
The nerd

@the-nerd / the-nerd.tumblr.com

Let's bring this world on fire I post randomly, it can be of anything and everything https://twitter.com/Lima39282438?t=w9l_pcrbri0L1LQqO5s7hw&s=09

This is a bit of a stretch, let's talk about how the quality of Disney's live-action has dropped so much, but let's talk from a costume perspective.

In the last two Disney films, The Little Mermaid and Snow White, the costumes were poor and seemed to be brought from Shein.

In the other adaptations, the first adaptations, even Mulan, you could see that there was work behind it, an inspiration, a design.

Honestly, Snow White's dress literally looks like it came from Shein, a tulle that looks like one of those carnival or Halloween costumes that is noticeably sticky.

And on the part of the evil Queen, the same dress the whole time, In other adaptations of Snow White the queen changes her wardrobe, but in this one they have said this dress for the entire film.

Of course, for Halloween and costume parties it will be super easy to recreate Snow White's dress and the Evil Queen's dress because the Evil Queen only wears a sequin dress, And the other one is wearing a very large tulle skirt.

These are from Maleficent, that is, the dress, the fabric shows the work

This is from the adaptation of Snow White, Disney has said we're going to tap into nostalgia and throw the ugliest dress in their faces for ten bucks.


Yesterday I saw the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and here is my opinion.

Starting from the premise that the aspect that I liked most about the film was in fact the dwarves.

I mean, I thought I wasn't going to like that, but hey, I was curious. The dwarf effects reminded me of the movie The Polar Express.

Now we're going to go part by part, let's start with Queen Gal Gadot, I didn't like her character, First of all, her bad character is not bad, I've seen Cinderella's stepmothers treat Cinderella worse than this lady.

Then we have Snow White, who the actress said was not going to be like the typical Snow White, spoiler does nothing in the whole f***ing movie,There are live actions of Snow White where the actresses do more, fight more than this woman.

So there's no motivational message about being strong women. It's not like in Snow White and the Huntsman, for example.

Or any other adaptation of the film.

Another aspect of the film that drives me crazy, the songs are crap, they are boring, they are too long, they are too continuous, I mean they just finished with a song and you say okay And they're already starting the next song, gentlemen, we haven't even finished the first one, the movie is getting really long.

Then another aspect, the plot , here they have wanted to make a new story but in truth they have not done anything it is a bit of a mix between Robin Hood, those who go to see it will understand, A bit like Les Misérables too, but without the plot or the musical. Many things happen at one point but the plot doesn't advance. In the end, they say a lot of things but then they don't come true.

And finally, and the part that pisses me off the most, the apple scene.

This scene is the essence of Snow White, when you see the queen transform into a being, and of course the scene of the apple transforming. It's an iconic moment.

Well, in the movie, it's five minutes, ten minutes, of a very pathetic transformation. Very unmemorable.

There are many things about the film that I didn't like, but the ones I can say without giving away spoilers are these.

In conclusion, I wouldn't go see it again. For this, it's better to watch either the original or any other live-action Snow White that isn't from Disney; anyone does it better.


2 guys who forcibly desensitized themselves to positive emotions and love for other people despite being kind deep down in a house together. what will go wrong


I should have made a bet.

At an event Dana answered some questions from the owl house and answered some questions about Hunter.

And it has confirmed that Belos was able to control when they left the earth and also confirmed that Hunter left the laboratory as a child, probably what I thought was 5 or 6 years old.

Also, she said that the first day of Hunter at hexide was like Luz's first day but more chaotic.

Damn I wish Disney didn't cancel the serie.

Curse you Disney!!!!

Oh! They also said that Del's palisman name is.....Toast, like....Is it like a tradition or something? It's a Clawthorne thing.



Have you guys seen the pilot of "Hunter" and "Belos"?

You can see that this concept is much more like Philip as a child,

but has some traits of the Hunter that we know.

And what seems most important to me is the fact that it seems that in this pilot, the role of "William" was going to be much more relevant, like he was going to be introduced much earlier than they introduced Hunter.

"Belos" concept is very mysterious, more so than in the original and I like that they still had that kinship between William and Obron.


"Wish" the reinterpretation

Let's see, taking into account everything I have seen about the film, all the comments and all the opinions, and what I think is the fault is that they have chosen the easiest way out.

