My Sims4 Gameplay Mods

This is a list of my current Sims4 gameplay mods. I am posting this for anyone who follows my Not So Berry Challenge Let's Play webcomic series on Reddit and is curious.


Up top (in alphabetical order) are modders I have multiple mods from, followed by modders I only have a single mod from.

 ** indicates favorite mods


The 4 mods below compliment each other and together provide a full “healthcare experience” for your sims. 

Note: her buffs are longer lasting than standard EA buffs and not designed to be ignored.  When your sim is sick, injured, etc. as a result of one of her mods it becomes a significant part of gameplay. 

Adeepindigo Healthcare Redux ** This is a huge mod that adds illness, injuries, prenatal care, and chronic conditions to the game. Its at the top of my list. I love taking care of my sims and having them take care of each other, and this makes illness and injury meaningful, adding a ton to gameplay.

There is a CC pack that is linked from the download page that you need for the full mod experience.

Adeepindigo GTW Health Overhaul ** If you have Get to Work this is those illnesses reimagined in the style of Healthcare Redux, i.e. rich and meaningful. These illness are contagious which can be interesting in larger families.

There is a CC pack that is linked from the download page that you need for the full mod experience.

*I am not using this at the moment, the illnesses were getting repetitive and not allowing me to see the ones in Healthcare Redux, but its updated and I still think its good so leaving it on.

Adeepindigo & Around the Sims Dental Care Mod ** As the name implies this makes taking care of your Sims teeth a part of gameplay. Your sim will get negative buffs for not brushing and can develop dental issues requiring a trip to the dentist.

There is a CC pack that is linked from the download page that you need for the full mod experience.

Adeepindigo Eye Care ** This mod adds eye care to the game. Your sims may end up needing glasses or developing cataracts.

There is a CC pack that is linked from the download page that you need for the full mod experience.


I’ve used her mods for years.  She has a ton of mods that do a large variety of things

LittleMsSam Automatic Thermostat ** Lovely little mod that will automatically adjust the thermostat to hotter or colder based on the weather outside.

LittleMsSam Better Familiars This works with Realm of Magic, it adds some more gameplay features to familiars.

LittleMsSam Buy a Better Mattress ** Allows you to upgrade the mattress on any bed in the game.  Great if you like the look of a bed that happens to have lower stats

LittleMsSam Pregnancy Overhaul ** This is a must have for me.  I used to use this in conjunction with Mc Command Center (MCCC) to adjust the size of my pregnant sims belly based on number of babies (find out how many with MCCC then add the right variation), now I use the Pregnancy Variations mod for that. However, this still has some other nice features, mainly less restrictions on what pregnant sims can do in the 1st and 2nd trimester.


Another modder whose stuff I adore. Their mods add so much rich gameplay.  I like my gameplay to be dynamic and surprising, their mods allow this.  You can set it up so you don’t make every single choice, which I appreciate.

Lumpinou LGBTQIA+ ** I call this mod the “EA Update on Steroids”. 

This is a fantastically rich mod that adds a ton of gameplay around sexual orientation and identity.

My favorite part of this mod is the setting you can turn on (off by default) that allows your sims to choose their own orientation and identity when they age up to teen. 

Lumpinou Woohoo Wellness ** Another fantastically rich gameplay mod, this one centered around pregnancy, woohoo, and family dynamics.

Lumpinou Mood Pack Mod This isn’t a standalone mod, rather it’s a mod that’s used as part of other mods to give your sims a wider range of emotional states. It is a required add on to some of the other mods listed here. If needed it will be stated on the download page for the mod.


Pandasama Realistic Birth ** With this mod your sims have a realistic birth experience.  Right now it only works if you have Get to Work as it supports hospital births only, but Pandasama is working on a home birth update, due out in October. I LOVE this mod.


Ravasheen ** a fantastic creator with a bunch of small mods that make a big impact. I have too many of them to list out individually but this is the link to her main page which will list them all.  Some of my favorites are the Cake a Break BUYABLE Cakes, A Doughable Cupcake Maker which lets you make items only available with that giant cupcake machine without the machine, and the ISO Love Camera which will change the way you think about picture taking in the game.


