Peredhel & Ettelëa — Changing of the Song: Chapter on 'Welcome to Far...

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Changing of the Song: Chapter on ‘Welcome to Far Harad’ Citations

Hello, because one of my chapters on Changing of the Song has too many citations, I decided putting this here. I first put it on a google docs page but realised that’s just annoying.

NOTE: Map of Middle Earth is at the bottom

Here ya go:

Chapter 35: Welcome to Far Harad

[1] - Vincent van Gogh: A Dutch Post-Impressionist painter famous for his pieces such as Sunflowers, Cafe Terrace at Night and the Starry Night.

[2] - Bollywood: Is Hindi cinema and was formerly known as Bombay cinema. Illyria mentions it as she was exposed to them as a young kid when she used to live in Kamar-Taj.

[3] - Raj: Means ‘paradise’ in New Apysaic. The fertile region of Far Harad, located in the north part and includes The Dar, and the forests surrounding them.

[4] - The Dune Sea: What the North of Middle Earth technically call as Far Harad but is in fact called the Dune Sea to the Southerners. It is famous for its constant moving sand dunes due to the winds and is known to have a lot of nomadic tribes within them.

[5] - Far Harad: Known as Bozisha-Miraz in New Apysaic. This includes the Region of Raj, Ciryatandor, Tulwang, Bur Esmer and the Coastal cities and the Fireplains.

[6] - Bur Esmer: A city west of Bozisha-Dar and the next most populous city. Bus Esmer is the last known city before going north and the road becomes dangerous.

[7] - Deal or No Deal: A British Game Show that aired between 2005 and 2016.

[8] - Endor (Star Wars): A moon in Star Wars, known in Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

[9] - Endor: The term for Middle Earth in Quenya. The proper name is Endórë. Ennor is the Sindarin version.

[10] - Oliphaunt: Known as Mûmakil (in Haradaic) are large creatures resembling elephants used in battle by the Haradrim.

[11] - Rijesha: Means ‘River’ in New Apysaic. Runs through Raj and into the Bay of Tulwang.

[12] - Suza Rij: A lake at the source of the Rijesha, also the name of a village next to the lake.

[13] - Bozisha-Dar: Known commonly as 'The Dar’, is the the capital city of Raj meaning ‘Gift of the Goddess’ in New Apysaic

[14] - Vuki: Or Vuk for singular, are wolf/jackal-like dogs that are common in Far Harad. Used as guard dogs.

[15] - The Katedrala: The Name of the Dome-like hill in Bozisha-Dar. It comprises the seven mansions of The Dar.

[16] - Aladdin: A Disney Movie about a guy going into the desert to find a genie in a lamp. Set in the Arabian peninsula, which sets a similar culture/vibe.

[17] - Qarth: A city in the world of Game of Thrones, and just like Aladdin has that desert city vibes and is one of my inspirations on how The Dar looks like.

[18] - The Apysani: The ethnic name of the people of Far Harad, they are related to the Haradrim of the North.

[19] - The Council of Dar: A group of leaders represented by the seven most influential families of Raj. Positions are tended to pass on by their families and as always - a little corruptible.

[20] - Baklava: A layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry filled with nuts and syrup or honey.

[21] - Apysaic: (Short for New Apysaic) is the dominant language of Far Harad. It has Haradaic influences mixed with Andunaic from Numenor. I based Apysaic from Swahili.

[22] - Ube: Purple Yam, Taro, it’s a lovely delicacy that’s used in multiple foods. I personally love it in Bubble Tea, Halo-Halo (Filipino dessert) and Ube cakes.

[23] - Bozishanarod: Collective name for the People of The Dar.

[24] - Tar-Ciryatan: The 12th King of Numenor.

[25] - Ciryatandor: Once a Numenorean colony but now a crumbling kingdom that now comprises only a few towns and villages.

[26] - Tresti: A Town south of Raj, bordering the great arid plains. It is on the Great Harad Road that connects Raj and Sîrayn.

[27] - Sîrayn: The Region called Greater Harad located in the far west of Far Harad. It comprises seven cities all lying on a river.

[28] - Vatra: Sauron’s lovely name in Apysaic. It’s funny that it sounds like Varda lol.

[29] - “Asante, Bibi wa jua.”: 'Thank You, Sun Lady.’ in Swahili/New Apysaic

[30] - “Salamu”: 'Greetings’ in Swahili/New Apysaic

[31] - Nandor:

[32] - “Wachawi Wa Bluu”: 'The Blue Wizards’ in Swahili/New Apysaic

[33] - “machafuko”: 'Chaos’ in Swahili/New Apysaic

[34] - Star Wars Reference: “I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” - Anakin Skywalker.

[35] - The Corsairs of Umbar: A group of men descended from Gondor’s once proud navy. Pirates in a nutshell. They are involved during the War of the Ring.

[36] - Map of Endor/Middle Earth 

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