
Stars in Her Eyes


Look for the girl with the stars in her eyes. She looks up. She looks beyond. She looks within.

Addressing The Lack of New Chenford Metas

Hello, beautiful humans! I wanted to specifically address the amazing fellow Chenford lovers on here.

I'd anticipated having more time for REWINDS and other Metas this Summer, but it's been a tough season for my family.

There's a lot... too much to burden you with. But, if you could send vibes / prayers / thoughts / love for my kids, it'd be appreciated.

There's a lot of medical stuff going on. Some of it's super scary. And to try to pay for all this, I'm working double and triple my usual workload. But it's not enough. The bills are crushing us, even on multiple payment plans.

I'm hoping that once the school year begins and we get some answers, things will even out and I can get back to Meta-ing. In the meantime, I'm so sorry for being delinquent, and I thank you for your patience. Right now, my time's needed elsewhere.

But, oh, I can't wait to return to the fandom fun with y'all!

Be kind to one another. Be kind to yourself. And know I'm thankful for you.


Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 22

"Under Siege" AKA "Who in the Writer's Room Likes Horror?"

It's a bizarre day. If you love Chenford, then you need to know what's going on with the WGA - Writers Guild of America. They are striking for a fair wage and basic protections.

WGA members craft this ship and show we love so much, so please show solidarity for them as they fight for not only their future, but for future generations of writers.

SPOILER ALERT: If you want to remain spoiler free, I have no bloody clue why you're here. I can only assume a friend told you to check this out as a cruel joke. First off, dump that friend. Second, buckle up. It's about to get spoilery!

All good? Great! I can't wait to dive in.


Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 21

"Going Under" AKA "Going Down in the Laundry Room"

We made it home just in time for the episode, but I was too worn from the events of the day to finish last night. So, here it is, your Meta.

SPOILER ALERT: Look, I don't spoil those who want to remain unspoiled, which is why there's a cute "Read More" button. But as soon as you click that, you're on your own. You will be spoiled. Sorry, not sorry.

All squared away? It's time to dive in!


Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 20

"S.T.R." AKA "Breakin' My Heart"

After a three week break, we were treated to a Season 6 renewal, the spoiling of Family Feud. And, to my great excitement, some bloody hi-res Chenford photos for the press!

All in all.. yesterday was a good day. But, was tonight a good night?

SPOILER ALERT: I'm the girl who literally wandered through every site on a Star Trek webring to find the Michael Jonas page full of Star Trek: Voyager spoilers. So, if you're wondering if I like spoilers, the answer is yes. I will spoil everything, so reader beware.

All clear on how this works? Golden. Because, I'm ready to dive in.


Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 19

"A Hole in the World" AKA Clothes Call Back Night

Folks, when that first sneak peek came out, I dissolved into laughter in the dining room, and my husband had to momentarily question my sanity (just like every Sunday afternoon). It hit on practically every discussion point from the Chenford Twitterverse over the past few weeks.

I had to sit here and give the world's smallest round-of-applause-by-one to the team behind The Rookie for putting that out there. Genius way to get a lot covered in a short amount of time.

SPOILER ALERT: If you want a spoiler-free take on what's going on in Chenfordland, I'm sorry, you're in the wrong place. Come back when you're ready to be spoiled. Or don't come back at all! You're welcome to do as you choose.

For those about to rock, I salute you! So, let's dive in.


Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 18

"Double Trouble" AKA "The Java Trap"

Folks, we survived the hiatus! Huzzah! My life's been utter madness, per usual, but I'm so excited to dive back into the deliciousness that is Chenford with you. And, oh, what an episode this is!

SPOILER ALERT: If you don't like spoilers, please scroll on by! I'll be spoiling every detail I see, drawing parallels to the past, and generally chatting about everything that happens in this episode.

Everyone clear on how this plays out? Sensational! Let's dive in.


Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 17

"The Enemy Within" AKA Chenford Sucks at Babysitting

I've been so caught up in life (mostly great stuff) that I almost forgot it was Chenford night! Gee wiz!

But, for those following along:

  • we got an amazing deal on a car
  • we're this close to picking a roof vendor
  • I have another regular client for a few months
  • might have one more big contract coming in

See!? Good. Just busy.

SPOILER ALERT: I like spoilers very very much. If you don't, please run away. I will spoil the entirety of the episode and the whole series that has come before that if the Meta demands it.

All squared away? Awesomesauce. Let's dive in.


Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 16

"Exposed" AKA "That Bradford"

Valentine's Day is pushed a week in the universe of The Rookie, but since I'm still not sure what year we're in on the show, that's just fine by me!

SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers are like sugar for me. See, some people love sugar and hate spoilers. I'm the opposite (unless it's macarons or carrot cake). So, if you're spoiler-averse, run. I'll also be spoiling everything that came before. You've been forewarned!

Ready to see how Tim and Lucy's first Valentine's as a couple pans out? Me, too! Let's dive in.


Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 4 Eps 10 & 11

Howdy! I had a request for 11, but since I've already done 9 (and didn't want 10 hanging out by its lonesome), I thought I'd pair them together.

SPOILER ALERT: If you're new here, please know that spoilers are part of the gig. Yes, it's an unpaid, voluntary, unsanctioned gig... but I take it seriously (well, seriously enough). So, there'll be spoilers of these episodes and all the episodes before. But I try to keep my foreknowledge out of these.

If you're ready (and I know I'm ready), it's time to dive in!


Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 3 Eps 7 & 8

I had a request for Episode 8, but that would mean 7 was living in a bubble without a real anchor. So, I decided to pair these two together for a two-fer.

