
The Anxiety Guru



Come for the toolbox . . . . . . stay and learn the tools! Stand up to anxiety with kindness Build a response strategy based on your anxiety profile Use your voice and body as therapeutic instruments Date: Saturday, May 6th Time: 10:30 am - 2:30 pm Location: Awakenings Wellness Center, 1016 SE 12th Avenue, Portland, Oregon https://www.eventbrite.com/myevent?eid=539808771567 #anxiety, #anxietyhelp, #anxietysupport, #self-help, #self-care


Create a peaceful scene for yourself. - Use your imagination or a picture of a peaceful scene. - Your scene doesn't have to be realistic. You just want to create the scene in enough detail that you can become completely absorbed in the experience. - Bask in your peaceful scene and allow it to deepen your relaxation. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Create a peaceful scene for yourself. - Use your imagination or a picture of a peaceful scene. - Your scene doesn't have to be realistic. You just want to create the scene in enough detail that you can become completely absorbed in the experience. - Bask in your peaceful scene and allow it to deepen your relaxation. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


When you are being pushed out of the "now" by anxiety, reconnect by exploring your surroundings. - Acknowledge 5 things you can see. - Acknowledge 4 things you can feel. - Acknowledge 3 things you can hear. - Acknowledge 2 things you can smell. - Acknowledge 1 thing you can taste. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Distract yourself with fun and pleasure. - Have someone you care about hold you or give you a back rub. - Engage with your pet or pets. - Take a hot shower or bath. - Have a pleasurable snack or meal. - Read or listen to a humorous book. - Visit a place you find peaceful. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Enter to win your own My Anxiety Toolbox here: www.myanxietytoolbox.com/entertowin. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Sometimes you have to remind your muscles what relaxed is. - Start by taking 3 deep abdominal breaths and visualize the tension draining out of your body. - Beginning with your head, tense, hold and relax each muscle group working gradually down your body. - As you work through the muscle groups, continue abdominal breathing and visualizing the tension draining from your body. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Enter to win your own My Anxiety Toolbox here: www.myanxietytoolbox.com/entertowin. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Music has the power to alter your mood. What sounds calm you? - Explore music as a part of your daily practice. - Identify songs, artists, genres, and playlists you find soothing before they are needed. - When using music to sooth, allow the sounds and rhythms carry your tension away. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Enter to win your own My Anxiety Toolbox here: www.myanxietytoolbox.com/entertowin. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Are you thinking, "WTF! I forgot to breathe again?" Time for abdominal breathing. - Sit or stand up straight and notice the level of tension in your body. - Place on hand on your stomach and one on your chest. - Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into the "bottom" of your lungs. (The hand on your tummy should rise and the one on your chest should barely move. - Once you have taken a full breath, pause before exhaling. Pause again before your next inhale. - Do ten slow repetitions. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Enter to win your own My Anxiety Toolbox here: www.myanxietytoolbox.com/entertowin. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


International Women's Day - March 8, 2023 Approximately 1 in 5 people will be affected by anxiety disorder. Women are twice as likely as men to get an anxiety disorder.


Enter to win your own My Anxiety Toolbox here: www.myanxietytoolbox.com/entertowin. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Find you bliss! #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox


Enter to win your own My Anxiety Toolbox here: www.myanxietytoolbox.com/entertowin. #anxiety, #chiefanxietyguru, #myanxietytoolbox

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