The Hanged Man

UPRIGHT: Sometimes we must sacrifice (time, effort, emotions, resources, self) in order to move forward from a place of stagnation. Understand this doesn't have to be in detriment. Odin "hung"(laid, prostrated, gave of himself) on Yggrasil (the Life Tree, embodiment of all the realms, being of creation, created out of a tree by Odin originally). From that joining, and time spent in deep contemplation, without desire to TAKE, and instead gave of self, Odin was given the Runes, that so many looked to for communication, and continued to use for Centuries to come.

Sacrifice, Severing ties, Moving on from Toxicity, letting go of an Old Reality perspective. Opening up of new communications

INVERSED: For all you may feel inverted, your perspective is likely coming from a new point of view, and could feel uncomfortable. Lean into the discomfort, what is it trying to make you aware of? What changes need to be made in order for your world to swing back to a state of "feeling upright?"

Odin, along with laying with Yggdrasil, also sought council of a Wise Völva(seeress) and needed to loose himself of his masculinity and flux into a state and existence of "feminine," in order to understand the power/magic/wisdoms that come from the "feminine," type constructs and existence. He then CARRIED those practices and took them to masculine facing beings and taught them the ways of DEEP Emotions and how to harness them or loose themselves in them and become "Berzerkers," (bear shirts) and MOVE GREATLY, whether in battle or better understanding magic and existence.

Take heed of your emotional states and do not try to simply extinguish them. Your emotions tell you when things aren't right with your reality, and when you may be needing a change, even if your forward consciousness is yet unaware or "ready."

-all art by me, Follow and Share to watch this Deck come to life!

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