
It's All About The Soil



Aeration… air, worm holes, elimination of waste that is a benefit to the entire system. These piles of worm poo give me inspiration. They excite me to continue to create healthy soil. They encourage me to share with others the dimensional joy of observation. Nature is abundant and we are responsible to keep it that way.

Save the soil.

Save the butterflies.


The little things.

Nature exudes abundance.


One of my favorites that I call my forest herb.

Chimaphila maculata is an evergreen Shrub growing to 0.3 m (1ft) by 0.5 m (1ft 8in) at a slow rate.

Other names are Spotted Wintergreen and Pipsissewa.

Native to Eastern N. America - Illinois to Michigan and Ontario, south to Texas and Georgia.

The plant is analgesic, antibacterial, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, rubefacient, stimulant and tonic. The plant has an antiseptic influence on the urinary system and is sometimes used in the treatment of cystitis. An infusion of the plant has been drunk in the treatment of rheumatism and colds. A poultice of the root has been used to treat pain whilst the plant has also been used as a wash on ulcers, scrofula and cancers. All parts of the plant can be used, though only the leaves are officinal. The plant is loaded with the biologically active compounds arbutin, sitosterol and ursolic acid.

One of my favorites.

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