
Virtuous : The White Hat Organization

@virtuouswhitehatorganization / virtuouswhitehatorganization.tumblr.com

We Are To Heroes What BHO Is To Villains: Villainous Ask/RPG Side Blog  (It's run by the same mun as @onepiecesmosthated,  @jojosbizarreocblog , @almacambiondaughterofsaleos, @childrengheirstotheearth, @welcomehomenewneighborsocblog, @vasilisasdressshop, @landoftheocsmegablogformyocs, @shugcatdigitalcircusocblog , @pepperpackfugitivecook, @merrianicsunleashedluocblog, @outandloud, and @bottlepiecemuses)

I Realized Why It Took Her So Long To Produce This Formula (Besides It Really Being Flug's Work)

I realized that probably none of these scientists specialize in chemistry and she just assumed that because they were smart they could do anything sciency.

"Cecilia was never very apt at evil science, I remember asking her several times why she was taking that class, but she would just tell me that she wanted to be able to develop something special that would make the world see that she was special too. Somehow she managed to inspire me and that’s when I started to personally teach her everything I knew about evil science.
I remember it was hard to get her to concentrate, she was a very lazy student and easily angered when things didn’t go right the first time, but after a lot of effort I taught her enough so that she could become the second best in the class.”

The biggest thing with Miss Heed is that she was never really suited for evil science and only cared she could make something to put her on the map, so as a result she doesn't understand that scientists don't specialize in everything they often have a field they are in. She basically is working off her old high school evil class as a basis and as a result as a flawed view of what a scientist does.

The biggest thing with Penumbra is that she mostly focuses on inventions with dabbling in different fields that have to do with machinery. However, when it comes to chemistry she never really focus on it unless she probably had to. So her being made to do more complex work with chemistry would probably be out of her field, unless she could focus on making the machines to make the formula. Even though we don't know what the other scientists focused on, I have a feeling as well this project was out of their field and as a result couldn't make it immediatly like Miss Heed wanted to.

I also think why she got the wrong impression about evil science is because of Flug. I think she thought he was a talented omnidisciplinary scientist everyone else would be. She probably got frustrated when she wasn't producing any results and said something like" Why can't they do what my Dr. Fluggie can?". So yeah, I totally think it took her so long is because she grabbed any scientist in order make her formula, but didn't care to research what they actually specialized in. As a result she had a team that was probably just as puzzled how to make it as she.

Anonymous asked:

headcanon idea:

flug and goldheart are trapped by a perverted villain in the classic " you can leave this room until you sex" room

Flug : we have to way out of stupid trap!

GoldHeart: right of course * inside goldheart head * THANK YOU GOD! THIS IS BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!

And of course right before they get busy the other gold members break them out.

Made a fanfic inspired by your post. 😆

Summary: After Miss Heed was released from rehab, she was supposed to do her best to get back on The Golden Rule and GoldHeart's good side... and of course she does the opposite.

Green Rod's Nightmare- G-Lo Turns Out To Be A Pos Like Miss Heed

[Green Rod is walking around in her hero get up when she sees G-Lo seemingly by herself in the streets of Rutherford Springs/Atom City and is happy to go greet her.]

Green Rod: G-Lo it's so nice to see you-

[G-Lo then cuts her off.]

G-Lo: Don't act so buddy with me, green buns. We're not here to be friends but to become big named heroes.

[Green Rod is shocked and caught off guard.]

Green Rod: Wait? What? Why are you talking like that G-

[She cut her off again.]

G-Lo: It was nice using you to kill time, but now that I am Heed's sidekick I have better people to hang with.

[Green Rod had a devastated look on her face as Miss Heed appeared alongside G-Lo smiling deviously as she patted the jello hero in training on the back.]

Green Rod was on the verge of crying: G-G-Lo, please, I know this isn't the real you. You are kind, selfless, caring, compassionate, -

[G-Lo rolled her eyes as Miss Heed snickered and they turned her back on her.]

G-Lo: See ya, loser.

[Green Rod fell to her knees as she cried out to her seemingly now former friend who had changed for the worse.]

