


Obey me! Art blog☆ you can call me Monti, if you want♡ ⚠️Don't repost my art⚠️commission info: https://hwflmon.carrd.co /commission: open

⚠️emergency commission⚠️

Hello everyone! Sorry for the ia the last few months😓

there's a lot going on right now in my life😖 I was hospitalized bc i got very sick, my cat had to undergo surgery, I had to catch up on college work and now I'm short on money🥲 So I've decided to open my commissions. I will do 5 slots for now

Please consider commissioning me, I appreciate all the help I can get😭🙏

You can find my commission prices in my bio, just click the link or down here👇🏻


Me waiting for taiga gender bend be like:




She will come after levi and satan😘💛


I feel honored to be remembered! Nice to meet you monti! What’s next on the get to know list… what got you into obey me?


Nice to meet you, too!💛

What got me to check it out was the catchy opening that came up as an ad on yt. I liked how the characters looked and the setting was intriguing so i went and downloaded it👍🏻 i like how different it was, like the gender less mc which made it easier to imagine your own chara, the fantasy elements but mixed into a more modern world (my fav kind of genre) and what i absolutely loved or still love is the chat and call function 💖 i like that a lot and how funny the stories or in general the story is. Like the game A3! another fav of mine🥰 i don't like heavy obvious romance stuff, i like it more when it develops with time and goes with the flow but it's not that much in the focus??? So i really like how the romance stuff is portrayed in obey me! And how the brothers feel like family and aren't too similar to each other. don't know how to explain it best😅 but yeah, the game is of course not perfect but it's in its own way great and unique ☺❤


satan looks so tired lmaooo…. By the way remember me? you have probably starting to see me a lot and I would like to get to know our great artists

how should i call you? Cause I thought maybe you and your oc are the same person? But yeah I should just ask

sending lots of love to you from ciel 🫶🏻


You're so sweet😭❤ i'm still far away from being called a great artist😂 but still thank you 🥺❤

You can call me Monti if you want, that's what the others call me on twitter☺

Sending lots of love from me back and many hugs 💘💌

Anonymous asked:

Ah so YOURE the person that makes those super cool amazing comics :O, very glad to meet u!

Super cool- thank you!!!😭❤ I'm always so insecure about my comics, so i'm glad to see that people actually like it🥲💕

I'm also very happy to meet you, anon!☺❤

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