
True Personality Typing


Having trouble typing yourself or others? You've come to the right place I use Jungian typology (SOJT) and DISC to help people find their MBTI type MBTI is too messed up

Jungian typology in a nutshell

disclaimer: today’s “MBTI” (a combination of several methods, not the original MBTI) differs both in interpretation and taxonomy than the Jungian system.


Thinking (T) = identifying differences, variances, and contrasts (not cleverness)

Feeling (F) = identifying similarities, agreements, and resemblance (not emotions)

Sensation (S) = identifying beings, matter, and presence (not simplicity)

Intuition (N) = identifying proclivity, associations, and absence (not mediumship)


Extraversion = external focus; expansion; tangible, present, apparent, earthly, instinctual, fast, automatic, responsive, adjusted.

Introversion = internal focus; selection; intangible, universal, transcendent, cerebral, detached, slow, delayed, removed.


CONSCIOUSNESS: territory of the reactive Primary (X1): the level of most differentiated essence, directs and limits the auxiliary. Auxiliary (X2): the level of the sub-conscious essence, assists and concretizes the primary.

UNCONSCIOUSNESS: territory of the impassive Tertiary (X3, or unconscious auxiliary): the level of the less differentiated essence, assists the inferior, opposite of the conscious auxiliary. Inferior (X4, or unconscious primary): the level of the least differentiated essence, the most archaic, opposite of the conscious primary.


These are the internal attitudes of the primary (and inferior) essences, they’re the hardest to identify from the outside and the easiest to confuse with each other. 

Judgment (Thinking & Feeling essences): principled angle intents; needs methods, structures, schedules to develop and express, is lost without schemes (either self-made, general, or natural) - NOT ambition or workaholism

Perception (Sensation & Intuition essences): empirical angle finds; needs autonomous, more instinctual way for experience, more productive without routines, is lost with schemes - NOT procrastination or laziness


1. E/I - location/focus of conscious essences 2. S/N - conscious Sensation or Intuition 3. T/F - conscious Thinking or Feeling 4. J/P - dimension of the primary


In short, the “functions” are dimension given essences. They’re not tangible or measurable, yet are the sources of some “mental aptness” which can be projected as attitudes (see #8) but are not equal with them. The commonly “known” properties of the functions actually belong to the letters and their combinations, the functions DON’T carry personality traits.

note: The manifestation of functions varies from person to person (”crystallization”), so only generalizations can be relied upon.

Te = external (E) difference (T) -> practical intelligence ‘determined’ is tangibly distinct, distinguishable; • the most productive in a developmental/complexity sense, and/or in scale/impact; • the best at trying/knowing/relying on what works in the physical world (physics, techniques, formulas).

Ti = internal (I) difference (T) -> critical intelligence • ’identified’ is independent from the object; • the most capable of following/setting up internal standards and practical rules/theories (which can be more or less personal); • the most skeptical/critical when others don’t seem to understand, work on, or find solutions for problems.

Fe = external (E) concordance (F) -> social intelligence • ’shared’ is tangibly common, agreed or agreeable; • the best in manners, meetings, diplomacy, and everything related to approaching, involving, organizing, and dealing with people; • varies in the hierarchical sense, among others.

Fi = internal (I) concordance (F) -> inner intelligence • ’good’ is independent from agreement; • the best at considering decisions related to personal authenticity/responsibility, from an independent and/or moral perspective;  • the most skeptical/critical of the real intentions and implications behind different choices/behaviors.

Se = external (E) presence (S) -> nature intelligence • ’present’ is tangibly real, perceptible by the senses; • the most attentive to and focused on surroundings, on the quality, state, condition, and aesthetics of objects and people; • most likely asks for present sources, proofs, tools and results, and prefer not having to rely too much on promises or “future developments”.

Si = internal (I) presence (S) -> personal history intelligence • ’useful’ is independent from the current presence; • the best at managing/instructing (former/upcoming) individual experiences, see subjects from all/varying angles and sort out the reliable regarding utility; • most likely simulate or alter/distort/fabricate reality.

Ne = external (E) absence (N) -> pattern intelligence • ’possible’ is tangibly elective, eligible, followable; • the most interested in options, novelty and advancement, on how everything can be rearranged or channeled for a different (“better”) result or what else can be done/discovered; • the most prone to take into account different kinds of ramifications, flows and trajectories, and potentialities, or to search for the advantage and try/tend to be a few steps ahead of the rest.

Ni = internal (I) absence (N) -> existential/hidden intelligence • ’true’ is independent from choice; • the best at telling universal conditions/truth, the inner and “eternal” meaning of events, working with inward impressions; • the most prone to ponder and can perceive intangible objects.

