
Just some art and whatnot


Wannabe artist, constant tragedy, professional embarrassment
🇨🇦 • 20-something• she/her

Hunter: and now we add spicy stuff to our liking


Hunter: you can stop anytime now Cross

On today’s episode of: ✨Cooking with Hunter✨, we see Crosshair, the spicy hot goblin, in action, much to Hunter’s disappointment XD

I just think Crosshair is that kind of guy y’know? The guy that feels like nothing is spicy enough? Yeah you know the guy XD

Also here’s a link to my Patreon! I post my drawings there early and sometimes they’re exclusive! You’ll also get some behind the scenes from other projects! ✌️✨


I just think Crosshair would be fixed after a few hugs from his bros <3

Been feeling kinda meh in the past few days, so I decided to draw one of my favourite meow meow getting love and affection, as a way to live vicariously through him XD

I think Dave Filoni should make this happen in s2 of the Bad Batch 😌

Fallen Trooper (Crosshair painting)

I think now more than ever Crosshair needs a fucking hug, and I think we can all agree ✊😔


Cooking with Hunter ✨

Last week or so has been a little bit hard so I didn’t really get to draw anything, but I am back! And with some more Bad Batch!

I saw a few headcanons going around that Hunter would probably be the cook of the gang, and I wholeheartedly agree! He’d also totally teach Omega how to cook and bake as well 😌🍳🍰

Remember to Hug the Cook! ✨

Also here’s a link to my Patreon! I post my drawings there early and sometimes they’re exclusive! You’ll also get some behind the scenes from other projects! ✌️✨


Today, I offer you not art, but memes. Tomorrow? Who knows 😏

I don’t have any nee art to share, so instead have these memes my friend @cloudstrifeisaeboy and I made respectively XD I made them watch the Bad Batch Arc in the Clone Wars and came up with the first meme I love it so so much XD the kids are fighting and Hunter is already so done with them

Also PLS PLS PLS if you have any suggestions of what I could draw for the Bad Batch boys pls tell me I’d take any suggestions honestly I wanna draw them but have no idea what to do :’) feel free to hit me up with ideas! ✌️✨


In honour of The Mandalorian season 3 coming out, I decided to do a redraw from a piece I did a year ago (march 5th)!

It is so jarring seeing both the drawings side by side, the old one really was the beginning of my journey of drawing old men ahahah and you can really see how far I’ve come in a year!! Not only the face, but also my way of doing lineart, and the colouring too!!

It really makes me proud of myself for giving myself the space and time to learn 😌

Also I am still hoping we get to see at least one (1) keldabe kiss from them, do it Filoni don’t be a coward 👀

Taglist (thought some of you guys might still wanna be on here ahahah):

Also go find me on my Patreon! I post my drawings there early and sometimes they’re exclusive! You’ll also get some behind the scenes from other projects! ✌️✨


Smoke Break 🚬

Here’s a commission I did for @mrs-grumpysniper! Their prompt was a really nice one to work on, had a blast!

I really like the mix of the rendered pants with just the lineart for the rest, I think it has a good vibe 😎✨

Also Crosshair deserves some painted nails and some nice tatts 😌💅


This is for @wwheeljack, you are so so right Tech and Crosshair should interact more! ✨

I wholeheartedly believe Tech is Crosshair’s favourite Batcher I’m sorry but I just think they would understand each other the best

They’d be petty gossip bitches together change my mind <3


Fallen Trooper 🥀

Thanks to the absolute genius @crosshairsimp73 for the prompt, they were so so right about saying that Crosshair would make an amazing fallen angel!

It’s that time again, where the Art Demon possesses me to do a whole painting in under two hours out of absolutely nowhere! XD

I really really like this one, and am so proud of it!! ✨


I just think Crosshair would be fixed after a few hugs from his bros <3

Been feeling kinda meh in the past few days, so I decided to draw one of my favourite meow meow getting love and affection, as a way to live vicariously through him XD

I think Dave Filoni should make this happen in s2 of the Bad Batch 😌

Fallen Trooper (Crosshair painting)


fuck u Filoni, my canon now 😤

Everybody is happy, Hardcase lives and becomes besties with Wrecker <3 😌

It’s that time of the year again, my Star Wars hyperfixation is back in full force! Most likely will continue to draw more of them boys, I just love them very very much 💛✨

Thanks to @wrenkenstein for Tech’s helmet, it’s been such a big help!

Fallen Trooper (Crosshair painting)


Radiant Boi ✨

Me: I have an idea for a painting Imma do it probably next week when I have more time

Also me: *wakes up the next day and immediately gets on it and finishes it in three hours*

Me: I have the self control of a puppy

Anyways I finally did a portrait/painting after years of being terrified of doing it and I think it didn’t turn out too bad for my first one! Hope you people will like it as much as I do!


Original sketch below the cut


Heyo since a LOT of new people joined this blog, I decided to do a Meet The Artist! (the last one was two years ago yikes 😬) this time it’s in the form of #myartistinventory 😎 it’s mainly based around the Breath of the Wild’s one

Hopefully this’ll help y’all get to know me a little better! ✨ (and before you ask, yes I do in fact have a sword XD)


Boba: what is Cobb doing up there?

Din: he likes to be tall.

I got done with the drawing! I tried going for two different vibes with the colours, it’s not the best but I think it didn’t turn out half bad! 👌😎

I chose the dimensions of the drawing specifically for phone backgrounds so feel free to use them! (Also please show me if you do use them that’d be neat 👀)

Tag (just tell me if you wanna be added/deleted from the list):

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