
one thousand lives

@gins-potter / gins-potter.tumblr.com

jess - 20s - she/her - multi-fandom hell

My love! You know I've got to get my Feysand fix in, so about about some hcs for a Feysand modern day proposal? 🥰


hello hello hello! it's taken me a couple days to get to this but it was a lot of fun and basically turned into a mini fic in bullet points! (i do have the christmas fic version of this you requested stuck in wip hell lol. expect christmas in july.)

  • Ok so for starters Rhys would be super nervous, everyone knows Feyre is going to say yes because they're so sappy and obviously in love, but it doesn't stop him from worrying!
  • In terms of how he does it, Rhys is torn between a huge grand gesture (because Feyre deserves The Most and he wants to deliver) and keeping it small and intimate (since they both have an aversion to huge parties and feyre would be a little self-conscious at the attention).
  • He also wants to avoid any unpleasant memories of her first engagement with Tamlin.
  • Eventually, he decides to keep it simple with a nice dinner at one of their favorite restaurants, followed by stargazing in a secluded spot.
  • Rhys initially plans to keep the proposal a secret so nobody in his family spills the beans, but Az finds him standing in the middle of the living room staring at the ring one day. Naturally, it isn't long before Cassian and Mor have also been roped into the secret.
  • Thanks to Mor's not-so-subtle meddling, Feyre dresses in a gorgeous navy dress that just so happens to be the same shade as Rhys's dress shirt.
  • Rhys feels like he's had the breath knocked out of his chest all throughout dinner. He can't stop staring at Feyre, caught up in her bright smile, the way her dress hugs her curves, how the lighting glints off her eyes and hair.
  • At one point, Feyre leans in, bemused.
  • "Is everything alright? You've barely touched your food," she asks.
  • Rhys shakes his head and laughs off the nerves. "I can think of something else I'd rather be eating."
  • She smacks his arm lightly with a laugh, but says, "Maybe you'll be in luck when we get home."
  • Suffice to say, Rhys makes it through the rest of dinner without making too much of a fool out of himself.
  • After they finish, Feyre is prepared to head back home, but Rhys drives elsewhere, to a park a few miles outside of town. He pulls a picnic blanket out of the car so they can sit on the ground and stargaze.
  • It's reminiscent of one of their very first dates. The sky is clear, it's a beautiful night, and they're young and in love.
  • It's impossible to say how long they're out there for, equal parts sneaking glances and sharing smiles with each other and stargazing.
  • But finally, Rhys knows it's time. He pulls Feyre to her feet. "Let's go down by the lake," he says.
  • "Won't it be a little chilly?" Feyre asks.
  • Wordlessly, Rhys shrugs off his jacket, offering it to her. Feyre takes it with a small bemused smile and lets Rhys lead her down to the glimmering lake, where the stars reflect upon the water.
  • She knows Rhys is a hopeless romantic, but can never tell exactly what tricks he has up his sleeve.
  • "I remember the first time we came here."
  • She smiles at the memory. "So do I. I hadn't gone on a date with someone who wanted to go stargazing before. You were the first person I met who loved the stars like I did."
  • He winks. "I knew there was a reason you decided to keep me around."
  • Rhys's heart is pounding out of his chest, he can feel the weight of the ring box in his pocket as he squeezes Feyre's hands. But it's now or never.
  • "Do you want to know what else I remember about that night?"
  • He gently slips his hands away from hers and drops down on one knee, pulling the black velvet box from his pocket.
  • "I remember thinking that the joy in your eyes was as bright as the stars that night. I knew right then that I wanted to spend every day trying to make you as happy as you were then."
  • Feyre's hands fly to her mouth, overcome with surprise and emotion. Rhys's own eyes grow a little damp, recalling all the steps they have taken to get here, everything they've worked for.
  • "Feyre darling, will you let me make you smile for the rest of our lives? Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
  • "Yes," Feyre mouths, at a complete loss for words before she finds her voice back. "Yes, Rhys. Yes. Of course, I will."
  • She's falling to her knees just as Rhys is rising back up, so they both catch each other and stand.
  • Rhys holds her left hand reverently, and he slides the luminous sapphire on her finger. As Feyre pulls him in for a kiss, a shower of stars begins to scintillate down from the sky. They're laughing and crying and don't ever want to let the other go.
  • Rhys never tells a soul whether or not the timing coinciding with the meteor shower was planned. But he makes good on his promise to make Feyre's eyes shine as bright as the stars with joy. And she returns the feeling every bit as much.

