
snicks 🔜 GSFC

@snicks-doodlez / snicks-doodlez.tumblr.com

hi i’m snicks! autistic adult who cosplays/fursuits at SoCal cons. I love Puyo Puyo, Beastars, HNK, BNA, and Digimon. I do art. too!

Hello. I feel shameful for typing this.

In late 2024 I started a Kickstarter & raised the funds. I never got the money & I recently discovered my dad stole it. Now I can’t make it happen. Due to my legal binding, I cannot due anything about it and already contacted support but nothing.

I’m scared to ask for help but I may need it since I don’t want to make KS & my funders mad. You can tip or commission me on Ko-Fi to help.


hi. sorry i’ve been inactive here.

i was just recently been SA by my own papa, killing my mental health and academic performance. i’m trying to move out when i can.

i started a ko-fi goal to help me survive. tips and commissions are encouraged, i’ll try to do the commissions owned soon.

thank you.


Sorry I haven’t been on!!

Working on my fursuit, went back to college, and organizing my meetup! Also I may have a job soon! So many adult things to do! I promise I’ll be back posting art but thank you so much for the love and support this year alone! <3

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