeah well I’m for calling descendants from slave owners and also ableists ugly make your own fucking post


Associating bigotry with physical appearance is ableist. I could not give less of a fuck about Cumber-whatsits, I'm saying that trying to make out that crimes against humanity, bigotry and privilege have anything to do with a person's appearance is violent across the board, especially to people with physical differences. How many posts have you seen saying shit like "she looks so good because she's unproblematic, and this other person is ugly because they're a bigot"? You're not dunking on bigots and racists, you're taking a shit on anyone that gets called ugly or sees themselves as ugly, including other autistic people. That's why we don't take cheap shots like that, even at assholes sitting on blood money.

And Jesus Christ it was one fucking tag dude.


subreddit for guys who get pregnant and try to stay pregnant with the same baby for as long as possible and they have flairs for how many years its been


i found a forum once full of women who were absolutely convinced they were pregnant but all of them thought they had been pregnant for many years. they were complaining about how doctors though they were crazy etc. i really wish i could remember what they called themselves so i could look them up again

found em

just to be clear this is not a real condition, it is a form of somatic illness/psychosis that is tied into the weird stuff bodies and brains do around pregnancy real or imagined. the term "cryptic pregnancy" is a real medical term that does NOT refer to the people the screenshot above describes, but means when someone doesnt know they are pregnant until quite far along in the pregnancy, ("I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"). the people with "cryptic pregnancy" psychosis believe they have a "slow growing fetus" that will take many years to mature. sometimes they actually get pregnant for real at some point and then give birth and have their delusions confirmed, but i think most of them probably just stay mentally ill for years or maybe some of them eventually recover.

they post ultrasounds of their empty uteruses and then tell each other they can see the fetus, they have a whole little culture of reinforcing each other's "faith" (a lot of this is evangelical flaovred).


reminds me of these posts


As of this writing, Goncharov has been added and removed from the Martin Scorsese filmography Wikipedia page 7 times.


Y'all also need to understand that Goncharov is a simulation of a public disinformation campaign. People aren't harmed not because it's "just a movie" but because we let each other know that it's fake. It's what makes the gaslighting non-malevolent. If we learn nothing else from this, let it be:

1. Never trust images

2. Always look for primary sources and follow citations and cross-reference, never accept things from exerpts, secondhand sources or just because you hear the same thing over and over

3. Be desperately grateful that free collaborative databases like Wikipedia, Letterboxd and IMDB are staunchly defending their integrity no matter what. If we stop being able to trust any of them for any reason, no matter how small, a key if rudimentary verification tool gets compromised and a knowledge community destabilised. If we can't trust the small stuff, we can't trust the big stuff.

Not being able to rely on the protection of community ethics is how we devolve from a mutually co-operative community into a pit of voles out to eat each other.


Edit 1: Someone pointed out that "non-malevolent gaslighting" is a contradiction in terms. But what we're doing isn't harmless and as you can see it's easily veering towards disinformation and abuse. It always had that potential. So a better term would be "harm-reduced gaslighting". The willingness to bring others in on the joke, tagging unreality and regular reality-affirmation and legitmate databases defending their integrity are all harm reduction mechanism essential to keep this from going from an intra-community meme to malicious disinformation and abuse of neurodivergent people.

Edit 2: "Misinformation" is merely wrong or inaccurate information. "Disinformation" is conspiracies, hoaxes, phishing, media manipulation, propaganda. Disinformation is deliberate manipulation of info to serve someone's agenda. This is why there are Disinformation experts and entities both local and international to help fight it. The two terms aren't interchangeable.

Edit 3: Turns out I've been misled about voles. They're just as harmless and social as other rodents, and smaller and shier too. Idk why FF.net was called Pit of Voles in the 2000s then. 😂😂 I always associate the the term with blood and teeth. Sincere apologies for the vole slander.


