

@samdeancass / samdeancass.tumblr.com

Kayleigh, 26. Cas girl, but Sam and Dean curious! I write for Supernatural, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries and many more fandoms! Requests are Open!
Anonymous asked:

Hi!! I've seen you account recently and I was thinking maybe you could write Eli hale x reader when the reader is always so guffy and childish, like they always jump from excitement and love weird things. So reader is sick like have really bad fever and is weary weak, almost fainted because of that and Eli take kare of them and maybe lullaby them to sleep by singing them and rocking them please.

Also English isn't my mother language so please forgive me for any mistakes love you.

Feel free to ignore me if you want to byee

Hey! Your request has been written and posted, you will find it here:

I hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated :)


Knight in Shining Armour

Requested by Anonymous

Pairing: Eli Hale x fem!reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Eli, Y/N

Description: When Y/N comes down sick with the flu, Eli makes sure that he’s by her side to make her feel better.

Usually, you were happy, bubbly and full of excitement which is why you hated being sick. You were a completely different person. Eli hated seeing you sick, he wanted to do everything in his power to help you feel better and get back to your normal self, including going to the store to grab anything and everything you wanted.

You were laying on the sofa, wrapped up in a duvet and a hot water bottle, awaiting Eli’s arrival from the store. Tissues littered the floor, cough syrup and empty cups of lemon tea filled the table in front of you. Another sneeze was coming and a loud groan escaped you. You scrambled to get a tissue, catching the sneeze just in time.

“Ugh, why is it always me?” You threw your head back against the pillow, cuddling up against the hot water bottle to keep your body temperature up when the front door opened and a small smile fluttered onto your face.

“Hey princess, how you doin’“ Eli walked over to you, placing the bag of groceries down on the floor, and planted a gentle kiss over your cracked lips. “Swell, and yourself?” Eli chuckled and shook his head. “I see this flu hasn’t affected your sarcasm.” You placed one of your hands on his as he reached down into the bag, pulling out all the different treats you asked him to get. 

Your eyes lit up as he passed everything to you, a smile slowly growing on your lips. “My knight in shining armor. How did I get so lucky?” Eli leaned over and kissed your forehead before getting up and tucking himself in the duvet beside you.

You manouvered yourself so your head was leaning on his chest, your arms wrapped around him. Eli wrapped the duvet around you both, picking up the remote to put on one of your favorite movies. You felt a little better being snuggled up with Eli, him making you feel safe and cared for.  He began to hum one of your favourite songs to help keep your mind off you being sick, along with slightly rocking you. You felt your eyes begin to flutter closed as his heartbeat, along with the humming and movements, began to lull you into sleep. Eli noticed the change in your breathing and looked down, smiling when he seen your sleeping form. 

He let you sleep on him for a while, being completely content with watching you. After the movie finished Eli gently moved and carried you up the stairs, careful not to wake you. He lay you on the bed, using the comforter to cover you up. Leaning down, he kissed your cheeks and forehead, running his thumb across one of your cheeks. 

“Sleep tight, princess. I love you.”

Teen Wolf  Tags:

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