Faster Digital Frames** In a legacy challenge you often end up with a ton of pictures of your sims, way to many to hang on the walls. I love to throw the extras in the digital photo frame from Moschino Stuff but the one sim hour minimum picture change time was way too long. With this mod you can have the photos change as frequently as every 1 sim minute!

Low Hygiene Is Embrarassing I always thought low hygiene being uncomfortable wasn't exactly right. This mod changes the emotion to embarrassed which makes much more sense to me.

ThePancake1 and Mizore Yukii

ThePancake1 and Mizore Yukki Cute Romance More romance options for your sims

ThePancake1 and Mizore Yukki Bed Cuddles ** This is a small mod with a BIG impact.  Your couple sims will cuddle in bed together. I cannot express how adorable this is and how happy it makes me.

Twisted Mexi

TwistedMexi Better Exceptions ** When you are someone like me who plays with ALOT of mods this is fantastically helpful. It will help you make sense of exception errors and find broken or duplicate mods/cc in your mods folder.

TwistedMexi TOOL ** This one can seem intimidating at first but after having it in my game I could not live without it. I use it all the time to adjust my sims positions/locations for better screenshots. I highly recommend the tutorial video, here, to get you started

TwistedMexi Smarter Pie Menu ** This allows you to text search all the pie menus in the game, so much easier than digging through submenus to find what you need.


Weerbesu  UI Cheats ** This is a control mod for the game that gives you the ability to control what is happening and fix some of the things that simply don’t make sense.

Weerbesu Longer Parties More Guests ** This is great if you have large families.  You can invite many more guests to social events and those events last longer by default (you can still cancel at any time).


**The creator of these mods is a non native English speaker so the English translations aren't perfect on the buffs, etc. but I can live with that. It doesn't in my opinion take away from the function of the items in any significant way.

I installed this recently and its so fun! A collection of arcade games for your sims to enjoy, along with some clothing and decoration options. The only downside I found to these is they are all single sim activities. For me that means I only use them with Sims in the same household since I can direct each of them to use the game I want.

New Custom Spell This is a collection of custom spells, many coming from Sims 3.  I have them all in my game, tried out a couple of them, they work well.  Requires Spell Book Injector by r3m

Zulf Tumblr I recommend coming here to look around.  You have to go page by page (navigation search doesn’t work) and there’s a TON here but a lot of it is really cool.  In some cases there are better descriptions than on their Paetron.

Other Mods

Assign NPC Roles This isn’t one I use often but its great when you want it.  Gives you a cheat menu to assign NPC roles to any sim in the game.

Insults and Arguments ** I often have a hard time stepping outside my “happy family” box, but I LOVE this mod. It adds significantly improved options for insults and arguments to the game.  No longer do you have to “argue about politics” and pretend you’re arguing about something else.

Karthmanter Pregnancy Variations ** This mod works well with or can replace LittleMsSam’s Pregnancy Overhaul belly variations. Your sim will naturally have a larger belly depending on how many babies they are carrying.  This modder is new to modding and so the mod has a more advanced installation step that many may not want to take (I did take this step), but you can try it without that, and it may work.

Kuttoe Just Go To Class ** Great if you have University and like to live on campus, like I do.  No longer do your sims get penalized for living on campus by having to walk across the entire campus to get to class.  They will walk out of their dorm or the common area and vanish to class the same as if they were attending university from home or going to a job.

Lazarusinashes Storytelling Socials As the name implies this is a large variety of additional social options that will pop up randomly as appropriate and add depth to storytelling.

MC Command Center ** I don’t think I could play the game without this mod.  It’s a huge gameplay control mod that does a variety of things, too much to explain here.  The website linked has a lot of good FAQs.

Ballroom Dance Mod This mod adds more couples dances to the game. There are a number of different dances and the animations are well done.  

MRZ Mary Faster University Graduation ** Another great one if you have University, especially if you like to play on short lifespan.

Given how high in their careers they start I understand why it takes Sims basically the entire Young Adult life stage to complete a degree but if you want to get done in 3 weeks that’s 4 classes per week which is grueling. 

