
Bio of a temperamental artist

@stephenjaymorrisblog / stephenjaymorrisblog.tumblr.com

I was born in East Hollywood 1954. I was condemned to the public school in 1959. I grew up in Los Angeles California during the 60's. Had a crummy childhood. I Graguated High school in 1973. I went to night school  and worked at the garment district in the 70's. In early 80's I joined a punk band. In 1987 I married my soul mate Pamela Amodeo. In the 90's I was a stand up poet and folk singer. I also started to write manuscripts. That's all of it in a nutshell. P.S: The photo above is my childhood home. It no longer exists.View My Stats Stephen Jay Morris View My Stats

We Are All Time Travelers


Stephen Jay Morris


©Scientific Morality

When I look back, I am bemused and amused about all of the societal fads I’ve witnessed, and even participated in. I refer to those that range from “The Twist” dance fad in 1962, to “Disco” in the late 70s. Oh, let’s not forget “Glam Metal” of the 80s.

So, what about now? At the age of 68 going on 69, what do I think? How do I feel? I don’t want to use a Coprophiliac, contemporary slang term, but so far, 2023 has been a real shit show! Never mind Los Angeles Lakers’ power forward, LeBron James, recently breaking Kareem Abdul Jamar's all-time shooting record, and a bacteria-fighting vaccine on the horizon to help the nation’s honey bees. Oh, no! The focus, instead, is on how many people got shot today, or who was the latest victim of police abuse.

And then, there’s my favorite shit show: the conservative movement. The so-called Liberal news media is giving this full coverage. Wait! Wait! What?? If they are on the so-called Left, why would they do that? Because, as the old saying goes, “If it bleeds, it leads!” Translation: People love negative news AND it brings in money. Lots of it. However, this is not my topic today.

I write about “The Space-Time Continuum,” as prescribed by Dr. Albert Einstein. We live in a three-dimensional existence, however, time is part of the 4th dimension. Is there a 5th dimension? Maybe. The Folk Rock band, the Byrds, had a song called, “5th Dimension,” in 1966, and there was a singing group in the 60s called, “The 5th Dimension.”

So, what is the 5th dimension anyway? Don’t really know; go ask the late OsKar Klein. Uh, don’t do that; he’s dead. Maybe he wrote something about it. Maybe it has something to do with the Einstein’s equation, E=MC2. I always thought that the 5th dimension was a place you go to, such as when you take a hallucinogenic like LSD. But, I am not talking about that today, either.

We are all time travelers, from birth to death. We are fixed in a particular time and place. Hundreds of years from now, people will wonder what it was like living during your time. Plus, there is the ultimate question: “Why?” That’s when metaphysics comes into play. Alternatively, there is religion, which says simply that you exist to serve God. Then there is the Greek philosophy of solipsism, which means, only you exist and everybody else is an illusion. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, there is always Existentialism, which adherents conclude that “Life has no meaning and you are here merely by happenstance.” As an Agnostic, I just don’t know what is true and what isn’t true. Agnosticism is the zenith of objectivity. That’s my take.

So, what about this time travel stuff?

Can you revisit the past? Yes, you can—through hypnosis. It has been proven that one can go back in time through hypnosis. You mind is like a tape machine that never shuts off. Everything that you ever experienced is stored in your memory. Unfortunately, some people lose their memory because of diseases like Alzheimer's. That is one reason I got into the habit of writing down my past on paper; in case I develop an elderly disease like dementia.

How about venturing into the future? Maybe. It could be true that time travel has already been invented. For example, in 3023 AD, invisibility may have been created, so that right now, invisible time travelers from the future are staring at you while you sit on the toilet. Don’t be dismissive about my theories. People have reported seeing ghosts in their homes. Maybe what they saw were time travelers.

I highly doubt that I will be remembered in the future. If not, I won’t care. Not only will I be dead, but so will my ego. I would like to time travel to witness my family tree, but I am afraid to. I know that my ancestors were idiotic peasants. According to my dad, my great, great grandfather, Semore Moicheck, was a butcher in Russia who was killed by a bull while he was trying to slaughter it. So, why would I want to encounter my loser family from the past?

I am not happy living in these times. I know that the world is getting better and better, such as with the advent of technological advances and medical science breakthroughs. But—with the morons who are dragging it down with their religious and political idiocy, it’s so fucking pathetic that it makes me sick! I am convinced that there is no “good vs. evil.” It’s really about the sane vs. the insane, and the intelligent vs. the dumb.

On second thought, I prefer to be alive in the present, as opposed to the future or the past. By not seeing the future, I won’t ruin the element of surprise. And, by not experiencing the past, I will save myself from shame. I do wish, though, that I could send the present day idiots back to the Stone Age, where they belong!

So, as for me and time travel? I am happy being right where I am.

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