Summary of Tonight’s Events (2 June 2020)

So, a lot happened in the Siren’s Saga ecosystem in a pretty short time, so, for your convenience, here;s a summary of what went down. 

Moirah posted a confession where she thought Shanna couldn’t see it, about her feelings concerning the way Shanna’s trauma has affected her. 

Shanna did, in fact, see it, and it was revealed that Timothée sent her the post. He also asks her if she’s going to be alright where she is for the night. She responds that (for now) she’s “fine, just a little shaken.

At some point, however, Shanna uses her powers on Moirah’s wife in a fit of anger. Having mostly avoided using her powers for any reason since coming back from Altamir’zin, she immediately decides that it’s not safe for her to live with Moirah and Victoire anymore. In an unexpected turn of events, Faust comes in to reassure her. He tells her that it was an accident, and not to do anything reckless, though she responds by saying that she can’t stay with Moirah and Victoire after what she’d just done. Moirah, too, tries in vain to convince Shanna not to leave.

The last thing Shanna posts tonight is a one-line post saying that she’s going to stay with Timothée for a while and will update when she can. 

And then, of course, Mod Falstaff, of the Society of the Purple Rose, decides that she has an opinion about all of this that absolutely MUST be shared.

Finally, Shanna makes it to Timothée's apartment, and he posts one final update saying that she's sleeping safely.

Kind regards,

IV Sparrow

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