I also realized that by getting these two written up, I'll have finished an entire season. Huzzah!

SPOILER ALERT: Standard warning applies. Please don't click the "Keep Reading" and expect not to get spoiled. I'm going to spoil these episodes (and everything that came before) to pieces. I do try to write these without foreknowledge, just so you're aware.

Kosher? Cool. Let's dive in.


Chenford MASTER POST - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie

If you had told me I'd be doing this kind of thing on a weekly basis, again, like I did over a decade ago... I'd seriously think it impossible. No ship could grab with with an undeniable grip like that, again.

Welp, Chenford proved me a liar. Here's my Master Post of Metas for The Rookie, completely focused on Lucy Chen and Tim Bradford and their relationship.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

This post is current to date. I'll do another later in the season for the rest of the episodes so long as I'm able to keep up!

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments and for reading. Truly, the Chenford community and fandom is just lovely, and I'm honored to be a part of it. See you on the next!

The steady flow of Content on the Chenford tag means that some of my Metas have been missed!

So, I updated the Master Post for anyone who is looking for it!

As always, thank you all for reading!


Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 3 Eps 4, 5, & 6

This chunking out is very intentional on my part, much as I was with Eps 1, 2, & 3. Look, 4 and 5 show Tim and Lucy partnering up (as in a "partnership") more than I feel like they had previous to this. They had a shared mission. And with that shared mission, they developed a rapport that was shaken and tested in episode 6.

In short: This is gonna be quite the ride.

SPOILER ALERT: Standard warning that there are spoilers afoot. Yes, I know that's not what that word means. As I am the Meta writer, I reserve the right to be a bit weird at times. It's my way. But, know that I do try to write these without foreknowledge. Spoiling the eps and everything that came before is fair game, though.

If you're ready (and I'm more than ready), let's dive in.


Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 2 Ep 14

"Casualties" AKA Who Let the Dog Out!?

This one came in as a request, and it's a great one. I can't believe I hadn't gotten to it, yet! There's some really beautiful stuff in here for both Tim and Lucy, even if nothing's quite romantic for Chenford at this phase of their relationship. We are inching toward friendship, and very nearly there, in my humble opinion.

SPOILER ALERT: If you're looking for a spoiler-free place, this ain't it. I do try to write these without using foreknowledge of what happens beyond the episode, but I absolutely spoil everything in it and reference everything that came before.

You're not turning back? Awesome. Let's dive in!


Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 3 Ep 1, 2 & 3

Season 3 has a totally different rhythm for Tim and Lucy. We're in the last month or so of Tim training Lucy show-wise, and they're definitely friends at this point. We can feel the natural rhythm they've built between them.

I really wanted to string these three episodes together because they're kind of one thought springing from Lucy's post-DOD trauma. I'll get into why once we're past the "Keep Reading" barrier.

SPOILER ALERT: I'm going to spoil these episodes and possibly everything that has come before. Yes, I spend a lot of time on Chenford, but there are also specific Lucy/Tim scenes I focus on because Chenford is nothing without these two separate, beautiful characters. I do try to write without too much foreknowledge of what comes after these episodes.

Are we all clear on what to expect here? Huzzah! Time to dive in.


Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 4 Ep 14

This one might seem a little weird for me to pick out of the pile, but it really resonated with me for a few reasons that I'll get into once we dive into the Meta.

Season 4 is the era of open Tim and Lucy truly sharing in one another's lives at a level they never did before. It's needed for this episode.

So, bear with me because this is more of a "mini meta", but this episode deserves it, I think.

SPOILER ALERT: In the land of Spoilers I doth play! Merriment is to be had for those who partake of said indulgences, but for those who forsake the foreign finds, atrophy doth await. Okay, I can be a little silly because we've done this enough. Spoilers within. But I do try to write without foreknowledge of what is to come.

Everyone versed on the way this works? Excellent! I'm ready to dive in.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I'm currently re-reading some of your S5 Chenford metas along with my rewatch and wanted to ask if you could elaborate on something from the one for 5x08&5x09. When Tim says "You deserve someone who's worth the effort", you write that "they both know what he meant" and the he's putting himself out there. I think I kind of get it but I don't think I've ever fully gotten the whole meaning behind that particular line in that scene. Maybe you can shed some more light on this for me and share your thoughts if you have the time, it's been putting me on edge for days now, haha.

I appreciate all the work that must go into writing these metas, so thank you so much for sharing them with us. I very much love reading them!

OOoh, this is a fun one because there is a lot to unpack, and I've had more time to sit on it, so my view has shifted a bit from the initial write-up.

First off, thank you so much for reading and for sending this message. I appreciate it more than you know.

So, I'm just a wayward fan offering my thoughts, right? So, please take it all with a grain of salt.

I don't think that Lucy and Tim are on the same page in that scene.

Lucy is already starting to heavily question her relationship with Chris. The more Chris pushes and pushes and pushes on this house thing, the more she's recoiling.


Chenford REWIND - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 2 Ep 2

"The Night General" AKA Somebody to Lean On

This one came in as a request, and it's one that I'm really excited to do. It's fun to take a look at post-Quarantine House Tim/Lucy in more detail, especially considering Tim and Lucy's movement in Episode 1 of the season via her standing up to him and his respect of her.

SPOILER ALERT: This episode and everything that came before it are fair game. If you wish to remain un-spoiled, please don't read anymore. I do try to write these as though I'm watching them for the first time without knowledge of the future.

Everyone squared away? Then we're ready to dive in.

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