
[Names : Star / Starline] [Pronouns : Ze/Zir/He/Him] [Dr. Starline Fictionkin] [Autistic]

Surge and Kit Redesigns

(based on various things I like in their concept art!)


Surge The Tenrec

Nonbinary Lesbian (They/She), 18

  • Kept her blue nose from the concept art! (I just thought it was a cool addition to her design overall! I dunno, looks nice!)
  • Gave her her baseball bat because It's cool and I like it (It compliments her brutal and gritty vibe. She can also charge it up using her powers!
  • The jacket isn't as hot as you think it'd be!
  • My friend said the clothes under look like a prison jumpsuit and I am.. tempted to say that that's canon.
  • Her love language is bullying.
  • Probably has ADHD and HATES standing still for too long if she isn't doing something cool.
  • She likes baseball :]
  • She still has the logo on the back of her jacket! I just forgot to add it.

Kitsunami The Fennec

Demiboy AroAce (He/It), 13

  • Once I learned that the red striped glove from concepts was based on the diver flag I KNEW I had to add it.
  • Gave Kit back his big ears because I think they're silly (and ngl the reason Sega requested to take them out was.. kinda dumb? Side Note about this: If he COULD fly with those ears that doesn't mean he knows how to)
  • I gave him the dot eyes! I think it adds to him that while his face is mostly covered his eyes look more intimidating but if you flip up his hair he's just ._.
  • Has autism and lets Surge do most of the talking for the both of them.
  • Kit is honest to a FLAW and will often tattle to whoever (Starline or Surge) Starline still doesn't remember if he's just "like that" or it's something he added.
  • Has gills somewhere on his body and is able to breathe underwater

My HC/AU Surge uses She/Her/Zip/Zap and my HC/AU Kit uses He/Him/They/Them but I'm tempted to say He/Him/Any in some cases.

Okay, pronouns and that my Kit collects Xenogenders like there's no tomorrow. Not even Starline can keep track of them all.

[/gen /pos]

Progress Log 62

This is how one ushers in a glorious new era. 

Eggperial City is mine. I’ve gained total control over every Badnik on the Eggnet. Sonic is headed straight for his demise at the hands of Surge and Kit, and the Doctor is on his way to me. 

I’ll show him everything that I’ve accomplished. Without him.  

While I await the arrival of my ‘guests’, I’ll provide you all with a little anecdote.  

A while ago, I'd mentioned the Doctor's rather impressive miniatures collection, a series of Zombot figures that he’d made and displayed within Egg Base Alpha. I’d been confused as to why I’d been there too, amongst all the others. 

I was too blind to read the writing on the wall for what it was at the time. I was so… naive to think that he would ever consider me his equal. Or perhaps I knew, but I refused to look the truth in the face, as so much of who I was had been built around him. 

But so much has changed. I've grown, and I won't be so cruel. I will extend a hand instead of tossing him aside, showing him the mistake he made in underestimating me. I won't do what he did to me. No - I will be better. I will make him see the light, see the error of his ways. And in the end, once he realises the vicious cycle he trapped himself in, who will be there to thank for everything? Why, he'll have no choice but to kneel to me. 

And to you… to those who have followed me with the same devotion that I once showed the dear Doctor: I may find some use for you yet. Provided you are deemed worthy enough to escape imprisonment at best and total eradication at worst. 

All the same: I welcome you to my new Empire.

Sincerely and forever yours,

⭐️ Doctor Starline


Progress Log 54

I must admit, while things are going smoothly, I am troubled by uncertainty. 

Surge has developed fully into her programming. My only concern is also her greatest strength: her sheer force of will is as inscrutable as a hurricane. She's demanding, and as such, I need to stay one step ahead of her to keep her in check. 

Which is no problem, of course. Both subjects are highly susceptible to suggestion once they wake from their hypnosis. 

Tomorrow I will be sending them out for their first real field test. No barriers, no observation within the confines of Sigma. They will truly be off leash.

… I feel as apprehensive as I was leaving them alone on my trip to White Park. I worry about whether or not they will come back. The unquestioning loyalty and the lack of direction I've programmed in, paired with the inability to understand or function within the real world, will give them plenty of reason to return to me. 

How in the world does Zavok trust his pack to behave according to that loyalty? He makes a fine point: the chaotic, unpredictable nature of a thinking person is just what I need to utilise in terms of ingenuity when backs are against the wall. But at the same time, that unpredictability means that they could simply... refuse. Turn on you. Up and walk away. We have both seen it. We have both done it. There is comfort in a mindless machine. It is unflappable. It will always come back. 

Surge's brashness and contradictory nature is a microcosm of my global dominion. The irony is not lost on me. The very thing I need to utilise for success could just as easily rip everything apart at the seams. I don't like the uncertainty. It goes against everything I’ve believed in up to this point. 

Just because I may need to learn this lesson doesn't mean I have to like it!

Sincerely yours,

⭐️ Doctor Starline

Want to make a Sonicsona?
Here are some prompts/ideas !

🐾The species is your favroite animal! (Or if your alterhuman your kintype!)

🌈Your Skill Type is based on which season you were born in :
🔵 Summer = Speed
🟡 Fall = Flight
🔴 Winter = Power
⚫️ Spring = Technique

🎨Who you work with is determined by what your favroite color is :
🔥Warm Color (Red, Orange, Yellow) = You work with the villains!
❄️Cool Color (Green, Blue, Purple) = You work with the heroes!
🪨Neutral Color (Black, White, Brown, Grey) = You work alone or with a neutral party/team

🪙Now flip a coin ! What you get determines how you attack :
💫Heads = You attack using a superpower
🗡Tails = You attack using a weapon or item
👾Don't feel like flipping a coin or lost the coin while flipping it = You attack with the help of a small companion ! (Chao, Wisp, Badnik, ect)

Feel free to reblog with what kind of Sonicsona you got! [/nf]

Progress Log 40

A good morning to you all! I hope you've slept well, invigorated and ready to face the day. 

