sd boys + dental work/hygiene

omg hi i havent posted hcs in SO long 😭. Ive had ideas i want to write out so i promise ill update more. ALSO FOR FUKATSU I LOWKEY COPIED FROM MY FRIEND


  • I just KNOW this boy has had braces. He probably had them during his elementary years, but I feel like he hated having them lmao.
  • The INSTANT his teeth were aligned enough, he switched to Invisalign. I feel like Mitsui has a specific image of what a player should look like and braces don’t fit that image.
  • I feel like he brushes his teeth and all that, but he didn’t really care much about taking care of them until after he lost his front teeth and got implants. The fact he covered his mouth with a mask implies that his teeth was something he wasn’t happy about, and I doubt he’d be happy with them turning yellow or looking really bad again.
  • He lowkey started flossing after getting his implants and getting nagged by his parents to take better care of his teeth


  • I FEEL LIKE HE ALREADY STARTED OFF WITH A GOOD SMILE?? Like he never had an underbite or overbite or really crooked teeth, but that there were slight misalignments. But you wouldn’t be able to tell unless you looked at his teeth really closely.
  • He wouldn’t really care about it and I doubt he’d beg for his teeth to get fixed, but his parents suggested it and told him “you already have a good smile, it’ll look even better”. Sendoh isn’t a contrarian so he went with it 😭
  • I think with dental hygiene, Sendoh is pretty good with it. He brushes and flosses on a regular basis. I don’t think he’d think much of it though, it’s just part of his routine


  • He strikes me as the type that had really big teeth as a kid that looked like they didn't belong to him. Fukatsu struggled with pronouncing words at a young age and that's how he developed his odd speech quirk BC HE COULDNT STRESS HIS SENTENCES CORRECTLY (he ends a sentence but it still sounds like he wants to say something) AND NEEDED SOMETHING TO SIGNIFY THAT HE IS DONE SPEAKING.
  • Eventually as he aged, he grew into his teeth and has had no issues with them since, though he has yet to grow out of his speech quirk.
  • I ALSO THINK HE HAS GOOD HYGIENE. He’s not overboard about it, but he flosses and brushes his teeth. I feel like he’d be the type to have bubble gum flavored mouthwash.
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