
Shine Your Light With All Your Might!


sideblog for @the-snadger for any and all things pony related. Tyler | he/him | 21
lover of all gens! G3 is especially close to my heart. | always sfw but a little PG-13
k¡nk blogs DNI or I will stomp you to death with my fucking hooves

Been a hot minute (read: a year) since I posted pony spa days! The next few I post, including this one, are special— they belong to my neighbor’s daughters, ages 7 and 9. That’s why I didn’t try to remove any of the “makeup” on Celestia. (And heck, I kept the hairband I used to secure the curlers around her neck because I figured the girls would like it as a necklace)

Since Celestia is electronic and still has some working lights, I didn’t wash her body in water like I normally do. I attempted cleaning her with rubbing alcohol, but the paint (yes, factory paint,) started coming right off! Yeesh! So instead, she got a gentle water wipedown and her hair got a very careful wash.


💙 Izzy Moonbow 📍

it’s so sad to see G5 being resold so soon. she’s got some pink marks and she was sold to me cheap by a parent, and this isn’t a unique case. I’m always seeing played-with G5s for sale :(

something tells me this gen isn’t gonna last long…


I got a big lot of ponies today & dumped em out, and Frito is OBSESSED with them????

The moment they were out of the bag he ran over, cuddled into them, and started purring full-force. He would full on nuzzle his face into them. He kept cuddling with them and then started grooming them like they were kittens!

I kept picking him up and moving him away a few times in case he started biting them, and he immediately ran back every time. Eventually I covered them with a blanket and he decided to just lay on the blanket and sleep.

Now I’m really curious. Has anyone else had instances of kitties completely obsessed with my little ponies?? I can only think of one other instance like this, and that was just with my childhood Coconut Cream (poor girl is mauled to hell and back by every cat in the household. they would track her down no matter where I hid her)


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