

@rainbowdoggieunicorn / rainbowdoggieunicorn.tumblr.com

26/Bisexual and Polyamorous/Furry Trash and Hot Topic Trash, She/He/They/It. I'm a Digital artist who loves to draw and wants to make Webcomics for my Main Oc or a Animation. I also have many weird fictional Crushes.

I saw this thing going around on twitter with a picture of sonic plush surrounded by amy plushies, so I had to draw it with Puppet King and many Dark Stars teehee

You get to see this one early because i can't keep my excitement contained


plushie dreadfuls are kinda fun but i don’t like their npd one a whole lot :/ not super egregious but not my favourite especially since the floppy eared ones are a lot cuter

so i decided to redesign it as one of the lop eared plushes to see how that would come out! and added some little changes of my own


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