
Ask Mirage and Macabre!


Learn more about these Celestial Entities! (Based on fan characters of the webcomic "Housepets!" by Rick Griffin) http://www.housepetscomic.com/

Oh, Barry…

I have to admit, it feels weird to talk about him, considering just how long it’s been since we talked. You see…Baruq’s my ex-boyfriend.

He’s a good guy, not much to him that anyone could consider “offensive.” He was polite with others, nice overall, very social, pretty popular. I still remember how we met.

I had just started on doing my own training regimen, when I came across Barry at the training grounds. His was more about building strength than combat, but I was drawn to him, and he was intrigued by me. For me, it was his show of power, for him, it was the tenacity of someone smaller. We decided to teach each other our own methods. I did take to his regimen decently enough, but Barry wasn’t that great on the combat side of things. Still, we felt there was a connection between us.

Over time, it felt like things were blossoming between us. We ended up being viewed as couple goals, and most thought that there was great chemistry between us. We did legitimately have a lot of fun together. But then we began to realize, things started feeling less fun. Like, we’d rather do things on our own more often. After a while, we both reached the same conclusion; our relationship was stagnating. For a very short bit, we tried reigniting the flame between us, but the time came where we had to be honest with ourselves.

We decided it was best to call things off, before we hit a point of resenting each other. Looking back, I don’t think there was anything we could have done to save things. It didn’t help that I also came to realize that I was hiding parts of myself from him. I was still incredibly self-conscious about my Beast form, as I couldn’t control it at the time. Hard to build a proper relationship if we’re not going to reach a point of being honest with the other.

Despite ending things while it was still good, we just don’t talk anymore. While I do regret the fact that we ended up cutting things off this far, I don’t regret making the decision to do so in the first place. I don’t know where I’d be if it weren’t for Macabre.

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