

@mythgirlimagines / mythgirlimagines.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm Myth (she/they)! Please check out the link for my blog's rules, found on my pinned post! Follow my side @mythgirlreblogs. Icon by @oh-great-another-blog-posts!
Anonymous asked:

Finally, my other favorite V3 ship is Kiirumatsu! So, any headcanons for their VA-sharers being in a relationship? (Hifumi and Kyoko are both dating Akane, but not each other)


  1. The three of them had an arrangement, created through long discussions: while Akane was dating both Hifumi and Kyoko, Hifumi and Kyoko were not dating each other. That worked perfectly for them.
  2. Though they weren’t dating each other, having the same girlfriend also brought Kyoko and Hifumi a bit closer as classmates, though they still weren’t the absolute closest.
  3. Akane liked watching Hifumi’s process of drawing for his doujins, often commenting on her favorite details or storylines. Hifumi loves discussing those with her.
  4. Kyoko never minded working on case paperwork while Akane trained. Every so often she’d look up and catch Akane’s eye, and Akane’s smile in those moments was always radiant.
  5. The three of them didn’t really go on dates all together, which was fine with them. They even worked it out well enough that they spent about the same amount of time on dates with Akane.
Anonymous asked:

How would the DR1 boys react to their s/o crashing through the ceiling of their (the boys, not the S/O’s) dorm room?

rip s/o lol

Leon Kuwata:

  • Oh, he definitely jumped.
  • There wasn’t even a hole in the ceiling!
  • What was S/O even doing?

Chihiro Fujisaki:

  • He was very, very concerned.
  • S/O wasn’t hurt, right?
  • How did they just get up like that was normal…?

Mondo Owada:

  • Sure scared him, how sudden that was.
  • There was no way S/O could do that again.
  • How did they even do that the first time?

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

  • That shouldn’t have been possible!
  • That was not something humans could do, right?
  • He had to be sure S/O was okay, and wouldn’t do that again.

Hifumi Yamada:

  • That was like something out of an anime.
  • He had to admit, he was kind of impressed.
  • How did they do that?

Makoto Naegi:

  • That…was something that would happen to him.
  • He just made sure S/O was alright.
  • What could they do to stop that from happening again?

Byakuya Togami:

  • He would like to say he was relatively unphased.
  • After all, he’d seen…stranger things.
  • Whether or not that was the truth was none of anyone’s business.

Yasuhiro Hagakure:

  • He was startled enough that he shouted. A lot.
  • How did S/O even get there?
  • At least he’d be able to laugh about it later.

Third part- Hifumi as a mall Santa

  1. Hifumi knew that kids tended to like him, since he had a good grasp on what some of them were interested in by way of anime or manga. So he gladly took a job as a mall Santa!
  2. He liked seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces when they confided in him what they wanted to receive as presents. Of course, he gave that information to their parents, too.
  3. It was one of the easiest jobs he’d ever had, since he knew how to calm down even the kids who were a bit scared. All he had to do was get them talking about something they liked.
  4. And the kids really liked it when he knew what they were talking about, since some other people in their lives might not’ve shown as much interest. He knew that feeling pretty well himself.
  5. He loved that job, and was excited to go in whenever they would have him. He was quite good at having the perfect jolly disposition any good Santa should have!

Second part- DR1 boys accidentally dropping a cake they made for S/O

Leon Kuwata:

  • Man, that took forever to make!
  • And he’d have to clean it up now, too.
  • He’d still try again. For S/O.

Chihiro Fujisaki:

  • All because he just tripped, too.
  • But he was determined to make S/O a really good cake.
  • So he’d just try again!

Mondo Owada:

  • Dammit!
  • He’d been embarrassed enough to go through and bake a cake to begin with.
  • He was beating himself up a little over dropping it.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

  • Hard work gone to waste…
  • It was no matter, though! He could just make a second cake!
  • And this time, he’d be a bit more careful.

Hifumi Yamada:

  • And the cake had been perfect, too!
  • S/O still deserved one, so he’d make another.
  • It would just take a bit longer.

