The haunted mansion : analysis of 2003 and 2023.
Let's see, taking into account that I like any movie that has a Halloween theme and that is scary but that has a plot ahead of it.
They both have the same focus, telling the story of the haunted mansion but each one does it from a different perspective.
Now foolish mortals, if you haven't seen them, don't read this part.
Let's start with the 2003 Haunted Mansion with Eddie Murphy.
We can start to say that the famous cast of this film is small, leaving more room for the other characters.
Eddie Murphy plays the co-protagonist of the film, in it he is a hard-working father, so much so that he has forgotten about his family, to the point of almost leaving them behind, to see the mansion that is going to be sold.
Here the plot begins, with a suspicious call Eddie Murphy's wife telling them to go see a house they want to sell, they go there and realize it's not all it seems.
This is where it differs from the new one.
The house is not presented to us as being haunted, only in poor condition and that those who live in it are... strange.
They show us how it is haunted little by little and with this they tell us the plot of the legend of the haunted mansion.
When it becomes clear to us that it is haunted, we are introduced to the ghosts that live in it.
Here we are explained why the mansion is enchanted, and how they can free it and save themselves.
And here comes the difference, this movie is scary, it doesn't have special effects, but it doesn't need them, it uses the decoration and the costumes and sound effects to tell a story And remind us that we are watching a scary movie, for children but scary
Or you won't tell me that's not scary.
Now we are going to comment on this year's one, which in my opinion... is very weak, taking into account the first one.
In this movie we are directly shown that the house is haunted and that anyone who enters will be followed by a ghost, so they cannot leave the mansion.
Here we are introduced to the protagonists, the difference is that it is a more famous cast, therefore they focus more on them, but since there are so many of them, they do not have as much time to give them the special role.
The ghosts here are secondary and focus more on the story through the "live" Cast. That's why, in this movie, you don't really get along with the ghosts, because they aren't even given an important role, they're just there, scaring you.
I guess because this movie is more based on the DisneyWorld attraction, and many ghosts are a reference to the attraction, it's more like a "hey look that's from the attraction" and although it's funny, It contributes nothing to the plot.
Now... The villains, in both we have two villains who are ghosts. In the first they have a meaning, a butler pissed off because his master was going to destroy his life for a girl, so what does he do...? I won't tell you.
And the other one from 2023....I still don't understand what the goal of this was, to conquer the world, to make the world a hell, to make everyone ghosts? The intentions of this villain are not clear, but there are many Special effects....too many.
Although it has very cool moments and funny moments, I was neither scared nor interested in its plot, at least that of the house.
Both are good, if you want to be more scared, watch the one from 2003 and if not, the one from 2023.