
don't be a fool for the devil, darling

@desertfangs / desertfangs.tumblr.com

Used to be a general tumblr fan blog but let's face it, it's mostly The Vampire Chronicles these days. Queer. Ace AF. (she/her) My Ask Box is open, just be cool.

Where did you get the idea of Sybelle becoming obsessed with a musician so Armand takes her around to watch them? Is there a story there you were thinking of?


RAINBOW! Thank you for the ask! For anyone who doesn't know, this is referring to my fic The City Never Sleeps, where Daniel and Lestat hang out in a post-canon world (and talk about Armand a lot, go figure).

So I was trying to think of a way to get Armand out of the house. Business is a good way to do that, god knows Armand has plenty of it, but I thought I'd mix it up and have him taking he kids around on some trip instead. And then I tried to think of what kind of trip it would be have to be where Daniel wouldn't necessarily want to go. He likes to travel and see things, and I'm sure they've traveled with the kids before, to Night Island at least.

Sybelle likes music and seems to have some obsessive qualities and so I thought it would be fun if she was totally enamored with some guitarist in a band to the point where she wanted to see every show he played. And Armand has the resources to basically make that happen. The dream, right? (I mean, I've definitely seen some bands a ridiculous amount of times just because I happened to be in the right place to see them a lot and would have absolutely traveled to see them more if I'd had the time and money!)

Also, given Armand's obsessive tendencies, I'm willing to bet there was a local band that he dragged Daniel to see 3 times a week for a 2 months straight or something, so it was funny to me to sort of put him in the other position, where he's indulging the obsession of someone he loves but is not necessarily as enamored with it as she is. It's her happiness that's driving it. I did try to make it clear by the end there Armand was a little weary of this Groupie Road Trip, but it wasn't easy from Daniel's POV so I don't know if that came across. I think he's happy to have to excuse to head back to TG early and maybe miss the Portland show, you know?


2. Do you have any easter eggs in your fic? I don't really but I should honestly start making an effort to add some of those in because they're really fun. The closest I've come is in Shadows and Stars I have Daniel mention to a clerk that people always misspell his last name with an "a." 😉 I don't know if that counts as an easter egg or just an inside joke but I love poking fun.

7. What character do you enjoy writing most? Why?

I really enjoy writing Daniel because he's just so fascinating to me and I love his perspective but this year I've also come to really love writing from Armand's POV. I used to be way too terrified to tackle his perspective so I never did it but I started this year with some of the Vamptemper Prompts and I really had a good time with him. I love how he thinks and I really enjoy diving into his POV. So uh... I guess the answer is usually Daniel but I'm trying to expand my writing horizons and Armand is great. And Lestat is really fun, too, particularly when he's being a Grade A Brat. (I failed this question, F-, 0 points for not just picking someone.)


And that's why Daniel, the person who impresses this on Louis despite Louis trying to show the despair, is not only an important character but has one of the strongest hearts in the whole damn coven. The true romantic.


Yes! Exactly. I almost put something in the tags about that, too, but it felt like too much for tags. But yes!

Louis, in the interview, is trying to tell a story about loss and grief and despair and hopelessness. And Daniel, who has only known about vampires for one (1) night, hears that story and realizes that vampires have such a high capacity for love and so much time in which to find it and express it.

Daniel, at that table in that room in San Francisco, knows that if Louis went to Armand right then, Armand would open up his arms to him and they could be together. If Lestat were there, they could move past their differences and find love.

It's Daniel who tells the other vampires in Prince Lestat, “Every single one of you that I’ve ever known has had this capacity, to appreciate beauty and to love.”

Maybe it's part of why Daniel and Armand connect so quickly, as even as he's scared of Armand, he knows deep down the love he's capable of.

Daniel has always been the heart of the coven, a romantic who sees the potential and possibility eternity offers, not just for knowledge and experience, but for love.


'Hey would you like to be deranged together?' is the ultimate pick up line for Daniel and Armand


Absolutely, yes. In fact, now I'm picturing it almost as an inside joke between them.

Like once, back when they first got together, maybe while Armand was in the middle of one of his horrific kitchen experiments, Daniel said something like "God, you're deranged." And Armand stopped and made that face--you know the one!--because he thought Daniel meant it and he was hurt.

And Daniel immediately saw the hurt on his face and said something like, "It's sexy as hell. How would you like to be deranged together?" And so now sometimes they say that to each other when they have a particularly weird or strange project or thing they want to do.


Louis seeing Armand (and subsequently Daniel) when they all gather in QOTD was literally the first fic I ever wrote because I couldn't find anyone who had done it. And it was good awful because I was 13 but it still haunts me that we never get that conversation.


Sooooooo clearly you gotta rewrite that now that you're grown and have some amazing author skills, right? 😉 Your Louis' voice is so strong, you'd do some great things with it.

Seriously, it haunts me too. How hard must Louis have face palmed when he saw the dingdong he'd bitten strut in, freshly turned and looking extra pretty for it? At what point on Night Island did he pull Armand aside and go "with all due respect, what the fuck" and grill him about how he not only got ahold of Daniel, but ended up so head over heels goofy for him that he made him a vampire too? Did he and Daniel ever bump into each other in the library and catch up? I need to know and I need someone else to write it because Louis as a being eludes me.


Okay, but seriously, this is one of those missing things from canon that haunts me too. I can see Louis sort of shrugging it off in Sonoma while things are happening, but after Akasha is dealt with, how did we not get a single reaction from Louis about Daniel or how he and Armand met or why he's a brand new baby vampire? Like they also took a long ass car ride to Miami?? So... there was more than enough time before they even GOT to Night Island, let alone once there. And you know Daniel would be eager AF to tell Louis all about it, too. He probably wouldn't shut up! How we did not get a single paragraph is beyond me.

But I second the Please Rewrite It @rainbowcarousels (when you have time, I know you have a lot of stuff in progress and I'm excited for all of it!!) because I know you'd do it so much justice and you're great at writing Louis and it's a fic we desperately need.


Number 3 please!


3. Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around? It depends entirely on the fic! Some I just barrel straight through. Some fics come out like I've been possessed and I cannot stop thinking about it or writing it until it's done.

But sometimes I write a little, put it aside, come back later, edit it a bit and add some more, etc. Plottier stuff tends to be the latter as I'm bad at plotting ahead, which means I have to figure it out as I go and then I get stuck. And shorter pieces are often in one go, but sometimes I get stuck on a piece of dialogue, like what a character would say in response to something, or just where to go next, and then I jump to something else for a while and come back to it later.


You wrote 3k in one day? HOLY CRAP


Uh, yes. I tend to write fast, particularly if I know where a story is going or the words are flowing.

My big struggle is figuring out where things are going and what to write. I write a lot of words that just get thrown out because they went to the wrong place or don't go anywhere at all. But I can write them pretty fast! 🤣🤣


What is a line from one of your own works you're really happy with and why?


Thank you so much for the ask, this is such a great question and I don't have a great answer! There are definitely lines I wrote at the time and thought "Oh, that's good!" but it's hard to settle on one.

First, I'm so happy with any line I've ever written that made someone laugh, that is like... achievement unlocked.

But to pick one, I'm really happy with how this line from Turning Circles turned out because I feel like it conveys so much in such a short space: "And then Daniel had left. He’d wandered around, hurt and angry, until he’d heard that Armand had gone into the sun. He went from furious frustration to utter devastation instantly, the loss creating a chasm inside him that had never fully healed, and had sent him spiraling down the path of unbridled madness."

(Technically three lines but you know. Short paragraph! It's the last line there really but the others are context lol.)

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