Feyre was the one who hunted and feyre was the one who cut up portions of the meat and dry it out for them to eat it later. Feyre was singlehandedly managing the entire household while the others didn't do jackshit and that's canon.

Nesta wouldn't cut the damn wood without being begged and pleaded to but sure go on about how she was the one who "cooked and sewed and washed their clothes " lmfaoo

For the people who say dumb shit like nesta and elain did all the work in the cabin and feyre just dumped the meat on them here, read the book 👆 They couldn't afford any spices and they didn't have anything to cook. They eat dried meat that feyre would prepare from the animal she had hunted. Hope that helps ❣️

Anonymous asked:

I totally understand Feyre did a lot and that’s the perspective SJM wanted to write at the beginning of acotar, and those things you listed are true in what Feyre did, but I’d be curious then who you thought washed dishes or did the cooking (Feyre in canon says she doesn’t know how to cook, but we know Elain does), who took care of their father? He was disabled and probably needed help with a lot, etc. Who sewed their clothing if it got tattered? Who washed the floors? Who swept? Who washed their clothes? If Feyre was out many days hunting, there were still household duties that needed to get done. Are you truly asserting that you don’t believe Nesta or Elain helped with any of that? Tbh I think this whole discussion is a failure on SJMs part because she didn’t expand on things like this so we can’t know for sure, we can only speculate. But I have a hard time believing that Nesta and Elain solely “sat on their asses” that whole time.

Papa archeron had a broken knee, he wasn't chronically ill or something. He was healthy enough to go out into the town and sell his carvings so no, he didn't need much care. Infact he was the one whom feyre would ask to bring out the knifes when cutting the meat, not nesta or elain. Nesta would literally hide his stick because she thought he was healthy enough to do something but didn't because of his own pride.

You mention washing clothes, sweeping & washing floors. All these things are important yes but who did them? Maybe the father but he was disabled, maybe nesta but she threw a hissy fit when asked to cut some wood and elain is described to be too oblivious to realize that she could get her hands dirty too. Feyre enters their home covered in blood and elain asks her"how long will it take to clean this?" It is very clear that none of them offered any kind of help to feyre. She says she learnt to prepare & harvest her kills thanks to the instructions of others. There is no way nesta or elain knew anything about hunting and cutting up meat so the "others" here is probably the father or the strangers in the village.

Don't you think washing clothes and floors in the cold would make their hands look even a little bit chapped? But Nesta's hands and nails are described to be neat and elain's skin porcelain and unscarred.

They didn't have any vegetables or spices to cook, they couldn't even afford tea. It was hot water they would drink along with the dried meat and it was feyre who would prepare that. So idk about the cooking part. We hear elain can garden in the first book but nothing was ever said about her cooking. She probably learnt baking in acowar with nuala & cerridwen (she might have developed an interest in that when they had gotten wealthy again because they couldn't afford that in the cabin).

So no, I don't believe anyone of them contributed much to the household duties without being asked or begged to because nothing in book 1 showed that. Everything, infact points towards them just sitting on their asses.

I've seen some people who actually believe that nesta was doing all the household tasks including sewing, washing and etc etc when nothing in the actual book supports that. It's all people's hcs. Sjm didn't go into every minor detail of their life in the cabin but the few things she did show us in their life in the cabin, all tell us one thing: they were all useless.

Just adding here that I don't hate Elain but I admit that she wasn't exactly a great sister to feyre in the village. The sisters are flawed and that's a part of their journey, erasing that just takes away from their growth.


"'Smile again," he whispered.

I hadn't smiled for him. Ever. Or laughed. Under the Mountain, I had never grinned, never chuckled. And afterward...

And this male before me...my friend...

For all that he had done, I had never given him either. Even when I had just...I had just painted something. On him. For him.

I'd-painted again.

So I smiled at him, broad and without restraint.

"You're exquisite," he breathed."

It wouldn't be @officialfeysandweek2023 without Starfall! Once again @the-lonelybarricade and I teamed up for this soft, romantic piece. Ksenoir did SUCH a gorgeous job- her Feysand is some of our all time favorite!

🚫do not repost without asking


First Elriel shipper, High Lady Feyre

“And I think Elain—Elain would like it, too. Though she’d probably cling to Azriel, just to have some peace and quiet. I smiled at the thought—at how handsome they would be together.”

“Why not make them mates?” I mused. “Why Lucien?”

“I’d keep that question from Lucien.”

“I’m serious.” I turned toward him and crossed my arms. “What decides it? Who decides it?”

Credit: diielliee (Instagram)

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