I generally like my sims to live on campus, take fewer classes so they have time to enjoy university, get done, purchase a lot, and begin the process of starting a family.  I personally use the 6 credits option most often and have them go for 2 weeks vs 3.

R3M Spellbook Injector There are a ton of custom spells out there and many of them require this.  It allows those spells to show up in your sims spellbook.

Simmytime No City Living / Island Living Names ** This is possibly a controversial one but it’s one that makes a positive impact on my personal gameplay. 

I very much appreciate the innate diversity of the game, but without this mod the vast majority of auto generated sims, regardless of ethnicity, had non-European names I couldn’t pronounce. That was not in line with my personal experience and ultimately broke the immersion for me. 

SimplyAnjuta Custom Styled Looks (Basegame!): Thanks to MizoreYukii we now know how to create custom styled looks for your sims! This creator has some nice basic custom looks (including some for elders!) that make it quick and easy to style a sim so they don't look like they got dressed in the dark!

Soulsborne enthusiast Shimrod's Pillow Talk Mod v2 ** Another mod I simply adore.  After woohoo your sims will pop up and perform one of a handful of interactions from tickling each other to cuddling and smiling before going to sleep or getting up and going about their day.  It makes the woohoo process so much more intimate and lovely.

I was worried it would be broken after the HS Years update but I have it in and have had no problems with any of the new bed interactions and have seen no exceptions fire related to it.

TitanNano Control Any Sim** Just learned about this one but already know its a new “must have”.  You can choose under the actions menu to control any sim in the world.  They show up just like a sim in your household but maintain their “official” status as their own household for the purposes of CAS, lots, etc. Because of this you can functionally bypass the 8 sim household limit without having to actually increase it throughout the world with a mod like MCCC.  It also works great with Turbo’s pose player, which only works for sims you are controlling directly. 

Tremerion No Disappearing Relatives in Family Tree Great for legacy players.  As the name implies this mod keeps sims from disappearing from your family trees and keeps ghosts around in the save.

Turbodriver Wonderful Whims I have never used the much more popular “Wicked” version of this, but Wonderful now contains something I cannot live without - a super awesome pose player.  You can adjust your sims while in pose and go in and out of build/buy freely. Its a game changer, literally.  I wish this one was modular because I get the majority of its functionality from Lump’s Woohoo Wellness, but the two mods play well together so its OK.

Custom Content

I primarily use custom content clothing. This is not a complete list but its a list of the creators I like a lot/have multiple pieces from.

I tend to play legacies and mostly dress my sims in casual basics.

If you are going to use Custom Content I highly recommend downloading Sims 4 Studio.  You can easily re-tag your items and in my experience they are often tagged wrong. 

Ever wonder why that formal dress shows up in swimwear?  Its tagged wrong!  Here’s a brief how-to on retagging.

AxA Custom Content This is more skewed towards "younger" styles, crop tops and short skirts, but I use their high waisted pants and shirts together on many sims. They are very well made.

Creamlattedream A creator that specializes in male sims - be still my heart! They also design households, mostly teenage boys, and they have a softer look that makes me think of Ralph from "Wreck it Ralph". Very unique.

Rope's Custom Content Their clothing is mixed in among their households and lots. Lots of nice, casual basics with lots of stuff for our poor underappreciated male sims!

SimmieV I follow this creator on The Sims Resource. Another creator that specializes in clothing for males sims. A good mix of basic and fun.

Solistair Lots of nice basics

Sunflower Petals I discovered this creator because of the medical cc she made (wrist, ankle, and knee braces). She primarily makes jewelry and makeup cc.

Pose Packs

I prefer to take my screenshots from actual in-game animations but sometimes I will use pose packs to capture a mood or situation that EA or my mods simply don't make available. I try to stay away from fully pose pack based storylines but I have relied on them on occasion, most notably the tattoo parlor storylines.

Some of my favorite pose pack creators:

Me 😊! Right here on my Tumblr you can find a variety of EA recolors I did, the majority are basegame or basegame compatible

Tattoo Parlor Pose Packs:

That's it for now. I will update as I add/remove things.

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