Some kind of proper post to pin because my About page is a mess

(and I also can’t put much in my bio)

Obligatory links: COSPLAY TAG + ART TAG

I’ve been very active on Twitter for a few years already, but I’ve started picking up this blog again too.

You can find my Carrd over here with some more info about the fandoms I’m currently active in and the games I’m playing.

I have a side blog for non-fandom stuff, a Pinterest, and a Spotify, that I regularly use for inspiration.

Most of the 2D Ladies that are dear to my heart:

Some more random info:

  • Despite being part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I have A LOT of heterosexual ships. Over here you mostly know me for Elsa+Hans.
  • I am a polyglot in training. Half self-taught and I pride myself with it to no end because it’s my life mission to travel.
  • I suffer from (probably) chronic anxiety and my life causes me extreme mood swings sometimes. Will not elaborate further because TWs may occur. Oh yeah, I also have huge trust issues due to trauma.
  • I LOVE FAIRYTALES! Anything related to them is bound to catch my attention sooner or later.
  • I’m obsessed with the Victorian Era, steampunk, cyberpunk, and the dystopian future aesthetic.
  • I tend to gatekeep things I love from people I get bad vibes from.
  • I have annoyingly firm beliefs when it’s ethical even though I’m very open-minded. So if you get into arguments with me, you asked for it. Period.
  • I HATE ANTIS OR HOWEVER THE HELL THEY’RE CALLED. Hey antis read this: you’re the cancer of communities.
  • In case Twitter actually dies, I made a Tumblr version of my stupid thread about my comfort ship and it’s here

In case I decide to add more, I’ll edit periodically!

One of my favorite quotes to end this post:         “There are awful, horrible things in this world, I know that now. But there are a lot of things worth protecting too.” (Madoka Kaname)
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