Green Rod: G-Lo, no, don't go! Don't go! Dont go!

[At that moment, Green Rod woke up in a cold sweat, naked with her buns united trying to catch her breath, while looking at Coyote who was still sound asleep next to her and just as bare as she.]

She sighed as she fell back on her pillow: Note to self don't eat Lorenzo's Mississippi queen chili con carne before bed.


G-Lo Tries To Convince Miss Heed She Doesn't Have To Pretend Who She's Not

[G-Lo tries to convince Miss Heed that her past mistakes as a former student of villainy could make her more relatable.]

G-Lo: This may sound crazy, but your followers would look up to you more if they knew that you made a big mistake when you were young.

[For a minute it looks like Miss Heed takes to heart what she said but instantly rejects it.]

Miss Heed: You know what, G-Lo? You're right. That does sound crazy. Nobody wants a relatable superheroine. Followers think I'm perfect. That's why they listen to me.


Dario's 3 Biggest Fears In LIfe

  1. Parental responsibility-He's a deadbeat dad who abandoned his daughter and wife to become a PEACE agent, while in the present day still avoids his obligations to his daughter and tends to shrug them off on others or just skips spending time with her. He also has to deal with the fact he got a illegitimate son from his dalliances with his archnemesis/lover. He intends to have PEACE raise him if he ever has custody over him but he's not going to be personally bringing him up.
  2. His ex wife- Because he totally has to deal with the fact that he abandoned her and their daughter to be in PEACE. And again now she's grilling him on still being a deadbeat and gives him the stink eye for not really financially supporting them while he was an agent (and only gave half hearted gifts on special events he remembered).
  3. The guy who wants to date his daughter- More like the guy who is dating his daughter and is also the arch nemesis of his daughter's mentor. Some people deal with her daughter's falling for bad boys while others deal with them falling for a nuclear zombie villain. Also said ex-wife doesn't mind if they are dating as long as he doesn't hurt her.

A Possibly Cruel Aspect Of Miss Heed's Spell (Being Forced To Attack Your Own Loved Ones And Then Waking Up Realizing What You Have Done To Them In The Name Of Heed's Cause)

Seriously, it's already messed up they would be forced to attacked their loved ones, but also the fact that they could snap out of her spell and realize it after the fact is just as cruel. She probably wouldn't risk them attacking loved ones if she saw the effect of what happened. However, I do think if she was cruel enough and was willing to sacrifice a follower she would set them on a loved one and then come to see them wake up and cry about what they have done. But again since girl is obsessed with her followers she wouldn't want to lose even a single one even if it could be used in the name of cruelty.

I just had this imagine for my Oc and her mentor and his archnemesis/her future boyfriend. Even though she doesn't confront them at Cosmopolis, I do imagine if she did she would have to be up against her mentor. And I can imagine she would try to hold him off but she ends up being beat up by him due to his super strength and it ends up with him probably snapping out of his hypnosis after realizing he hurt his former sidekick. And this is before she and Coyote ever got into a relationship so him hurting her wouldn't do anything. If they had been in a relationship at that point he would have snapped out of it too. But I could see Omega being unbrainwashed holding him off until he sees the Heed broadcast and snaps out of it. Causing him to decide to go after Heed and Omega and Green Rod follows because they too would have a bone to pick with her.


It's Hard Not To Come Up With Ugly Implications

It's interesting they brought this detail up because of the fact that she had two buff, hot guys who were brainwashed under her control and lived with her. Yeah, you can draw so many details about why she kept the security cameras out of there.

I brought up before if this wasn't a children's show then they would outright say she did something very despicable to them while she enslaved them to her whims. And doesn't want any evidence of what she had done with them both. Or again she prefered to have her privacy as she was doing the deed with them (which again makes my skin crawl thinking of it.)

And given how both they reacted after they got out of being brainwashed by her (storming with an urge to kill- Coyote; crying down in tears after she tried to brainwash him again-Omega Nuclear) I have a feeling that yeah they really are going to need a lot of help to get over this realistically if she did what she might have implied to have done.


