DISC: C/S profile, result: C/S (D), slot 34* (this is the most typical version of C/S)

SOJT type: fully differentiated Si-t (D>A dominant serves as dominant)

MBTI type most resonant: ISTP* (this is the most typical version of ISTP)

What were  you  like  in high school? 

In high school, I appeared in public performances from time to time. But they were my 15 seconds of fame. Other than those 15 seconds, I was a nobody. I was just another face in the crowd

What is your  greatest  fear? What do you  do to address it? 

I used to have fears, but I dealt with them all. Now I'm pretty fearless

Was  there a time in your life where you felt you hit  rock bottom? What was the  situation  behind  it? 

I think it was when I became famous. I like to hide in the background. When there was no background to hide in, it was terrifying. I've adjusted and got used to it, though

Where  would  you  put yourself  on the social spectrum, and why? 

Oh, my...don't even go there. People say all kinds of lies all the time. The tabloids love to say I'm extroverted. But the reality is...I'm a total introvert. I'm very shy, I don't like crowds, and I'm a loner

What are some things that really bother you? 

Crowds, for one. If I have to go to an awards ceremony, or something like that, I have to enter through a secret entrance, so I don't get mobbed. The thought of my fans mobbing me is terrifying. Then I'd say people being inconsistent or unpredictable, and people telling lies or spreading gossip. Those things will make me suspicious of them and their motives

What,  would you say, are your biggest strengths? 

I'm very consistent and predictable. You can count on me. I'm also practical, logical and efficient. I'm one to follow the rules, and play by the book

What,  would you say,  are your  biggest  weaknesses? 

I hate being emotional. I hide my feelings whenever possible. I definitely don't show them in public. People see me as cold and unemotional as a result.

When  you  switch  your  attitude between  introverted  and  extroverted,  or vise versa,  what are  you  like?

When I'm more extroverted, I'm more willing to try new things, rather than just be conventional, like I usually am. I also am more open to talking about my feelings with people, but even then, I probably won't.

What was the hardest  thing  you  ever had  to  do? Why was  it  so  hard? 

It was learning how to act and sing by myself. I really shy away from the spotlight, and didn't feel comfortable in it at all at first, but I got used to it, after a time. It got to where I just imagine I'm acting or singing in a room, and I'm the only one in there. I just mentally block out the people

What are you  like  when  you're  sad? 

You will not see me sad. I do that alone and in private, just like with the rest of my feelings

How masculine/feminine  do  you  feel  in relation  to others  of your  gender? 

I feel a little more masculine than average, I'd say

Here's  4 focuses  you can have in  life: tasks, people,  objects and ideas.  Which one would  be  your  primary focus and why? Which one  would be your  secondary  focus  and why? 

Primary is objects, because I use them all the time. Second is tasks, because it gives me something to do with the objects

What do you  do to have fun? 

I actually like to get alone. That's the most fun and refreshing thing for me

What was  the  nicest thing you ever  did  for  someone,  and why did  you  do  it? 

I send money to my parents and brother, because I want them to be able to have the same kind of things that I have. I want them to be able to live comfortably, like I do. I feel like giving them money is the best and most practical way

Thanks, Ramón, for sharing with us

Additional typologies I've been able to do since:

Big 5: low on O,C,E,A,N (RCUEN)

Enneagram: 5w6, sx/sp

Additudinal Psyche: FLEV

Greek Temperament Blend: Phlegmatic/Melancholy

Psychosohpy: FLEV

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