The typical easy villain and the typical heroine also provide a companion who is the comic relief but who in itself does not satisfy you like the Disney movies did.

What I am going to do is a reinterpretation and try to add typical things from Disney movies so that both children and adults say that it is very Disney.

I'm just doing it for fun, I am not a director or a writer just someone who has seen too many movies, I'm not going to get into animation issues because that is more complicated, just the plot.

I have become fond of spyxfamily And since a new movie is coming out and there has been a bit of a stir with a scene from the movie, I'm going to give my opinion.

The context is that Yor sees Loid "kissing" Fiona, And we already know how subjective everything is, especially between Yor and Fiona, I think this is because Fiona lost her hat and Loid grabbed it, and from Yor's perspective it seems like he is kissing her.

Because if you see the image, the normal thing is that he grabs her by the waist, at no time does that hand go beyond the hat.

So everything is a misunderstanding and it turns into a mess because Loid and Yor start making a world, instead of talking about it, and it wouldn't be the first time.

So to resolve this situation, Loid decides to take them on vacation "for the mission", like the date they had because Loid thought Yor was mad at him.

So I wouldn't worry about the situation, yes, the poor things should communicate more, this happens too much in manga and anime


Alright! people please you need to calm yourself down, i repeat please calm yourself down! here why!?

there is no way a good father would to do this, most likely happen after the cruise arc, after anya return back to school after the school hoilday break, it's could also destroys the continuity, forgers and operation strix too much at stakes here!, there is no way endo would do this first of all this could be yuri tricking yor into thinking into this kind of stuff this kind stuff is what yuri is very best at i mean he is inside the movie after all. or her friends from her workplace too!. it could also be anya's imagination her imagination was always so dramatic XD, worst case scenerio if this does happen (no it isn't any kissing involved!) it would be loid blocking or taking bullet for fiona this isn't the first time he did it in the arc with her awhile ago.... at last don't forget this is one of the best comedic series after all! let's us trust endo this one time, for god stake endo shut up and just take my money or even my entire bank account, just saying....


Taking into account that it would not be the first time that we see Fiona creating a completely imaginary scenario, even believing that he is going to kiss her and then it turns out that he was just pushing her away like that.


the girl with emerald eyes

On the outskirts of England, in a small town of green meadows and large forests, there is an academy famous for its prodigious students, everyone who attends this esteemed institution belongs to the upper class or are they worthy of being in it, Absorbed by these frivolities, a young boy, with blonde hair and brown eyes, waits at the window for the appearance of the origin of his desires.

As if she had been summoned, a girl in modest clothes appears before him, with a basket full of flowers and herbs, with long black hair that in contrast with the sun, seems blue, and her eyes... eyes so green, that could be compared to emeralds, those are the eyes that have conquered the heart of our poor young man, who does not even know how to start a conversation with young people his age, much less a girl he knows nothing about.

Hunter Wittebane is known throughout the town, he is a young man who has great abilities, both in fencing, horse riding and in any subject where a gentleman must excel, and it is not surprising, since he is the nephew of the town's parish priest and illustrious image of the town, Philip Wittebane, a decision is not made in the town if it has not been studied by the illustrious father.

Although he is an excellent boy, his life lacks meaning, he obeys and pays attention to his uncle's words, he is careful not to make mistakes, that is why, when he saw something strange circulating in the surroundings of the Ffrmer greenhouse, he decided to go to warn the teachers.

What he could not imagine was that he would find a young girl, crouching among the different herbs and flowers like a bunny, and like them, when she heard the young man's footsteps, she raised her head and she looked to her sides until she saw him standing behind her, that is the moment where their eyes met for the first time.

Then she stood up slowly, cleaning the dirt from her skirt and then looked at the boy again, staring into his eyes, as if she were putting a spell on him, she delicately raised her hand placing her index finger on her pink lips.

He was confused and didn't know why, but he couldn't, no, he didn't want to make any noise, he just wanted to know her name. Before he could say anything, they heard something in the distance, some steps that someone had made.

There were only two of his companions who decided to follow him, when he turned around, the mysterious girl was no longer there and he didn't know if he was going to see her again.

But like every day, Hunter Witteban waits in the old oak tree in the academy courtyard for the young lady with emerald eyes to pass by, waiting to have the strength and courage to ask the name of the girl who has stolen his reason and his heart.