Her Memoir Book Is Also Going To Be Made To Get Income Back (Also She Totally Has It Ghostwritten)

I imagine after having to clean up everything involving the brainwashing scandal all her assets would be frozen and she doesn't have immediate income. Also her father probably has a tighter leash on her money supply. However, when the cover up comes, I do imagine she would see this as an opportunity to exploit this situation and get new money rolling but still her father would have his hands on the income.

Also she totally would have it ghost written and as a friend of mine said to me (@marvalouslynerdish) it could have Alan Ituriel and his crew being the ghostwriters forced to make it with her getting the main credit while they are downplayed. Seriously, she totally would try to take most of the credit for anything she does.


Miss Heed Tries To Brainwash Dario

[Miss Heed tries to brainwash Dario into becoming her love slave, but as it turns out the potion has no effect on him since his hatred of her is so strong it pounds any possible good feelings he could have towards her. This just causes him to get more angry and starts threatening her.]

Dario points at Miss Heed and growls:  I'm only gonna say this once. I don't like you, and if you ever - EVER - try to give me an order again, I will mess you so badly that no one will recognize your face.

[Miss Heed scared out of her mind dashes out of his office to avoid invoking his wrath further.]


Coach And Dario's Friendship

I think Dario and Coach would be close friends with one another and it goes back when he first joined PEACE and they hit it off. I also think even though he trains heroes he also did train Dario a bit in being a spy. Although I think even though they are close he wouldn't have told him about the fact he used to be married and had a daughter, due to cutting off his past life before PEACE. He and Green Rod would meet but he doesn't train her probably due to her being a sidekick and trains only superheroes but still has seen sporadically at times. I do think when Dario found out he was brainwashed by Miss Heed he wouldn't take it that well and try to get the higher ups, including Falchion to discipline her. However, he was told to stay quiet because this would be for the greater good which he believed was bs, even though he signed on other questionable stuff in the past. He just had to accept it but this did cause to grow his dislike for Miss Heed into a full blown hatred for her and he is fully immune to her formula because of it. He now secretly wishes to see her downfall.

He was happy at first she was going to rot in that rehabilitation center, but was now furious when it turns out her actions were going to be covered up. It was even worse that his friend, Coach, one of her victims had to be apart of the cover up to make her look like the victim. The whole thing would just level up his disgust for her. Again it's not his call, but gosh this woman would make him just want to find a way to overthrow Falchion and become the director himself.


Flug Tells Off Miss Heed A Genius Like Him Doesn't Need Old Half Baked Work To Succeed

[Flug tells off Miss Heed about using the unfinished, old thesis he had way back in high school to use for her own formula and realizes that she's a hack that can only steal ideas (even half finished ones from more talented people).]

Flug: I came here to tell everyone that you're a liar who stole my thesis. But now all I want to do is tell you something. I'd rather be me than you. I can always think of other ideas, Cecelia. This wasn't even one of my greatest. It might be one of my most half baked. And since you are still using it, that's a red flag. So this idea — you can have it. I don't need it. All I need is right up here.


No Interrogations To Help With The Cover Up Story

In many places in the world you don't have to have a interrogation after arresting people, which helps keep corrupt plots going because those like those who raided the rehabilitation center would give away who really sent him. Then again they wouldn't try to rat a guy they think is a fellow villain since it's goes against the villainous code. And again it would be brilliant on Porccini's planning he knows of the villainous no snitch in prison code so he has protection against being ratted out while ironically setting them all to be scrapegoats for Miss Heed to get out of her deserved punishment.


Green Rod Sees Miss Heed's True Colors For The First Time

[It takes place after the PEACE New Years Eve Party where she and Miss Heed privately talk to each other in her limo. She is working with Ms. Sensation at the time and they went to the party together. She wants to discuss about how Coyote and Omega have changed since they've "patched things up" and began working under her. Omega and Coyote are guarding them outside as they begin chatting.]

Miss Heed: So, Green Rad.

Green Rod corrected: Rod.

[Miss Heed tried to hold back her displeasure of being corrected but continued to fasly smile.]

