


[i write based on songs]
i wanna be yours

suna rintarou x reader

“Y/N, BABE!! GUESS WHAT!!” he shouted the moment he enters the room, and it is rare of him to shout about something unless he is excited about it.

“WHAT??!” you shouted back, putting down your phone because his energy radiated to you to get excited about something as well.



“I AM SLASH S R S, SUNA Y/N!” he replied.


what’s with arctic monkeys? what makes the two of you so excited to go to arctic monkeys concert?

well, that band is the reason the two of you got together.


suna’s pov

we were classmates and we lived beside each other, so we were neighbours too. this might sound creepy but I’ve been wondering what kind of songs do you listen to? you always have headphones which is your signature appearance. there was once I asked you the reason you have your headphones all the time at school during lunctime.

to block unnecessary noises. I hate loudness and I love listening to songs,” was your answer.

I guess you can’t handle atsumu’s loudness,’ I thought to myself as I know that blonde miya’s personality.

you walked away when you answered my question — which I didn’t even notice that you did. I don’t know how you caught my attention. at first, I was curious but that curiosity only took another step that I couldn’t control.

one day, your headphones was broken and you came to school with your earphones instead. somehow, someone had the audacity to cut the wires of your earphones. you didn’t show your anger but I could tell your vibe changed real quick.

perhaps fuck off might be too kind,” was your answer towards the person that ruined your earphones. I overheard it your voice that time and how I wished I could have done something for you. the only thing I did was threatening to blackmail them so they would leave you alone. yet, you told me that it would be a waste of time to pick a fight with them. well, the next day, I bought new headphones for you. I remembered I had to search up good quality headphones too.

that was also the moment, I knew which line that was from. it was from ‘do me a favour’ by arctic monkeys. the one you said to those idiots when they ruined your earphones.

it’s because I’m not much of a talkative person, and how you would ignore my presence because of your headphones on, we never really talked. we were never friends, to begin with. even though I managed to exchange our numbers but I was a coward to start a conversation. I prefer spending time with you actually instead of virtually. yet, I only observed you. this went on for months and the only thing I learned about you is that you listen to arctic monkeys.

which is also my favourite band. I even put it on while practising in the gym.

the team noticed my change and pointed it out. I was in denial but it got quite obvious when you were looking for me in the gym. I was stunned, enchanted and flustered at that moment because you didn’t have your headphones on, just to talk to me. I had to keep my cool but failed successfully when atsumu pointed out the redness on my cheeks and ears.

well, I cherished that short conversation though.

just by that, I went on spotify and made a playlist for the both of us. I sent you the link of the collaborative playlist which was a lame move.

the two of us listened to the playlist at the same time but I didn’t want to confess yet. well, I had a plan in mind, I just didn’t know when. the songs from the playlist went on — until ‘I wanna be yours’ started to play. that song had me unable to describe my own feelings. alexithymia, I must say. I was the one that added the song. I checked the collaborative playlist again and turned out you, l/n y/n added a song from arctic monkeys, ‘Baby I’m Yours.’

I was shocked, obviously. ‘SHIT- I WAS GONNA CONFESS TO YOU WITH THAT SONG, Y/N! BUT NOT THIS WAY. I WANTED TO CONFESS IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE! NOT HERE-! AAAAAAAA’ my mental was screaming and shouting as I was punching the air at the same time.

at that moment, I went to your house even though it was midnight. I came up unannounced. this is so not me. yet, there I was, standing in front of your door, knocking and rang the bell. the sound might have disturbed the neighbours but I didn’t care.

apparently, you opened the door, “can’t you at least text me first that you’re coming over especially at this time? what if I had my earphones on? I couldn’t listen to the bell, otherwise,” you said.

“yeah, I know. wait- you weren’t on your headphones?” I asked.

“mhm. I connected my phone with the speaker so I can listen to songs better. to be honest, you’re the first person for me to collaborate a playlist on spotify.”

“in that case, I’m honoured.”

“and what’s up with you? do you wanna come in?” you offered but I shook my head to decline the offer.

you can do this,’ I mentally said to myself.

secrets I have held in my heart.. are harder to hide than I thought,” I started, my voice suddenly turned out like a singsong voice when I wanted it to be a normal speaking voice. I noticed your reaction was surprised that I sang out of nowhere. “maybe I just wanna be yours.. I wanna be yours,” I added. at this point, it feels like I’m embarassing myself but it’s worth the shot to try, I supposed.

“I wanna be yours,” I affirmly said, assuring you that I truly, madly, deeply want to be yours.

you chuckled at my attempt, “baby I’m yours.. and I’ll be yours until the stars fall from the sky, yours until the rivers all run dry, in other words, until I die,” it was your turn to reply and you took the first verse in ‘Baby I’m Yours.’

I pulled you into a hug, kissed your forehead. I still can’t believe I confessed to you with a song. you got the hint and replied with a song too.

“I got the hint from the playlist so I had to add the reply to the song too,” you said and I pulled the hug away to look into your e/c eyes.

“you’re smart huh..” I muttered.

that was how the two of us finally officially together and started to learn more about each other as the time goes on.

present time

21st december 2022

“I hate waiting but for arctic monkeys, I have to!” you chimed and he only laughed. thankfully, gladly and fortunately, the two of you managed to buy the tickets online. the concert will be held at Osaka - Zepp Osaka Bayside.

“the concert will be on march 15th 2023 and you know what day that is?” he pointed it out.

“our 10th year anniversary,” you answered, decided to play the playlist that lasts for 9 years already.

“don’t shuffle play it. I want the songs to be in order.”

“because the songs are replying to each other?”