The haunted mansion : analysis of 2003 and 2023.

Let's see, taking into account that I like any movie that has a Halloween theme and that is scary but that has a plot ahead of it.

They both have the same focus, telling the story of the haunted mansion but each one does it from a different perspective.

Now foolish mortals, if you haven't seen them, don't read this part.

Let's start with the 2003 Haunted Mansion with Eddie Murphy.

We can start to say that the famous cast of this film is small, leaving more room for the other characters.

Eddie Murphy plays the co-protagonist of the film, in it he is a hard-working father, so much so that he has forgotten about his family, to the point of almost leaving them behind, to see the mansion that is going to be sold.

Here the plot begins, with a suspicious call Eddie Murphy's wife telling them to go see a house they want to sell, they go there and realize it's not all it seems.

This is where it differs from the new one.

The house is not presented to us as being haunted, only in poor condition and that those who live in it are... strange.

They show us how it is haunted little by little and with this they tell us the plot of the legend of the haunted mansion.

When it becomes clear to us that it is haunted, we are introduced to the ghosts that live in it.

Here we are explained why the mansion is enchanted, and how they can free it and save themselves.

And here comes the difference, this movie is scary, it doesn't have special effects, but it doesn't need them, it uses the decoration and the costumes and sound effects to tell a story And remind us that we are watching a scary movie, for children but scary

Or you won't tell me that's not scary.

Now we are going to comment on this year's one, which in my opinion... is very weak, taking into account the first one.

In this movie we are directly shown that the house is haunted and that anyone who enters will be followed by a ghost, so they cannot leave the mansion.

Here we are introduced to the protagonists, the difference is that it is a more famous cast, therefore they focus more on them, but since there are so many of them, they do not have as much time to give them the special role.

The ghosts here are secondary and focus more on the story through the "live" Cast. That's why, in this movie, you don't really get along with the ghosts, because they aren't even given an important role, they're just there, scaring you.

I guess because this movie is more based on the DisneyWorld attraction, and many ghosts are a reference to the attraction, it's more like a "hey look that's from the attraction" and although it's funny, It contributes nothing to the plot.

Now... The villains, in both we have two villains who are ghosts. In the first they have a meaning, a butler pissed off because his master was going to destroy his life for a girl, so what does he do...? I won't tell you.

And the other one from 2023....I still don't understand what the goal of this was, to conquer the world, to make the world a hell, to make everyone ghosts? The intentions of this villain are not clear, but there are many Special effects....too many.

Although it has very cool moments and funny moments, I was neither scared nor interested in its plot, at least that of the house.

Both are good, if you want to be more scared, watch the one from 2003 and if not, the one from 2023.


Again with the Clawthorne-hunter trope

Because since the ending theme is open to interpretation, I interpret it a bit in my own way.

So, at the end of watching and dreaming, we saw Hunter carving palismens, like he wanted, and we met his new palisman, waffles.

And what I find interesting is the choice of the theme of his palisman, many had theorized that when Flapjack died, Hunter would not want another bird and would go for another branch, like a wolf. But the fact that he has chosen another bird reminds me of a phrase that Gwendolyn Clawthorn said " birds are a Clawthorne thing"

And, at the time, I thought maybe they specialized in birds.... But they make more animals, birds are only for the clawthorn family, as a symbol of the clan.

Each member of the family has a different bird, so hunter having a bird as palisman means that he may be part of the clan.

And many people theorize that Hunter stayed with Darius because "Dadrius", but it makes much more sense to stay with tutors who are already familiar with parenting and more tutors who are alone and much more if you want to learn a profession, what better than to stay as an apprentice to one of the few remaining palismans carver?

I'm not saying Darius can't be a good tutor, and I love those au's of hunter and Darius, but taking into account the relationship Hunter and the Clawthornes have in the ending, and the fact he made a bird, that they might be part of the clan.

Of course this is a theory and is open to interpretations of all kinds.


So... You are telling me... That after 8 years of watching miraculous ladybug... Gabriel ends up being the hero?...

Like dude.... Where are those serious consequences that they talked about throughout the series, what could destroy the universe?! Where are they?! I find out that SPOILERS!!!

I learn that the only serious consequence is that Gabriel dies and causes his wife to revive? I mean, you're telling me that I've been 8 years for that to happen? And now the world is wonderful and perfect.

