Anonymous asked:

Lemme be honest... I feel like Sendoh is average in every subject EXCEPT math. Idk why but there's something about him that makes him look like a math wizard to me.

Hear me out... Shohoku goes to Uozumi's restaurant to review for their exams, but it just so happens that the Ronan guys were chilling there as well.

Akagi is teaching Miyagi mathematics, and then Sendoh butts in, saying that Akagi is wrong, blah blah, and that this should be like this and such. And the other Shohoku guys, who have deep hatred for him, start trash-talking him, like, "What does he even know?" "Who does he think he is?" And he will say something like, "Yeah, well, we had a long quiz yesterday, and it was a question like that that I got wrong." And then he proceeds to bring out his slightly crumpled quiz paper from his bag and says something like, "Here, look." Then he shows that quiz item he got wrong, and when Akagi took it to study it, he saw a note from the teacher that said something like, "Congratulations on getting the highest score!" And then Akagi realizes it was the only item he got wrong throughout the long quiz.

Im sorry im insane i just had to take this out of my system

SD Boys + Academics


  • Lowkey I feel like Sendoh would be good with math. He isn’t the type to lose his cool and I feel like he’d look through a question carefully.
  • Like imagine bro is doing a calculus test and he just calmly goes through each question.
  • I don’t think Sendoh is the type to try too hard in school. He does care about his academics, but I also don’t think he would stress himself out over it.
  • I DONT SEE HIM AS THE TYPE TO STUDY HELLA HARD?? I feel like he’s the type that reviews a little bit in advance for a test but nothing too long or strenuous.


  • Hear me out, I feel like Miyagi is hella smart.
  • I don’t think he is the type to try in academics, since he failed his test and he’s shown to have been skipping/sleeping in his classes. However, I think he is the type that’s naturally smart.
  • When him and the rest of the guys that failed their tests, Ayako gave him a practice sheet and he finished it the MINUTE Ayako gave it to him.
  • She said he answered good too, so it shows that he isn’t dumb or anything. I think he could have really high grades if he actually tried in class.
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