
Grupio Event App



Event Apps That Your Attendees Will Actually Enjoy Using

Although event planning and execution is always a tough job, many big organizations are using event apps from time to time to handle the event successfully. No matter which type and size of event you are going to organize, fully customizable apps have all required features and potential to take your events to the next level. Before the rise of these apps, managing event used to be tiresome and more time-consuming. Being an organizer you can attract more attendees and keep them updated about the last minute changes. There are many apps available today from which you can choose a suitable one to take into account for your event planning. Every event app should include features such as schedule management, in-app social media, gamification, better communication, and facilitate networking. For those who are looking for an app to organize the event successfully, need to find one that encourages attendees to download and offer you better control. It is crucial for your attendees to find the right information at the right time in order to have the best event experience. Every successful event requires planning and a vision create an ordered sequence of activities for all the speakers and attendees. An event planner should be focused on giving value to the attendees. A custom-built mobile app for the event has the potential to give you better results. Once the event planner has discovered the aim, a detailed plan must be created which can be actually done better by an app. You can save your well-planned event to from poor execution with the help of an app. These days attendees expect organizers to deliver the event on time and provide require information from time to time. If you are interested in using mobile apps for event  and looking for a reliable to choose one, then you should start searching for it in advance. To evaluate better, you can create a list of some good apps, compare all features, and cost to find out an app that meets your event needs.


Get personalized mobile event apps to make your event reliable from Grupio. They have experienced experts which build elegant event apps to elevate the entire attendee experience and put your event data to work.


Build an elegant app for events and conference app? Visit Grupio. They provide you with interactive events app which is useful for the user. They provide all kinds of app development services at a pocket-friendly price. 


Build the best events app to organize your daily events with Grupio. They provide user-friendly apps for a specific purpose. You can hire their services to make events more interactive at their best rates. 


Incorporate These Essential Features in Event Apps to Maximize its Impact

Today people stick to their smartphones day and night. They are always busy in surfing, playing games, chatting and doing other things using their smartphones. And perhaps, that's the reason for the development of mobile apps for the smart devices. With the development of mobile apps, almost every industry like healthcare, food, retail, event and many more are witnessing an improved ROI  and better customer interaction. In this blog, we will discuss the new emerging trend of “event apps”.

Event apps are the effective medium which keeps attendees informed about all the latest updates about an event. Generally, an app for events is meant to be feature-rich, user-friendly and platform independent.

To have an effective event app, here is the list of must-have features that will delight attendees and result in successful organization of an event.

· Prominent branding:

A well-designed event app must have a dedicated space to expose your brand and services to the attendees. It will help you to increase the awareness about your brand which ultimately leads to increased ROI.

· Interactive maps:

Maps within your mobile event app should be fully interactive which allows your attendees to zoom in on a specific location and navigate the route easily to reach the destination on time with utmost convenience.

· Live polling and push notification:

An event app must be capable of conducting live polling and surveys. It is the most straightforward method of collecting valuable data from the attendees on real-time basis. Polling can be initiated anytime before the event, during the event that will help you to conduct the event more easily and effectively. Push notifications option is also necessary to send instant messages to the attendees to notify them with any last minute changes.

· Direct messaging capability:

Direct messaging capabilities will allow your attendees to post messages, photos, like and comment on other user's post and so on. It is an interactive feature that will help attendees to give their feedback regarding an event, facilitate deeper connections and networking even after the event.

These are the certain feature that an event app must contain. Being an event manager, if you have an event few days ahead and you are looking for building an event app for your attendees, contact Grupio. They specialize in developing effectual event app for all types of operating systems. They offer three types of services that are Grupio express, Grupio custom, and Grupio Multi-event.


Event apps give you the simplest ways of arranging event activity in less time, these applications are build by professional developers according to the type of business. You should try these apps in manner to connect your event with attendees and business partners.


The event app allows companies to provide an arrangements that spreads information to all the event’s members, which save your precious time on the planning end and needs a one-time download for attendees and partners.


Mobilize Your Conference with Mobile Event Apps


Need to list your event in Mobile? Or need a custom mobile application for your event with your own branding? If your answers are yes then you can contact providers of event applications.

Event apps can help you better manage conferences/meetings/events. Organizers can get a unique opportunity to offer attendees an interactive alternative to the program book and connect to them in a more direct way.

Lately, mobile event apps have changed the perspective of organization towards organizing events like trade shows, conferences, seminars, summits and more. By providing a seamless facility to interact with the audience, these applications have made conducting meetings and other connected events an easy affair. Let’s discuss the points why an event app is a must-have for your next event.