It is that throughout the series they have been telling us how bad it was and how dangerous it could be and everyone saying that the one who was going to die was Adrien, for one life for another.

And now you tell me that not only does Gabriel stay as the hero, but they make him a statue and Adrien doesn't know anything about that. All the abuse he has done to Adrien subliminally, that almost killed Natalie, that has frightened all of Paris and its inhabitants for years? Now nothing matters and he is a hero. Come on!!!

Where are the consequences, where they are?. Are you telling me that I've been watching the series for that finale for 8 years?.

Gabriel has been an obsessive manipulator of his son's life, abused his assistant and put her in danger of death, terrorized an entire city and attacked two teenagers, even though he did not know it.

I'm not saying to give it an ending like Belos in the owl house.

Because he is a genocidal and has tried to kill an entire city. But they do have in common that obsession with bringing back a loved one who should not return, in this case Gabriel's wife.

But i would see well an ending similar to that of King Andrias, where he realizes his mistake and everything he has done wrong and is Banished, but he does it himself.

There is no glorification for him, because what he did was wrong, even if he was manipulated to do it, but you don't put a statue on him.

Gabriel has been given an ending as if he were the hero of the story, as if he were Luz, or Anne.

But they sacrificed themselves for a common good, Anne to save their friends, and Luz to save the collector. But Gabriel? He has done it to fulfill his whim to bring his wife back to life.

I think they no longer wanted to continue with the series and said, let's do an easier ending and let's finish this sh*t.

Or at least this is the feeling that gives me this ending.

As always there are different points of view, but glorifying the villain as if he had done nothing is not to my liking.


So, since spiderman: across the spider verse has opened a very interesting topic among the community: the canon, what is and what is not.

For now, and from what we know from Miguel, Miles is a mistake and everything that is not "canon" affects his universe and destroys it... But there are things that don't make sense.

Thanks to Miles, Peter B. Parker has a daughter, Mayday, and she, technically not "canon" and I don't see her universe collapsing..

Another "canon" fact is the death of the police captain, in this case, Gwen's father, but when Gwen goes to the spider verse , they avoid that canon moment, because the father resigns from this position, thus avoiding the "canon" and I do not see that universe collapsing either.

Now my question is... What did Miguel do that caused that catastrophe in the other universe?

Because what happened to Pav, was not caused by breaking the "canon" but by Spot, not Miles.

And it wasn't Miles fault that the spider bite him, it was Spot, so I don't understand why Miguel is so pissed off with him.


Something that called my attention is this scene that they changed in the last minute in thanks to them

They changed Hunter's expression from this, to this one:

And then we have Raine who survived just "fine" Belos possession.

So... What people pointed out, and myself is that he didn't "die" because of Belos, but because he really drown himself to protect the boiling isles and their family.

He was ready to sacrifice himself and everything he had accomplish for everyone.

If it wasn't for Camilla and everyone else, Hunter would have died with Belos.

Man this show hits even harder every time a new fact is shown.


So now we have the confirmation

Evelyn was a clawthorne and so Eda, lilith and Hunter are related, but they don't know.

It is so sick that all this time Belos might have know and He was the superior of Caleb's offspring and his great-great-granddaughter punched him that broke his nose.

And it would be much more twisted if all this time Belos had in the head of his coven the great-great-granddaughter of his brother and public enemy number 1 also another great-great-granddaughter without him knowing anything.

And that Hunter is now working with Dell is like a circle, Caleb taught Evelyn and now Dell teaches Hunter.

Like "hey kid you have a talent with this, You even look like a Clawthorne!!"

And hunter doesn't know anything.


So many things to say about the finale, and there are many things they didn't told us... Directly.

Firs the fact that they ended Belos life so comical but also so.... Cruel?!, but like he deserves because even at his last he was trying to lie and save himself, like dude you hadn't learn nothing?!!


Dude, have a little pride and die with peace of mind, but nooooo, he had to leave being the liar he was and will be, I imagine also caleb stepping on him.

In other news we have....

Hunter learning how to carve palismens from none other than Dell and I assume he stayed with them. Dell is like "go to your girlfriend you rascal"

And all this scene so smooth and so full of feelings, like she is paying tribute to his palismens, as a thanks for saving his life. I cried a lot with this.

Just look at them all grown up.

And i got to congratulate all the crew for this glow up and how they didn't close the portal to the human realm.

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