Impacts of Yellow Fever Immunization In New York!

The yellow fever virus causes a deadly illness, but it cannot be passed from person to person. However, mosquitoes, especially the Aedes and Haemogogus species, are responsible for spreading the virus.

Parts of Africa, South America’s tropics and subtropics, and the Caribbean are particularly hard hit by this illness. But it hardly ever happens to Americans abroad!

This lethal flu-like illness can cause high fever, jaundice, and bleeding. Jaundice causes the patient’s skin and eyes to turn yellow, which is why this sickness is known as yellow fever. Other significant symptoms include headache, backache, and chills. If a patient develops serious symptoms, he may experience organ failure and, in extreme cases, death.


In 2013, the World Health Organization produced a report estimating that there were between 84,000 severe cases of yellow fever worldwide. If the fatalities are estimated to be between 29,000 and 60 000, and over 90% of all cases occur in Africa, there has been a recent epidemic of yellow fever in Brazil, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a level 2 alert to tourists.

In this article, we’ll go over the warning signs of yellow fever, how the yellow fever immunization in New York  works, and some preventative measures you may take.

What Are The Symptoms of Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever develops quickly, so if you are infected with the virus, then you might feel mild symptoms in 3 to 6 days after exposure. The initial symptoms of the infection vary from person to person; however, yellow fever has 3 stages mainly:

Stage 1-  After being bitten by an infected mosquito, you will start getting an infection. You may suffer from headaches, muscle aches, fever, loss of appetite, flushing, vomiting, and jaundice. After 3 to 4 days, these symptoms have less impact on you. 

Stage 2- If your stage 1 symptoms go away, you can recover from yellow fever. On the other hand, some people’s condition may get worse within 24 hours. 

Stage 3- This stage can be fatal for organs. Many problems occur in organs, including the heart, liver, and kidney. Bleeding disorders, seizures, coma, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), Salivary gland infection (parotitis), Secondary bacterial infection, or shock are some other severe symptoms you might get. In some cases, complications may result in death too. 

How Do Yellow Fever Shots Work?

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 30 to 60 percent of patients die due to yellow fever after developing severe symptoms. Although there’s no cure for this disease, taking yellow fever shots in NYC helps to reduce the symptoms and protects people against yellow fever. 

Most people are protected for life with a safe and efficient yellow fever vaccine. A single dose of this vaccination weakened the virus’s form. This vaccine is given as a painless injection that boosts your immune system’s ability to develop antibodies against the virus. However, you may experience modest side effects or responses similar to those seen with other medications or immunizations.

Mild side effects typically begin soon after the yellow fever vaccine injection and can persist for up to 14 days. One in every four people who receive the vaccine suffers from moderate side effects, including fever, muscular aches, and mild joint discomfort. Aside from that, you may have discomfort, redness, or swelling at the injection site.

So, you must monitor your symptoms after receiving the yellow fever vaccine and seek emergency treatment if you develop difficulty breathing, behavioral changes, swelling of the face, tongue, or neck, dizziness, or weakness.

In some cases, many serious side effects occur after the vaccination, including a severe allergic reaction, nervous system reaction, or organ failure, which affects about 1 in 250,000. Within minutes or hours of getting the vaccine, you must consult a doctor immediately if you feel difficulty swallowing, confusion, irritability, cough, rapid heartbeat, severe headache, stiff neck, or throbbing pain in your ear. 

Tips To Prevent Yellow Fever - 

As there is currently no treatment for yellow fever, New York residents who plan to go to an infected region should consider vaccinating against the disease. Aside from it-

  • You can use mosquito repellent with DEET.
  • You must avoid being outside during the times when mosquitoes are active.
  • Always wear clothes that are treated to repel mosquitoes.
  • You can use a bed net to prevent mosquitoes from biting.

The Bottom Line!

Yellow fever is a serious disease, and getting yellow fever shots in NYC is essential since some countries will not allow a tourist to enter without a vaccination certificate.

Therefore, if you are looking for a center to get the vaccination, then the Travel Clinic of New York City is the best choice. We specialize in travel health services, including immunizations, vaccines, and other general wellness services, to ensure that you do not have to face difficulties during your vacation due to illness. 

So, dial 212-686-5835 and schedule an appointment to speak with our expert today!

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