
look, I want a Meng Shi Lives AU for many reasons, but at least partially because I think if NMJ met her it would... not necessarily solve things, but I just feel like he'd struggle to hate JGY with the same veracity once he sees firsthand how much he loves his mum. and if NMJ showed Meng Shi even the tiniest ounce of respect and or basic kindness, or if Meng Shi happens to think he's a Very Nice Young Man, then...... JGY can't very well kill someone his mum likes, can he???

LXC is just happy there soaking up all them wholesome mum vibes ✌


"what if Meng Shi didn't die" is an AU concept that I ADORE, not only because I genuinely believe her presence would fix a decent amount of JGY's shit (one of JGY's most significant core motivations is Making Mama Proud, and I do think that if she'd been alive to tell him that enduring constant emotional and physical abuse from the Jins just isn't fucking worth it, he might have done things pretty differently), but also because having his own mum witness his Fall In Love/Lifelong Obsession With Every Tall Handsome Man Who's Nice To Him tendencies would be inherently hilarious

also Xichen and Meng Shi would be bffs IMMEDIATELY. this man is the ideal son in law, and he hasn't had any maternal influence in his life since he was like eight years old, so JGY is definitely gonna become the third wheel if he lets them interact for more than a couple hours dkfjlsjfklsfd

Anonymous asked:

Your hcs about the moms are so great but they also made me realize that even in happy AUs they don't really get a happy ending because the tragedy of their parents informs so much about the main characters that changing that and maintaining the original characterization would be difficult. Still to alleviate that a bit, what would their moms be like as grandmas if they had lived to see A-Fu?

you've absolutely hit the nail on the head - the trauma of parental death + being forced to grow up so early/take that parental role informs SO MUCH about the personalities and issues within in 3zun, and I think that's why I've not really explored it much even in the Happy AU.

...that said, @guqin-and-flute and I have discussed a sort of "AU of the AU" situation for the A-Fu 'verse where Meng Shi survives. she helped Meng Yao hide Xichen during the war (a whole kind of hilarious concept of its own tbh), and once JGS is well and truly out of the picture, after some strategic prodding from Yanli, Zixuan buys out her contract. ideally she would have been brought to live in Koi Tower, but the danger to her from Zixuan's mother just isn't worth it, so JGY sets her up all nice and comfortable with a little house and a good doctor and a healthy allowance nearby in Lanling city.

so in this AU yeah she gets to be a grandma and meet A-Fu!!! and it's fuckin lovely because JGY has told A-Fu quite a few bits and pieces about his zu-mu whiiiiiiilst also maybe possibly implying to him that she is dead, because A-Fu just could not possibly understand what a complicated clusterfuck of risk (in JGY's mind, at least) that relationship could wind up being, for all three of them, so it's best to avoid it completely. and then JGS is gone and Meng Shi is set up as an Educated Lady in Lanling and JGY is learning how to live without being terrified at almost every waking moment, and he realises that, OH, this is maybe a relationship that could be safely allowed now???

it's love at first sight for both of them. Meng Shi just ADORES A-Fu and A-Fu just ADORES Meng Shi and JGY is trying so fucking hard to not just burst into tears because finally someone loves his mum as much as he does!!!!! you know Meng Shi would be such an indulgent grandma when it comes to time and attention (lord knows she has spent her life listening to some of the world's most boring and awful men, she would have just infinite patience for her darling grandson), and I believe canonically she is crazy accomplished, so she definitely does a bunch of singing and music and painting with him.


happy mother's day to all who celebrate it! @guqin-and-flute and I have had a couple conversations about parents in the Modern 3zun Raise A-Fu AU and we decided that the 3zun house would would have a set of shelves that acts as a sort of informal shrine for their mums (3zun all have Complicated relationships with their fathers, and they don't know who A-Fu's bio dad is).

on the top shelf we have a photo of the Nie Mamas with little Mingjue (and imminent Huaisang), as well as a shell and two candles.

on the second shelf there is a formal photo of Mama Lan, and a rough sketch of her face drawn by Xichen, alongside a gentian flower and some incense sticks in a pot.

on the third shelf is a set of four silly photobooth-style photos of Meng Shi and Meng Yao, with a little braided bracelet hanging on the frame, and a preserved sticky note written by Meng Shi that reads "will be back at eight ❤ love you xxx :)". either side of the frame are tea lights.

on the bottom shelf is a graduation photo of A-Fu's mother. on one side of it is A-Fu's ultrasound picture in a frame, and on the other is an origami rose.

full size versions of the photos below the cut! we have a whole bunch of headcanons about the parents so feel free to hit me up if there's stuff you want to know more about :)

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