1. No more prints: - Many events use printed programs, but printed media can arise many challenges to event organizer. What to do with program changes? How to deal with resources? How many units to print? The answers to these questions is going paperless with an event app by which all the updates and notifications related to program are made easy and can be immediately communicated to attendees. Avoiding printing is beneficial for the budget and for the environment both.

2. Get complete program information and more: - Attendees can access and go along the full program, as well as view additional multimedia resources such as presentation slides and videos. Quickly finding a session, exhibitor stand or speaker bio can become simpler. The event venue is easy to navigate with multiple floor plan views and clear markers.

3. Keep up with attendee’s demands: - An event app enables you to adapt to the needs of your attendees. Today’s attendees want more than just to consume information and want to participate and be more involved. An event app can make this possible. It gives the means to communicate, collaborate and interact during the event, making their event experience more complete.

4. Lets participants stay connected and build a community: - An event professional can stay connected to community and engage them in ongoing discussions. Interactive sessions, news and publications are just a few of the things that you can notify to attendees, before, during and after the event. With an event app you are able to send notifications to all users at any moment.

These are some point regarding usage and advantages of event apps. A well-designed event app makes it simple for event participants to bookmark sessions, know about speakers, and take part in discussions that matter online. It’s up to you to decide if you wish to spend in an event app and garner such benefits for a long-span.

When looking for a conference app solution, you can contact Grupio to get started. Grupio is located in San Francisco Bay Area, California USA. They make Smartphone applications for event professionals or organizers that empower their events. They provide event apps for various streams like conference apps, enterprise event apps, healthcare event apps, university apps and sports league apps. For more details visit Grupio.com.


Stay in Touch With Employees & Associates- Get a Corporate Event App Developed

People who are stuck in a rut, living with the life of an overly occupied professional are well-aware about the importance of every minute. They make sure to deliver work within the explicit deadlines, actively communicate with the teammates, and stay connected with their employees and associates even when they are on a move. After all, they know work is priority! To facilitate timely communication and for better time management, working individuals rely a lot on technology- they install high-utility  apps to enjoy enhanced networking with all those who are associated with their business in one way or other. In the same fashion, certain apps, called event apps are also installed to engage attendees for some particular meeting. These mobile apps are lately getting immense popularly, as they help to keep all attendees in closed loop and to promote their participation in all event related affairs. Let us talk more about corporate event apps in this small piece of article.

If you are about to organize an important meeting or a major conference, then you should certainly think about getting corporate event apps developed to amplify the attendee experience. These smartly designed apps can mobilize any connected event in the best possible way- laced with top-notch features like pop up notifications, attendee networking & security, interactive maps, branding and more, these apps empower event organizers to make everything convenient for everyone who is about to be a part of the effort. A corporate event app will let you relish some exciting business results- you can expect useful features like quick sharing of v-cards, QR codes and in-app messaging capabilities that will help you keep your attendees for long, all for good. There are several other perks of using these mobile event apps, which you can realize by getting one developed for yourself. Either get a custom event app, or post your event on an event platform to garner the same benefits in a cost-effective way.

One source that you can trust to get powerful corporate apps, healthcare apps, tradeshow apps, and more is Grupio. To mobilize any connected event and enhance the attendee participation, Grupio develops robust, flexible and user-friendly mobile apps for all popular platforms. To get more details, visit the website Grupio.com now.


Event Apps- A Sound Investment or Just Another Buzz in the Event Industry?

Trends come and trends go- possibly, this is why we term them as trends. Development in any field contributes in making the world an even better, comfierplace to live in. Merging the deal of trends and development, we find that each technological progression creates waves, some of which last for the betterment of general mass or somespecific industry.

In the recent decades, event industry has witnessed one such sustaining buildout which is nothing else but the event apps. An event app, just like other applications have the widest utility in engaging audience for businesses throwing connected events. Be it random business meetings or some trade show where a companylaunches a complete new range of their products, building the attendee count and keeping them informed are the primary purposes served by an event app. You know, all event participants crave personalized attention, and with a mobile app event delivering this becomes a cakewalk.

With an event app (that is developed right), one can easily navigate through the event and get instant notifications to stay informed. While on one hand the presence of interactive maps makes locating a booth or point of contact easier, they also aid in bookmarking the important locations. Sponsor ads generate business and sales effortlessly, thus drastically improving the bottom line profit. Furthermore, most of the event apps are integrated with the social media channels- one can share all the happening news and buzz stories of on popular platforms likeFacebook, Twitter, Instagram and more to engage potentialparticipants and create awarenessabout the event.