Makoto Naegi:

  • That was just his luck, wasn’t it?
  • At least he still had plenty of ingredients.
  • He’d try again, no matter how long it took.

Byakuya Togami:

  • Surely he wasn’t as clumsy as that made him seem.
  • That he made a cake for S/O at all…
  • They wouldn’t be able to tell if he made another.

Yasuhiro Hagakure:

  • No! He worked so hard on that!
  • All of that work down the drain…
  • He had to make it again for them, he just had to!
Anonymous asked:

Ultimate Veterinarian Hifumi?

this one feels familiar

  1. Hifumi went to every veterinary appointment for his pets when he was little, and always had questions about how everything worked. It was clear his curiosity would develop more into what he wanted to do.
  2. He mostly specialized in working with pets instead of other animals, though he did have some general knowledge for other animals as well. That was just part of helping any animal feel better.
  3. Of course, since he knew a lot about animals, he tended to know how to best take care of them in the more general senses, as well. His classmates occasionally came to him with some question that he was happy to answer.
  4. Hifumi tended to spend most of his time studying or working, since there was no break for him to go to Hope’s Peak when he’d already been to veterinary school. Though, his classmates were quite nice.
  5. Being able to help animals in whatever way he could always felt nice, though he understood there were harder parts of the job as well. He knew he could deal with those parts.
Anonymous asked:

Next one of the talent swap!

Ultimate Tennis pro Hifumi, Ultimate Fanfic Writer Teruteru and Ultimate Chef Ryoma.

Hifumi Yamada:

  • Hifumi was great at tennis!
  • He excelled in singles matches.
  • It was a great way to get to know people, in his opinion.

Teruteru Hanamura:

  • Teruteru was very well-known for all of his fanfictions.
  • He wrote for many different genres and tropes.
  • Some he preferred more than others.

Ryoma Hoshi:

  • Ryoma preferred to stay in the kitchen instead of interacting with customers.
  • He was glad they liked his food, though.
  • That was a point of pride.
Anonymous asked:

Another Talent Swap!

Ultimate Chef Hifumi, Ultimate Tennis Player Teruteru and Ultimate Fanfic Writer Ryoma!

Hifumi Yamada:

  • Hifumi and his sister used to cook a lot together.
  • He was always happy to cook good food for everyone.
  • His classmates certainly appreciated it.

Teruteru Hanamura:

  • Tennis was Teruteru’s favorite sport, by far.
  • He preferred singles, but he’d dabbled in doubles, too.
  • Whatever the case, he’d win.

Ryoma Hoshi:

  • Ryoma didn’t know how Hope’s Peak found out it was him.
  • He didn’t talk about his projects very often.
  • It was just something he preferred to keep under wraps.
Anonymous asked:

DR class of your choice has the elevator get stuck on the way to the trial. Chaos ensues

I really wanted to go with DVHS but settled on DR1 for now lol

  1. Alright, so not only were there now four people dead and a possible serial killer among them, but the elevator just shuddered to a stop on the way down to the trial room.
  2. Hiro immediately started freaking out, and Hifumi wasn’t very far behind him. Toko seemed nervous, probably just from the enclosed space and the thought of being trapped there.
  3. Kyoko, Celeste, and Byakuya were all pretty quiet, though that was to be expected. Though, with no telling how long they would be there, they were probably thinking of ways to get out of the situation.
  4. Which left Taka and Mondo and Hina, Sakura, and Makoto talking to each other about anything else that came to mind, just to distract themselves from what could be danger.
  5. It would only be a matter of time until some kind of argument broke out, probably, and they still had to solve Chihiro’s murder when everything was said and done. Why couldn’t their lives just be normal?

Sorry about the delay it took to get this out! I’m hoping I’ll have a little more time/motivation to keep writing chapters once I get home ^_^ I still have a few more chapters saved up, but there are a few plot points I want to try to hit with no idea how to hit them lol

Chapter summary: Word spreads fast in a ghost-inhabited house.

