
The Thicc Cyclops


Just a person who likes Kaiju stuff, transformers, hazbin hotel/helluva boss, and Paleontology. I mostly draw kaiju, dinosaurs, monster, and anything else I’m interested in. I also do free art requests and art trades.
Anonymous asked:

I wanted to tell you thank you for your lovely art today <3 I had a rough day at work today, and seeing the three of them having Buttercup getting ready for a date night was so wholesome! It made my day a little brighter. ^^ In terms of the designs that you chose for the Girls, as you mentioned in the other asks, Bubbles is formed from many circles. Are the other two also constructed with specific shapes more so than others? (like Buttercup made of perhaps sharper lines, edges, that kind of thing)

Oh yeah they are! Blossom is constructed out of a rectangle (sort of like Marcy_Bun627's own take on teen PPGs) and Buttercup is constructed out of two trapezoids (which can be hard to tell bcuz of her shirt overlaying it)

Also thank you so much for the kind words!


Hey, I just wanted to say - no wonder you deactivated your Twitter. The replies to your harmless adorable art piece made ME delete the app. I've been following you for a while and your art is fantastic, it follows the spirit of the original PPG very well. Also, of course teenage and beyond Bubbles is chubby - she's made of sugar 🙄


Twitter users are never beating the "going apeshit over the most insignificant things" allegations I'm cryin bro 😭😭😭😭

I was also told that someone else said I was "forcefully feminizing Buttercup" and like ??????????? bro do any of y'all actually watch this show??????????????? I've literally drawn Buttercup as a trans man idk wtf they were waffling about

Also yeah of course older Bubbles is chubby, there's the reason you mentioned (someone else on Twitter pointed that out as well actually) and she's quite literally constructed out of Bubbles!


Fallout: Big Juzi

With Fallout being at a new height, I figured it made sense to draw a Juzi-themed FO pic.  (It’s not fair, she just stepped out of the vault, who knew there was gonna be some radiation for her to absorb and growth it…)


New pride heart designs that aren't Overwatch! Will be available in my shop (hopefully) in about a month, plus even more designs coming soon! ❤️


Hallow-Comic: I Want a Bloody Mary, But It’s Juzi

Hallow-Comic: “I Want a Blood Mary (But It’s Actually Juzi)” Hello, cool ghouls! Have another silly comic for the season~ (…where on Earth could Juzi absorb so much of the red stuff? And why did Batta not notice sooner?)


Hallow-Comic: A Real Scr-EB

“Hallow-Comic: A Real Scr-EB” If you’re a masked ruffian looking to cause trouble, the last individual I’d attempt to prank/scare would be Eb of all people. On the bright side, she doesn’t have to make any snacks. v:


No Need for Crying (Unless You’re Mihoshi…)

My brother Kenju likes Mihoshi as well very much, so I did a “little” follow-up to my previous Ryoko ordeal.  Mihoshi, calm down your mihoshis. V:  (includes non-dialogue version)

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