Shoot your Shot

Sebastian Stan x Curvy Actress Reader

A/N: My own mood board and watching the Emmys a few weeks ago gave me the inspiration to write this. Also, you're not a dramatic actress like Sebastian you are funny as hell but lack the confidence when it comes to your love life. Another inspiration for this is lizzos absolute bad assness and confidence. Its a tad rushed but I just had to get this out there before my brain malfunctions. After this one is posted I'm working on a Day of the Dead with Bucky.


“I just want to thank everyone for this wonderful award. The fans of the show, the cast and crew. Oh my gosh this is crazy! And now I'm about to do something so out of my element. Sebastian Stan, you beautiful specimen of a man, oh my god……….”

You're probably wondering how I got here? Well let's see where I should start. How about 12 years ago. I was an up and coming actress and a huge marvel comics fan since childhood. When they released Capitan America: The First Avenger I fell completely in love with Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes. From then on I kept following his career before and after the first avenger. After struggling getting acting jobs I finally got a role in Ted Lasso. I proved myself as a comedic actress and here I am at the Emmy Awards with a nomination for best supporting actress in a comedy show.

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