


Where i post stupid oc stuff and other art things

Finnally stopped hating everything i draw so i drew leo and Hephaestus

This dude has only shown up three times in the entire series (Pjo + Hoo) but gods above and below he has taken over my brain.

I cannot find words to describe how he makes me feel. And i wish we got more of him.

Also i am forever going to refer to people as organic lifeforms cus of him


So i drew Medusa today and showed my family.....

Only my dad and the 11yr old knew it was Medusa

My mom:

Is it Athena? Or Cleopatra cus she had something to do with snakes?

My grandmother:

Is that Cher?

(After i told her) oh i thought it was David Bowie cus of the eyes

My grandfather:

Is that Madonna?


Finally getting back into drawing so I drew Eileen where Piper and Jason will meet her in my fanfic: In a fucking furnace in the cabin 9 workshop

When I get around to writing that part of course. I only have up to the part where Leo is hanging off a cliff at the start of lost hero written right now.

And I can't fucking wait till we get to camp in the fic


9yr old Eileen meets Tyson

Percy: Eileen this is my brother Tyson, Tyson this is Eileen shes a daughter of Hephaestus

Eileen: *squeals* ARE YOU A CYCLOPS?

Tyson: Yes?

Eileen: OH MY GODS THATS SO COOL! WHAT'S YOUR NAME? ARE YOU GOOD AT MACHINES? HOW BIG CAN YOU GET? *babbles on about everything she knows about cyclops and questions about cyclops*

Fun fact Eileen was originally going to be a self-insert till I got to work on her design and decided against it. So she like me has a huge fixation on Greek myth and when she got to camp she annoyed the fuck out of everyone with endless questions (mostly directed at Mr D and Chiron) and info dumps about gods and myths.


Personally, I don't really like Frank

During Son of Neptune, I was okay with him

But during Mark of Athena I disliked him cus of his treatment of Leo (who I love) specifically these moments:

Leo: *asks a genuine question*

Frank: How fucking dare you

Like seriously it was a fucking question calm your tits, Frank. Also, why did Hazel look at Leo like that? He just asked a question.

With friends like these, I would care more about the ship than them. Also if I saw something I worked on for two (I think?) months burned I would ask if it was okay too.

Geeze, no wonder Leo thought Frank would purposely drop him, he's been a jerk all quest.


Welp finally posted her, this is Hetty Morningstar (Short for Hecate after the greek goddess)

Daughter of Lilith and Lucifer, Hetty is not someone you want to make angry, as her uncle Michael and a few unlucky demons found out the hard way (will show more on what happened when she first met Michael later on) She earned the title of Nightbringer and became a part of her father's army in her late teens. She's cold to anyone that she isn't close with.

Im not sure how old she'll be in the story I keep going back in forth between her being a toddler that will be around in the few scenes Luci will be in or a teen\young adult that was sent to 'deal' with 'the fallen who avoided hell' (Haven)

I'll also explain the half-snake thing too later on


I got bored while waiting for my art tablet to charge so i drew a couple of ocs

You guys already know Haven

Alice (was named after the character from Detroit: become human) is a cyborg little girl she doesn't really have a back story yet, shes just an oc i drew when i was bored and i gave her a redesign

Ellie is an oc from an old story I wrote years ago about an old witch that turned little girls into dolls for her collection, she was the main character ( I think I still have the copybook I wrote it in)

Vicky is kinda a bounty hunter and an outlaw? I keep flipping between the two. I don't really wanna say much about her cus I have to explain a bunch of other ocs to make it make sense

Azar is a minor Fire god for a fantasy world I'm working on not gonna say anything else about him cus I'm going to post more about him later on.

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