Anonymous asked:

Hi, could I have some romantic Hifumi Yamada x Tsumugi Shirogane and/or Hifumi Yamada x Ryota Mitarai headcanons please?


Honestly Hifumi and Tsumugi could be cute

  1. The two of them actually met while they were both in middle school during a con. Since they shared some interests, they exchanged contact information and talked all the way through being accepted to Hope’s Peak.
  2. A couple of their classmates didn’t know they were actually dating, though they were almost always together. It was just that they didn’t do a lot that was telling that they were a couple in front of their classmates.
  3. Tsumugi and Hifumi are the couple who do couple’s cosplays for cons together. She makes their cosplays and they spend a lot of time at Hifumi’s own stand, selling his work.
  4. When they just need something lowkey to do, they’ll put on an easy-to-watch anime and work on their respective projects in the same room. It makes for a lot of nice, quiet nights.
  5. One of Tsumugi’s favorite things is that she’s a little taller than Hifumi, giving her better advantage for kissing Hifumi’s forehead. This is also one of Hifumi’s favorite things.
Anonymous asked:

Time for the final one! The DR1 boys being tied to a train track and being saved by the lovely ladies.

Here we go!

Leon Kuwata:

  • Leon didn’t like asking a girl for help…
  • At least it was Sayaka? She probably wouldn’t hold it over him.
  • Plus it got him off the train tracks.

Chihiro Fujisaki:

  • He was so glad to see Hina there.
  • There was no way he’d be able to get out on his own.
  • No more danger from the train tracks!

Mondo Owada:

  • Of all people, he didn’t expect Mukuro to show up.
  • He didn’t want to talk about everything that had happened.
  • Though he did respect her strength in helping him out.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

  • Taka surprisingly didn’t have the strength to get out of the binds on his own.
  • He was very grateful that Sakura helped him!
  • That was a much better fate than being run over.

Hifumi Yamada:

  • He was honored that Celeste came to rescue him!
  • Though she did work slowly, likely on purpose.
  • At least he got off the train tracks at all.

Makoto Naegi:

  • He had a feeling this had to do with his luck…
  • At least Kyoko came to rescue him.
  • Though he did feel bad he had to be saved in the first place.

Byakuya Togami:

  • Junko was the last person he wanted to see.
  • He could’ve gotten out on his own.
  • He didn’t need any help from people lower than him.

Yasuhiro Hagakure:

  • He was really panicking, especially since he didn’t know how he got there.
  • …It made him a little more worried when Toko showed up to save him.
  • But at least she got him out of the situation, complaining all the way.
Anonymous asked:

How would the DR1 boys handle a Darkrai with it’s head stuck in a fence? Do they try to help it? Do they call for someone else to do it? Etc?

Lolllll I got you

Leon Kuwata:

  • Okay, so maybe he laughed a little.
  • But he helped it eventually!
  • He hoped Darkrai didn’t hear him laughing.

Chihiro Fujisaki:

  • He didn’t know what to do for a minute.
  • Since he didn’t think he was strong enough to get it out himself.
  • So he called for help and stayed with Darkrai until that help arrived.

Mondo Owada:

  • That sure was an odd sight.
  • At least it was a situation he could help with.
  • And he was happy to.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:

  • Naturally he went right to help!
  • What kind of person would he be otherwise?
  • He ensured Darkrai was uninjured before he left.

Hifumi Yamada:

  • He was kind of afraid to help for a minute.
  • But then he thought about what his favorite protagonists would do.
  • That Darkrai wouldn’t be stuck for long!

Makoto Naegi:

  • He got right to help.
  • Why wouldn’t he? It was a pokemon in need!
  • Though he was a little afraid of having nightmares afterward.

Byakuya Togami:

  • He stood there for a moment, wondering how it got there.
  • Wasn’t Darkrai supposed to be a legendary pokemon?
  • So why was it that daft?

Yasuhiro Hagakure:

  • First and foremost, he freaked out about seeing a Darkrai.
  • Of course, once he got over that, he helped it out.
  • He’d hate having his head stuck in a fence.
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