“mhm,” he answered and proceed to bury his face in your neck.

“I’m finally yours,” he muttered and finally dozed off to sleep but you could hear there was a tone of relief when he said it and you’re over the moon. you smiled to yourself and hums the melody of the songs instead.

a/n :

im jealous that arctic monkeys wont visit my country.. *sighs*

ive had this scenario in my head for quite some time and the fact that arctic monkeys announced they’re going to japan made it better.

i’d love to vibe arctic monkeys with suna tbh..


kozume kenma x reader

“HAH! beat that, kozume!” a face of frustration irked on pudding head when you scored a goal the moment time’s up. he rolled his eyes at your remark for beating him in EA Sports FIFA 2022. he played Liverpool when you played (team).

“I hate this game,” he muttered.

“sure,” you remarked, again.

kenma sighs, ‘my plan is not working,’ he thought because he does not know how to confront- confess, to you.

“oh- kozume kenma! have I mentioned how your last name is literally so cool for no reason?” you told him, out of nowhere. one thing that kenma would never tell you is that he likes how your random self telling him out of nowhere because it never fails to surprise him.

why? you wanna have it?” he blurted out, realising what he said, your e/c eyes and his eyes widened in surprise at the same time.

“smooth. say less,” you said and actually, it is enjoying to call his full name. something about his full name sounds nice? immaculate? perfect? all of it.

you know what, say it,’ kenma thought.

“I wanna be your endgame, l/n y/n.”

this person, who has a big reputation for being the ceo of his own company, stock trader, professional gamer and a youtuber, is in front of you, asking you to be his endgame.not to mention, he called your full name which means he is serious. due to his popularity, he has fans and mostly are girls. they all know his real name already anyway. you appeared on his stream a few times to play some games together such as minecraft or any horror games.

also because of your randomness, kenma used to mention how your random talks sounded like a bluff - even though he knows it’s not really.

but from what you said, about his name, it is the truth.

“you did not just make a taylor swift reference,” you stated.

“STOP RUINING THE MOMENT!” he said, his tone was irritated but it’s not like he isn’t used to this.

“well then, the answer is yes, I’ll be your endgame for you to finish the task.

and that task is to marry l/n y/n.

“WAIT- SHIT- WE ARE STILL ON LIVE-,” both of them said at the same time when they realised the chats went crazy.

a/n :

the main point of this story is to take the part :

I wanna be your endgame

I wanna be your first string

I wanna be your A-Team

I wanna be your endgame, endgame

welcome to wonderland

itadori yuuji x female reader


“huh..? where am I?” the girl with h/c haired and e/c eyes muttered lowly to herself when she woke up to a place that she had never seen in her entire life before. all she sees is people walking around but it looks like a funfair.

the ferris wheel is enormously shown that can be seen from afar. all the lights are switched on to give the brightness at the place. the girl only stood there, stunned with what is in front of her. a place that she had always wanted to go.

the board is hugely written, ‘wonderland’ and the girl could see the boy with pink hair looks like he was looking for someone. once he spotted the h/c haired girl, he approached.

“ah y/n! I’ve been waiting for you. now, welcome to wonderland! I heard they sell pastries and potions that can make you grow tall!” he chimed joyously and gave her a smile.

“are you saying that I’m short..?” y/n said, facing the pinkette boy — there is a height difference between them though. although she is still confused with what is happening around her, she decides to go on with whatever that is in front of her now.

don’t wanna waste the precious time, right?

this ‘wonderland’ really looks like a wonderland when it is known to be a funfair. there is a forests and cottages look alike when they must be the booths for the people to enjoy in. when y/n looks up, the colour of the sky is sapphire and the pinkette boy is holding her hand tightly with hers.

“let’s go for exploring or we could just go for a walk,” y/n suggested, looking at those teacups that is known to be the tea party of the ‘wonderland.’

“where should we go? we could go to that tea party, make an appearance and maybe they’ll sing us a song. our favourite song,” the pinkette suggested too. it is as if they were having a telepathy of sharing the same kind of ideas.

“you’ve read my mind, yuuji.”

after all the joys and games that they went that filled with laughter and smiles on both of their faces that they just don’t want the time to end. they even dance in the middle, underneath the stars that they don’t even care of others’ gazes on them.

suddenly, everything in ‘wonderland’ blacks out and the only thing that can be seen through the naked eyes of the couple, y/n and yuuji, were the stars decorating above. both of them went silence and everything else in the atmosphere is dead silence.

at this point I’m not even sure if this is real or a dream but it felt surreal,’ y/n thought silently in her mind.

“hey.. our favourite song.. make sure don’t let it leave your heart,” yuuji told — a reminder for the girl that he loves dearly. his sweet and soothing voice caught y/n’s attention. for now, she just wants to be with him.

“of course, my wonderland,” y/n said and gave him a smile.

‘if this was a dream, then at least I’ve got memories for when morning comes.’

as y/n woke up, everything else disappeared. how she wished it lasted longer. it was all so quick that she hates the time that always flies and never paused just for her to stay a little bit longer. yet, she smiles, a broken but soft smile that she managed to plaster on her face.

because, that is what he always do. no matter how much he is hurt in deep wound, he would still give that damn smile.

yet, a tear fell down from the edge of her eyes to her cheeks even though the smile is still there. yes, it hurts. it hurts so much.

“oh.. y/n, you’re awake,” nobara voiced out when she noticed that her friend is awake after a tiring day from the mission that she apparently passed out. when nobara noticed that y/n is crying, she went to hug her, also knowing what has happened.

“nobara.. I miss wonderland,” y/n muttered and nobara surely knows who she was referring that call to.

oh, wonderland I love..’

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