Miss Heed: Ok, Green Rod, what did you want to discuss?" (Internal thoughts: It better be good because even if she's currently side kicking with Ms. Sensation and was Omega's sidekick it was already enough allowing someone like her into the VIP section due to her current mentor convincing me.)

Green Rod coughed as she looked at her former mentor and his archnemeses (and her crush) outsided: I was wondering about Omega and Coyote.

[Miss Heed perked up an eyebrow in curiosity about her interest in both men she secretly brainwashed to further her own image and bolster her fanbase.]

Miss Heed: What about them?

Green Rod: Well, I don't know how to properly say it but I think something's changed since they've been working with you.

[Miss Heed internally twitched but again kept her false perky self on.]

Miss Heed: You mean them getting along better. Well, that's the power of what love and understanding can do which is make enemies into besties. (Internal thoughts: This brat is too observant for her own damn good.)

[Green Rod tried to agree with her, but she then remembered her and Omega's previous fights with Coyote and even if he was supposed to have turned a new leaf this wasn't the same man who they had gotten into tussles before (who she also grew to have forbidden feelings for). The man before was proud and deviant to his core, while the current "reformed man" just seemed to do anything Heed did. The same thing with her mentor before it seemed he and Heed happily got along like best buddies, but now she saw most photos on account and it seemed like her mentor wore a frown where it had previously been a glowing smile and like Coyote just seemed to follow the pink clad heroine's every direction.]

Green Rod: I just don't know. I tried talking to them both, but it's like talking to zombies which ironically Coyote is but one of those braindead ones that have no thoughts of their own and only follow orders.

[At this point Miss Heed's patience was growing thin, but no matter what she was still going to maintain a facade while getting a point across to Green Rod.]

Miss Heed: Look you will realize that this change is for the betterment for everyone so get used to it.

[Green Rod began to pick up at Miss Heed's condescension and was a bit confused at what she was saying. The pink heroine then held up her chin by her finger as she said in a passive aggressive threatening way.]

Miss Heed: Sometimes it's best to keep out of other's business rather than butt in. Because maybe you could have the honor of joining with your mentor and Coyote if you persist in asking questions.

[Green Rod began to sweat as she absolutely knew this was a threat and whatever she did to them to make them that way she would do to her. ]

Green Rod: Well, it was nice talking to you. But I think me and Ms. Sensation should head home now.

[Miss Heed giggled deviously.]

Miss Heed: Ok, get there safe. (Internal thoughts: Yes, you better run because if you get too close to the truth again you will be one of my devoted followers.)

[Green Rod reluctantly smiled as she rushed out of the limo while the hypnotized Omega and Coyote looked on robotically as she tried as hard as she could to find Ms. Sensation and get away from Miss Heed as far as possible. Any hints of her previous admiration and crush on her evaporated as she now knew in her gut she had done something to her mentor and secret love.]


Miss Heed Is A Shoujo Bully Who Thinks She's The Heroine

Seriously, she just screams former 2000's shoujo fan who became the bully from the series but still thinks she is the heroine. Again some people like her would so have main character syndrome where the think the world is their fanfiction and everyone else are props for their story. In this case, she is in her mind the main character of a romance story with heroic elements out to get the object of her desires by any way means, even if it crosses in morally evil territories.

Also I could totally see her acting like a shoujo bully towards those she deems as beneath or have her contempt like Green Rod who first voiced how strange Coyote and Omega were acting after being with her. Also she totally is that bitch in sheep's clothing type who would so use naive fans like G-Lo to exploit.


Dario Really Hates Working With Miss Heed

[Dario and Green Rod are walking side by side in a villain's lair with the former grumbling to himself.]

Dario: I can't believe I am stuck on this mission with such a spoiled brat.

[Green Rod looks offended thinking her dad was talking about her.]

Green Rod: I was assigned with you.

Dario rolled his eye and sighed: Not you, her. (pointing to Heed who was in the background taking a selfie when they were supposed to be on the lookout for any booby traps, ambushes, or guards.)

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