An Overview of Orthodontic Treatment

Using appliances to correct the position of teeth, orthodontic treatment can lead to a healthier mouth, speech, and bite. These appliances include braces, retainers, and clear aligners. Depending on the problem, the treatment may last from a few months to a few years. Learn more about Las Vegas Teen Invisalign, go here.

Orthodontic treatment is usually started when a child has enough permanent teeth to begin. This usually happens around age 12 or 13, but can happen later as well. Orthodontic treatment involves planning, taking photographs, and making plaster models of the teeth. In the end, the orthodontist will choose the best treatment for the patient. Find out for further details on braces las vegas right here.

The first step in orthodontic treatment is to identify the problem. The problem may be tooth crookedness, protrusion of teeth, missing teeth, or an irregular development sequence. The orthodontist may also need to remove teeth to make room.

The orthodontist will then develop a treatment plan, which may include one or more treatment options. The plan will also include a list of problems, which may suggest more than one type of treatment. The patient's attitude towards orthodontics may also affect the results of the treatment. The patient must be willing to wear the appliances, attend appointments, and maintain proper oral hygiene during treatment.

The orthodontist will also take x-rays to evaluate the teeth and jaws. This is important because it allows the orthodontist to evaluate the shape and position of the teeth. A panoramic x-ray is particularly useful in this regard. The orthodontist can see the exact position of each tooth, allowing him or her to diagnose potential complications.

A study model is also created to see the teeth in their natural position and to record how teeth move during treatment. A working study model is mounted on an articulator, which simulates jaw movements. This is used to check how the teeth will fit into the mouth, or to observe how they move.

The orthodontist will use a variety of appliances, such as elastics, to move the teeth. He or she may also use fixed appliances, which include bands, bands and wires, or fixed braces. These appliances are a good option when precision is important. However, they must be carefully cleaned and can trap food. They are also not recommended for patients with poor oral hygiene.

Fixed appliances are the most common type of orthodontic device. They are usually fixed to the front teeth and used to correct multiple teeth. Fixed appliances can also be used to rotate teeth, change the angle of the tooth, or to adjust the root position of teeth. These appliances are usually recommended for patients who are committed to oral hygiene. They can also be used with a regular diet. Take a look at this link for more information.

Some people who have fixed appliances will need to wear a mouthguard if they participate in contact sports. A removable brace, on the other hand, can be used for simple treatment. The wires on a removable brace are more delicate than those on fixed braces, and require more accurate guidance.

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