I have stayed up into the long hours of the morning, meticulously initiating the first - and perhaps the most complex - phase of my next project. The Doctor had the right idea, of course, with animals and machines. But I’m going about it the other way around. 

… oh, I can indulge in a bit of bragging! I’m quite pleased with the solution I’ve developed for this concept. I will give you all a little biology lesson. 

In osteology, there are cells that are responsible for the growth of bones: osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Bones do not grow the way that other tissues in the body do: instead of simply replicating, osteoclasts work to dissolve and break down the material, while osteoblasts rebuild and remodel them. Over time, almost a hundred percent of your skeleton will be refreshed with new cells. 

Now, imagine if you will, a metal that could replicate itself. By working on a microscopic level, one in theory could craft an artificial batch of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. These could then be integrated into a subject’s skeletal system, upon which the conversion would take place. One would even have total control over the speed of the process, the density to completion, or even to specify certain areas of effect.

If only such a replicating metal existed! And if only I had access to blueprints, construction, and even a small sample on hand! 

Serendipitous indeed. It has taken a little bit of reverse engineering and a dash of creativity, along with cloning samples for testing, as the last thing I want is to install genetically modified cells on my subjects proper. It would be a waste to destroy something so valuable by taking pointless chances, but through careful application, my subjects have taken to it quite well. It has zero recovery period to account for, and I can continue development while the process is underway.

I suppose that Metal Virus was useful for something, after all. 

Sincerely yours, 

⭐️ Doctor Starline


Progress Log 38

I must make a confession here. I cannot overlook the fact that sloppy work, poor planning, and underestimating those around me nearly cost me my life. Do you know how it feels to have a knife to your throat? One wrong move and I could've bled out over the control panel. 

It should stand as a stark reminder to trust no one. They'd suspected me, and pulled the rug out from under me - my own arrogance blinded me to just how much I truly had the wool pulled over my own eyes. Securing the Egg Base was messy, and erratic, but… 

In the end, I am here. But barely.

I believed that I had thought everything through. I’d grown too confident, and I hadn’t anticipated the foresight my cohorts had. Correction: I’d anticipated their foresight, just not to the level that they exhibited. 

As always: lesson learned. Call me paranoid, but in future, I must expect the worst and take pains to stay several steps ahead of anyone I may see the need to work with again. I’m unsure there is anyone I can afford to drop my guard around. No one’s ever given me a reason to. Even my own idol, the only one I was willing to give up control to, sought to delegate me to the shambling masses.

I cannot be too upset. I've made myself comfortable within Egg Base Sigma, and I have taken great pains to begin converting it into my centre of operations. The work on my magnum opus can begin in earnest. It is spacious, with plenty of Badniks at my disposal, and with enough security and defensive measures that I don't need to build completely from scratch. 

Things are, for the most part, running smoothly right now. And for the time being, I must decompress.

Sincerely yours, 

⭐️ Doctor Starline


Progress Log 37

Truly, the Doctor has much to learn from me in the art of flawless execution. And I will have plenty to teach.

I have what I need, and the others think they'll be getting what they want. We covered our tracks, and we returned to my homebase entirely unscathed. I spent the rest of the evening crafting their gear… and creating a little something special for myself, as well. 

It's no Warp Topaz. But it's mine. It functions beautifully, and exactly how I intended. I have the means to claim a base on my own now, but I'll wring one last mission out of the others tomorrow to secure everything. 

I must also make note of a discussion I had with our 'leader' on the way to the raid earlier. As much as I've tried to shelve his words, they keep returning through the ether, disturbing my thoughts. He implied that I didn't need the Doctor. That I could be better than him. That he is still consuming my mind, and that I could exceed even my own expectations if only I focus on myself. 

I'm unsure of how I feel about it, but I can't deny he's struck a note of inspiration in me. I recall the days of the Metal Virus, when I was consumed with frustration by the lack of oversight. While I can’t claim credit for the virus, I can’t help but think I would’ve handled it far better. 

And today, I was praised. I was seen.  

… no matter. After tomorrow, I’ll no longer have to worry about them. 

Sincerely yours, 

⭐️ Doctor Starline


Progress Log 36


First and foremost, you must forgive me for keeping things anonymous. There is one person in particular in my newly acquired arsenal who values their privacy above all else, and it would do no good to simply name the others, either. You will have to trust me when I say that they are very capable, and very dangerous. And I have each one of them eating out of the palm of my hand.

The plan is set, and the rewards I hope to reap will be two-fold: I'll use their skills to claim an Egg Base for my own, and craft a suitable replacement for my Warp Topaz. If I intend to stand up to the likes of Sonic and the Doctor, I need to be on their level (and I am not there yet, as much as it pains me to admit).

On even ground, I'll better be able to pull things in the Doctor's favour. He'll come back to me. I know he will. It is simply meant to be.

The others? Oh, worry not about the others. Before this is over, I plan to wash my hands of them. Permanently. Until I’ve created my own means of independence, relying on others is a necessity. 

I’m not used to having others in my space, let alone ones capable of killing me. They are a risk, and if I slip up once, this will end before I even get started…

Sincerely yours, 

⭐️ Doctor Starline

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