
Welcome Sexual Conquest


|| iasip•multi ||
mac/rob girlie
trash twins apologist
@theimplic4tion on instagram

Just remembered Jack killed Mary what the fuck lol don’t think that one ever really sunk in before now


Just remembered that when we were 14 my best friend bought a tan trench coat and we used to dress up like Cas and Dean and do roleplay HELP wish that one had stayed in the vault ngl


It is verrryyy interesting how much more comfortable jensen is with making jokes about being gay with Misha since the show has ended. Like if you watch the cockles panels that have been since the show ended, the kinds of jokes he makes now or even going along with the ones Misha makes are the kind of things he would say just kidding or be like no not actually to during the old panels. Makes me wonder exactly what the show runners had said to him that he always seemed so paranoid about destiel being brought up or any jokes about him and misha.


My best friend has been dating a guy who’s best friend is called caspian but we all call him cas for short and it’s such a trip lol I will literally never escape this show


You know what I’m still mad about Destiel. It’s been 3 years but I’m pissed. TEN YEARS leading up to the worst payoff ever. Cas gives a vaguely subtextual i love you then just dies with no response from Dean WHAT WAS THE POINT like they did ALL that and they knew how important it was to the fandom (the only reason the show was still running) and they just completely half arsed it… fuck offff


Friendly reminder this blog is pro ship, pro fic & pro stanning problematic characters and if u spread hate to people bc of how they like to engage in fandom just bc it doesn’t align with your beliefs and thereby ruin the safe space created for outcasts I wish u a very unfollow me❤️


H O L Y T E R R O R. 9.09.

ID: A screencap repaint of Castiel in the infamous torture scene from 9x09. His face is covered in blood from multiple wounds and it drips from his chin and jaw down his neck, covering his chest. His shirt is unbottoned. There is a hazy, distorted red halo glowing behind him. requested by @mothersoldiergun

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