sparkFLAME Announced by Scrapnik Island Writer Daniel Barnes
excited to announce an all-new project from the IDW Sonic Comics Crew: sparkFLAME -- a black & white, Shonen Jump-flavored, comic book anthology featuring 11 all-new, original, 5-page stories created by the writers and artists of IDW Sonic! this project was started as a way of forcing all of us to develop and work on all of our original, non-Sonic concepts and ideas. all of us, on the book, love Sonic. but, we wanted to take this chance to really flex or comic booking muscles beyond just the blue hedgehog! more details to come, in the very near future! get hyped!
Currently known stories include:
- Endless Fantasia: written by Daniel Barnes, art by Mike Luckas, screen tone by Reggie Graham
- Drogune: written by Ian Flynn, art by Adam Bryce Thomas
- The Nine Lives of Klaws McGee: written by Ian Flynn, art by Jonathan Griffiths (@greliz)
- Ensouled: from Evan Stanley (@spiritsonic)
- Virtuablu: from Aaron Hammerstrom (@aaronhamm)
- Evalla: from Reggie Graham (@ziggyfin)
as well as stories from Miles Arq, Gigi Dutreix, Rik Mack (@rikdraws), Natalie Haines (@lightningstar1389), and Mauro Fonseca (@maurofonseca).
Logo Design by Tracker_TD
sparkFLAME is an independent project with no involvement from IDW