Kodi Ares Wizard

Kodi Ares Wizard is a product for Kodi users who are looking for an easy way to access their favorite TV shows and movies. The Kodi Ares Wizard allows you to download premium content from many different sources and keep it on your device. It also features a very user-friendly interface that will help you find the content you want to watch and has a few other features that make the Kodi Ares Wizard stand out from the rest.

Kodi Ares is a wizard with a difference, she is the only wizard with a pet dragon. Her dragon, named Aranis, is a fire-breathing dragon who enjoys eating bananas and snacking on fresh leaves. As the only wizard with a pet dragon, Kodi has to be extra careful because he has been known to blow up the house if he eats anything he's not supposed to. But that's not all Kodi has to worry about, she also has to worry about her friends, the people of the small town of Wixxford, who can't seem to stay out of trouble.

How to Install Kodi 17.1 Ares Wizard

Launch Kodi and click on the "Settings" gear icon in the top left corner of the home screen.

Click on "File Manager" and then double-click on "Add source".

Click on the "None" option and enter the following URL: http://repo.ares-project.com/magic/

Name the source as "Ares" and click "OK".

Go back to the home screen and click on "Add-ons" in the left-hand menu.

Click on the open box icon in the top left corner to open the "Add-on browser".

Click on "Install from zip file" and then select "Ares".

Click on "repository.aresproject.zip" and wait for the add-on installed notification to appear in the top right corner of the screen.

Click on "Install from repository" and select "Ares Project".

Click on "Program add-ons" and then select "Ares Wizard".

Click on "Install" and wait for the add-on installed notification to appear.

You can now access Ares Wizard from the "Add-ons" menu on the home screen.

Again, please note that using outdated software like Kodi 17.1 and Ares Wizard can pose security risks and may not be compatible with newer content. It is recommended to use the latest version of Kodi and reliable add-ons.

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