i am going to have to make up words for this atrocity

Every single time I brave wading into the den of scum that is r/GenderCritical and see what they have to say about trans men, I keep thinking I see the absolute rock-bottom depths of their stupidity.

Sooo...lying to innocent people for a year (or stalking them ig), meeting random trans people, and...encountering two people who may or may not be genuinely shitty people, because SURPRISE! Not All Trans People Are Good. Except we are hearing this all through HER perspective, and she’s very clearly biased.

Exactly the type of rigorous science Blanchard developed his typology.

My one regret is that I have a 10-picture limit.

(Also note how we are “characters” to them, instead of complex, actual people who would be more than happy to answer questions if asked them.)

(WARNING: is some seriously nasty fuckshit. Trans folks: PLEASE DO NOT LOOK if you are in a bad headspace. Your safety and well-being comes first.)

Amazing how TERFs can determine who’s going to detransition based on stalking, like, 7 trans people for a whole year.

Also, note how they describe “vanilla” as “not perverted.” Apparently sexuality is simple enough that you can divide it up into “perverted” and “not perverted,” instead of the immensely complex and fascinating thing it is.

That seems like some very black-and-white thinking there. But I thought gender critical people were above that?

I mean I tried to kill myself being what they wanted me to be but sure I guess


And also totally not condescending in any way.

The hilarious part? I got more affirmation of all of the above from one year into my transition than I did in the five I spent trying to be fine with being a woman. (My sexual-only attraction to women is complex but I’m coming to terms with it.)

“We Lost this Biological Female to an overdose of Vitamin Yaoi, it seems.” Because that’s how sexuality works. /s

I mean, both my best friend and I were very precocious teenagers who found the really sexual stuff when we were teens in high school. For me? It was some of the first exposure I had to the idea of LGBT people not being intrinsically sinful.

Years later, she is happily married to a man and I am transitioning and trying to better myself so I can put myself out there. Ergo, yaoi does not intrinsically cause transition.

I mean, it’s about as scientific as OP’s methodology, except with 110% less creepy stalking behavior.

These are the same people that think “autoandrophilic pedophilia” is a genuine Thing That Trans Men Feel.

Oddly enough, I keep my distance from children irl and try to avoid young people online too (though it’s harder), with a few exceptions.

That said, if kids come to me with questions about sex I will absolutely try to answer them, because god knows how much fucked-up stuff I had to learn from questionable internet sources because my Catholic parents were so buttoned-up about sex.

How is it that their response to two of these three “typologies” is “be a condescending asshole instead of being kind, engaging in good faith, and asking them questions in an effort to learn” and the third is “FLEE”?

Like...for all TERFs claim they include us? This ain’t it! You can’t say you include us in your feminism and then make insulting “typologies” using blatantly unscientific methods. You can’t say you include us and then bleat about how trans women are taking over reproductive health while completely ignoring the specific issues trans men face at the intersection of being trans and AFAB, with all the bits that come with it.

TERFs are Not Like Other Girls, for sure. Ironically, I bet they dump on Girls Who Aren’t Like Other Girls, too.

Wrong, OP - you can see this type on Trans Day of Visibility!

Also I bet they equate sociopathy by her definition as “saying something mildly rude disagreeing with me on my VERY SCIENTIFIC POST”.

Ironically enough, this excerpt shows the root of their entire ideology and belief system - fear of men. Specifically, fear of a generalize concept of “men” that possesses the most harmful and toxic behaviors as reinforced by society in a number of ways - media, socialization, etc.

Now I am hardly a defender of cishet men (most are currently trying to roll back trans rights, most are just being Super Woke about it without actually deconstructing and amending their beliefs), but I am not afraid of them.

I used to be, and that fear very nearly turned into hatred.

I’m not afraid anymore. I refuse to be, because then I cannot fight back in a measured, reasonable, logical way. And because it would mean throwing other oppressed people under the bus.


I mean, what the fuck, Gender Critical?

Today I learned that if you like horror, your likely a sociopathic autoandrophilic pedophile who will most definitely prey on kids.

Guess I’m shit outta luck, fellas. Lock me up and throw away the key.


I can’t screenshot anymore. I might do a snarky breakdown of each “type” later, but for now I’ll leave off with a quote:

Hey, cynical lurkers - none of those are "true trans"

While I’m flattered you noticed me, sempai (uwu), you’re absolutely right in that none of these are “true trans”, because trans people are as varied, complex, and colorful as cis people. There are saints and there are assholes; there are feminine trans folks and masculine trans folks.

Just as with all people, we are comprised of people of color, the disabled, the lower class, the other forms of oppression.

And we are all hurt when we are generalized like this.

I'm open to constructive criticism.

Well, to start with:


To the trans folks who got to the end of this, you get a 22-canon salute and a song from Kesha:

Shine on, you brilliant stars.


Hate to put this on y’all’s dashes again, but i actually looked at the reddit post and checked the notes on this post. There’s some comments criticizing the OP and some comments that have been either deleted or removed by the mods, and people in the notes here who wanna see the deleted and removed comments should really know about removeddit.

Basically, you can take any Reddit post, copy the link, change it to removeddit instead of reddit, and then view original versions of edited comments, deleted comments, and any comment removed by a mod.

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