A) way to get called out on misusing and trivializing the term "gaslighting" and doubling down on it

B) Is it a dick move to go too far on a joke? Absolutely. But it's not abuse of neurodivergent people, for fuck's sake

Just gotta cram in all the buzzwords you can manage. Like stuffing spam in a tube

Almost every word of this post is hilarious in some way. I've already wasted too much of my time, but special shoutout to "Goncharov is a simulation of a public disinformation campaign" and "staunchly defending their integrity"

It's a joke. A meme. A goof.

TL;DR It's not that deep.

I'm not going to set you little shitstains on OP just because the very thought of taking some accountability is sending you into tantrums. I get that the fact that you are not the arbiter of other people's realities is hard for your toddler minds to grasp. But I'm a disability advocate, and she's one of the most trusted disability advocates on this site. Believe us or don't, I don't care. Enjoy being ableist, bullying little pissbabies. ❤️


Hey remember when DC had a contest for people to draw their own art of a page showing Harley committing suicide five different ways just before National Suicide Prevention week? And one of the scenes had her dressed in chicken meat in a swamp as crocodile bait and another had her hugging an electrical tower in a thunderstorm? And people got mad that she was hypersexualized in the one where she was naked in the bathtub about to drop a bunch of electrical appliances on herself? And all the psych professionals in the US had to be like "please don't fetishize suicide"? And then DC cancelled it and said oh sorry, we should have specified she was only suicide ideating in a dream, and randomly replaced the naked bathtub suicide panel with Harley riding a space rocket? Like, that happened right?


I feel like she maybe shouldn't have used the 'schizophrenic' line 👀

I would like to think that both Dr. King and, by extension, the speaker, were using the alternative, literary sense of the word rather than making direct reference to the mental disorder. That doesn't change how it comes off (especially in the modern day), but the intention was certainly not to use schizophrenia as an offhanded and incongruous comparison.

The literary sense doesn't exist separately from the clinical one. Using clinical terms as casual descriptions is stigmatising and ableist (e.g: narcissistic, bipolar, ocd). The only exceptions to this I've found is "histrionic", which doesn't involve the PD, and "white sociopathy", which isn't considered an ableist term to use in race discourse. I think OP could have been a bit more sensitive. Ableism is a real problem among every other form of advocacy and activism. Oh well.


reading a paper on quality of life among 45-to-70-year-olds with Down syndrome:

“Individuals expressed a desire to be allowed to go to bed when they wanted to.”




I lived in a room and board that failed the burrito test. (”If you’re not allowed to get up in the middle of the night to microwave a burrito, you live in an institution.”) No one stopped me from going to bed, but they did tell me I had to have my lights out by 10, and that I had to be out of the house by 10 the next morning. When I complained to my outpatient program that I needed more help than I was getting, they threatened me with board and care, where my cell phone would be taken away and I would lose contact with the outside world. My case manager sounded so damn smug, like he had caught me out, when he said, “if you’re really as helpless as you say, then you need to be in a board and care.” Like my only options were struggling to do things I couldn’t do, or surrendering my life to an institution.

When I tried to talk about these things with other people, they always rationalized it away. (I told my dad once that my caseworker was reading my e-mails as I wrote them, demonstrating extreme disrespect for my privacy, and he said, “Well, she’s probably making sure you don’t use the internet to goof off.” I was 22 years old.)

 People tend to mock the idea that telling an adult when to go to bed, when to eat, etc., is a human rights violation, even though they would find it outrageous and absurd if anyone came into their lives to do the same thing to them.

And this is what people seem to think when they tell disabled activists we’re just not disabled enough to understand that some people really do need to be locked up and deprived of all autonomy.


I’m taking away mentally ill characters from people who are not mentally ill they’re not allowed to have them anymore

I just had to read about a character who had “anxiety so intense he had violent psychotic breaks” and here are some examples of what said character did while “under the influence of psychosis”

  • Ripped his own teeth out with his bare hands
  • Attacked orderlies
  • Cut another patient’s ear off

I’m done. I’m fucking done. Sir, pls go nowhere near mentally ill characters ever again and also learn how to research mental illnesses oh my fucking god

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