All in all, event apps act as the right medium of propagating the agenda of the event and increasing its anticipation. As an app makes it possible to promote the event in the web world and beyond, several people connect with companies that offerthe finest solutions to mobilize an event. These apps help in delivering a top-notch attendee experience and can be seen as a sound investment.

In case you are verymuch interested to feature your upcoming events on Internet, you can connect with Grupio- a leading company that specializes in development of event apps. They can create a custom, feature rich event app for you, or alternatively you can feature your event on their event app to leverage the same exposure benefits in a cost-effective fashion. Their apps rightly let you power up the event and take it to the whole new level. To get more details, visit their website Grupio.com.


Make your Event more successful with Event Apps Grupio presents the one in all Event app to get all features within. Grab this event app to manage and make multiple events more successful. Visit our website to download and start managing events.


Supercharge Your Next Event with Live Engagement Marketing

In this frantic tech savvy world, the time has come where a tremendous change can be observed in the field of marketing. The evolution of live engagement marketing has impacted the event field market in a positive way. This technique has altered the relationship between the customers and the businesses.

Live engagement marketing, also known as live marketing or simply engagement marketing is trending these days. It is a marketing strategy that exclusively focuses on the consumers and involves them. These consumers are basically the faces of the brand as they play a key role in influencing the brand name.

So, are you planning to organize an event in the upcoming days? If the answer is yes, then you are all set to supercharge your upcoming event with the help of the live engagement marketing platform. These days there are variant mobile event apps that believe in following the trend of live marketing.

Let’s have a look at how these events, with the help of engagement marketing concept, impact your business.

  • Branding: Branding is a paramount aspect. Every successful business is known by its brand name. With the help of the inclining mobile event apps, the business companies are involving a lot of consumers and these consumers help in gaining the popularity of the upcoming events.Also, the event apps have certain blogs and social media links, which also play an imperative role in the branding. The mobile event apps have certain astonishing features that will change the look and feel of your event. Your company’s name, its brand and also your company’s logo is shared through these apps. So, one can imagine the amount of publicity the businessmen can gain by organizing an event.
  • More business means more clients: Like mentioned above, if your event details are shared in an organized manner with the help of consumers or with the help of the social media, then there are good chances of dealing with some of the potential clients who can easily turn into your new clients.
  • Refinement of the relations with the customers: Through this engagement platform, the customers not only get a chance to get engaged in the events but if given an opportunity of providing a relevant feedback, they actually feel proud to be associated with your brand. Their feedback will not only improve your business but will also intensify your relation with them.

Now, why is live marketing crucial for small businesses? Years ago when people launched their new businesses in the market, they used to interact with their customers because they knew that word of mouth would play a supreme role in expanding their business. The concept is still the same, but now the technology i.e., the mobile event apps are in the picture these days.

One doesn’t have to go and meet each and every person individually. Simply organize your event, showcase it in a calendar, send invites via social media and then gather at a common place.

By enjoying the perks of technology and expanding your business, you would realize how their mutual association will go a long way in impacting your business positively. This content has been taken from http://www.grupio.com/blog/supercharge-next-event-live-engagement-marketing/


Power Your Connected Event Using a Smart Mobile Application

An event, be it small or large always carry some significant value for those who are associated with it. Be it an enterprise event or an event related with healthcare, attendees always incline to know about the event status and are interested to know about the latest buzzing news reflecting why the event is happening and worth a visit.

To make this feasible, nowadays mobile marketing of events has become quite popular, for which event applications are developed to mobilize an event. An event app makes it easy for attendees to find an event, know relevant information, know about last minute reschedules and engage more into the event. Custom applications are developed for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Android, which means one can easily publicize their event without much ado and gain the valuable attention of their target audience.

Posting contents over these event apps is quite easy; users can manage their content using Content Management System and publish the same anytime. Attendees will be simply required to download the app with your branding and once done, they would be landed to your event menu page where they can browse the sections as per their liking. However, there is another smart and cost-effective way to widen the reach and impact of your event- you can use any popular platform for app event implementation.

For this, you as a user will be required to upload your event content using a user friendly CMS and then get it published using the same platform. This way, you can cut down the hassle for submitting your event app to any app store. All you need to do is to get in touch with a big name providing the best of these service and exploit its premium features while saving much of your hard-earned bucks.

So, if you are someone who finds it challenging to engage attendees for your event, then we would surely advise you to get an event app for yourself and offer them a quality user experience. Invest a bit time in aforesaid subject matter and make your event as grand as you want.

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