Te-Fi: action, fact vs responsibility, desirability

Ti-Fe: identity, concept vs expression, recognition

Se-Ni: presence, existence vs meaning, reason

Si-Ne: experience, perspective vs progression, possibility


EJ (Fe1/Te1) - the supervisor: overseeing; current principle; directing. EP (Se1/Ne1) - the motivator: involving; current condition; occupied. IJ (Fi1/Ti1) - the organizer: concretizing; inner principle; thoughtful. IP (Si1/Ni1) - the revealer: showing; inner condition; curious. TJ (T1) - the directive: managerial; external/internal systems, adopted processes/duties, thorough plans/instructions, efficacy, correctness; maintain order/control in self or objects (inanimate or living beings). TP (T2) - the pragmatic: inventive; improvising models/methods, resolving problems in randomness/chaos; figuring out in detail, explain; experiment/take advantage of/in crisis. FJ (F1) - the cooperative: interactive; involvement, attention, caring, training, development, guidance, encouragement, inclusive/embracing; maintain realities, stories/messages that keep people together. FP (F2) - the informative: interpretative; finding meaning of/in concepts, news or objects/behaviors, discoveries; expressions, revealing affinities, do/use things according to the tangible/potential/symbolic significance. SJ (S2) - the guardian: corrector; logistics, reliability, service, respectability, cautious, humble, focused on credentials/traditions or justice SP (S1) - the artisan: user, persuasive, daring, playful, enticing; tactics; artistic action; audacity, adaptability.  NJ (N2) - the guide: planner; strategy, ingenuity, autonomy, analysis. NP (N1) - the rebel: drifter, searcher, whimsical; freedom, discovery. NT (N1+T2/T1+N2) - the analytical: thoughtful; “to know”, “to balance”, “to theorize”; noetic; curious; challenger. NF (N1+F2/F1+N2) - the communicative: spiritual; “to be”, “to will”, “to see”; energetic; benevolent; diplomatic. ST (S1+T2/T1+S2) - the technical: materialistic; “to possess”, “to use”, “to examine”; physical; experiential. SF (S1+F2/F1+S2) - the sympathetic: intense; “to dare”, “to feel”, “to desire”; emotional; inclusive.


Judging: Primary T/F ⥃ Auxiliary S/N ⇹ Tertiary S/N ⥂ Inferior T/F Perceiving: Primary S/N ⥃ Auxiliary T/F ⇹ Tertiary T/F ⥂ Inferior S/N

➤ Extravert awareness: Primary E ⥃ Auxiliary E ⇹ Tertiary I ⥂ Inferior I

Extraverted order: - ET / EF ⥃ ES / EN ⇹ IS / IN ⥂ IT / IF - ES / EN ⥃ ET / EF ⇹ IT / IF ⥂ IS / IN

➤ Introvert awareness: Primary I ⥃ Auxiliary I ⇹ Tertiary E ⥂ Inferior E

Introverted order: - IT / IF ⥃ IS / IN ⇹ ES / EN ⥂ ET / EF - IS / IN ⥃ IT / IF ⇹ ET / EF ⥂ ES / EN


The letters display the real conscious functions and attitudes of the types.

ESTx ☞ Te-Se or Se-Te ESFx ☞ Fe-Se or Se-Fe ISTx ☞ Ti-Si or Si-Ti ISFx ☞ Fi-Si or Si-Fi ENTx ☞ Te-Ne or Ne-Te ENFx ☞ Fe-Ne or Ne-Fe INTx ☞ Ti-Ni or Ni-Ti INFx ☞ Fi-Ni or Ni-Fi

Extraverted Sensors: ESTJ: TeSeNiFi || ESTP: SeTeFiNi ESFJ: FeSeNiTi || ESFP: SeFeTiNi

Introverted Sensors: ISTJ: TiSiNeFe || ISTP: SiTiFeNe ISFJ: FiSiNeTe || ISFP: SiFiTeNe

Extraverted Intuitives: ENTJ: TeNeSiFi || ENTP: NeTeFiSi ENFJ: FeNeSiTi || ENFP: NeFeTiSi

Introverted Intuitives: INTJ: TiNiSeFe || INTP: NiTiFeSe INFJ: FiNiSeTe || INFP: NiFiTeSe


➤ The dominants: ESTJ, ENTJ, ESTP, ENTP (Te1/Te2): • accomplisher, confident, direct, strong-willed, forceful, see the big picture, blunt, accept challenges, get straight to the point

➤ The influencers: ESFJ, ENFJ, ESFP, ENFP (Fe1/Fe2): • influencing or persuading, open, relational, sociable, talkative, lively, enthusiastic, optimistic, collaborative, dislike being ignored

 The stabilizers: ISFJ, INFJ, ISFP, INFP (Fi1/Fi2):  • cooperative, sincer, dependable, gentle, accommodating, soft-hearted, don’t like to be rushed, calm manners and approach, supportive actions

 The pundits: ISTJ, INTJ, ISTP, INTP (Ti1/Ti2): • accurate, expert, competent, private, analytical, logical, independent, objective, want the details, fear being wrong

The easiest way to get a basic understanding of the types is breaking down the letters into the conscious functions and attitudes. e.g.  ISTJ: Introverted Judger with conscious (I) Thinking and Sensation • primary Ti with auxiliary Si -> critical intelligence conditioned by usefulness • attitudes: IJ (organizer), SJ (guardian), TJ (directive), ST (technical)

main sources (and kudos to): [x], [x], [x], [x]


This method is kind of using the Briggs Myers letters, but applying them to everything you will read in Psychological Types. It's essentially Jungian typology using the Briggs Myers letters instead of the Jungian letters. For example, you would call yourself an ESTJ instead of Te-s, and an ESTP instead of Se-t. But otherwise, it's essentially Jungian typology. This is a way of typing people that gets my approval 👍

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