
Arguing for the Bad Red Lady

@raxistaicho / raxistaicho.tumblr.com

Likes to argue. Gigantic Edelgard von Hresvelg, Velvet Crowe, Eunie, Mio, and Frederica Aesfrost stan.

Chapter 111 jump out!

I just posted chapter 111 of my fanfic, On Black Wings :)

It’s a ludicrously in-depth retelling of the Crimson Flower storyline of Fire Emblem Three Houses, focusing on character moments, tactics and strategy, and the day-to-day life at Garreg Mach.

The Black Eagle Strike Force faces off against an ancient, saintly being...


Edelgard's consistent association with twins is one of my favorite details about her.

There's the obvious of her having two Crests, Adrestia's symbol being the twin-headed eagle, you get two choices to make that'll affect her course of action later on, and the moniker of her two most trusted allies that aren't Byleth being the "Twin Jewels", but there's also how her birthday is on the 22nd day of Garland Moon, and how her hair throughout her lifetime reflect that twin imagery quite well.


Chapter 110 jump out!

Just posted chapter 110 of my fanfic, On Black Wings :)

It’s a ludicrously in-depth retelling of the Crimson Flower storyline of Fire Emblem Three Houses, focusing on character moments, tactics and strategy, and the day-to-day life at Garreg Mach.

Byleth furtively organizes a mission, and Edelgard and Emma face unwelcome surprises…

Anonymous asked:

Y’know, for all they complain about Edelgard fans making excuses for her so she’ll look good, Church of Seiros/Rhea stans sure do love to dismiss any actual in-canon evidence of her not being a purely innocent holy woman with claims that the writers (the series creators) are making stuff up to make her look bad (and this is from someone who usually takes stuff from Heroes with a grain of salt).

Yeah, no kidding.

Some of them are invested in the initial image Rhea portrays of being a calm, saintly, motherly figure. The others feel for her as a genocide victim and want to protect her from further suffering.

Anonymous asked:

didn't heroes say rhea turns fallen when she despairs because she will never see sothis again?

Heroes did!

Just like that weird "call me by name call me immaculate one plz" thing that makes Nopes' Sothis exchange with Flayn completely nonsensical, the "Rhea became berserk because she despaired and felt like Sothis would never return" felt like a quick fix-it made with adhesive tape and the contents of a gummy bear.

Heroes did! Just like that weird "call me by name call me immaculate one plz" thing that makes Nopes' Sothis exchange with Flayn completely nonsensical, the "Rhea became berserk because she despaired and felt like Sothis would never return" felt like a quick fix-it made with adhesive tape and the contents of a gummy bear. Like, this doesn't explain why Rhea doesn't become red in VW.

Just going into it, yeah, I 100% agree the whole despair thing is mostly just a handwave to justify why she doesn't go berserk in VW.

Yet another reason VW arguably shouldn't have existed, it causes too many problems by being Silver Snow with a layer of paint over it.

And you won't make me believe that she wasn't despairing the hell out of it after witnessing Zanado and being its lone survivor, nor after seeing whatever remained of Sothis after Nemesis deboned her. We can make a point about her being more "angry" than desperate, same as in CF when Seteth'n'Flayn kick the bucket - even if her mental state's pretty low and precarious at this point - but then, VW still stands, as in, Rhea realises after eating missiles and "zumba'ing for 5 years in Enbarr's finest 5 stars resort" that her Mother never gave a flying fuck about the remaining Nabateans, or her role as the Goddess, and yet, she doesn't become red.

But in the interest of playing devil's advocate, I think you basically answered your own question, and in a funny way it reminds me of Tales of Berseria. The villains needed Velvet to be overcome by anger and despair, but the issue is that while she had plenty of the former, she was so driven and furious that it blocked her from giving in to despair despite how horrific her circumstances were.

In a similar way, when Rhea had a goal to set her mind toward, be it killing Nemesis, killing Byleth, or resurrecting Sothis, she didn't give in to despair. In VW she's in mostly the same boat as with SS, but she has Nemesis's return to focus on and keep from despairing.

Silver Snow is the only point where she has no enemy to fight and has to come to terms with the fact that her mother is dead, that she chose to stay dead, and that she's never coming back. It's honestly understandable that she finally broke after all the strain she's been under.

I think it's a bit unfair to say Sothis "never gave a flying fuck about the remaining Nabateans, or her role as the Goddess". She's dead. Her time has passed. Incarnating herself and becoming the goddess again would require her to take control of Byleth's body, which I think most of us would regard a horrifically selfish act.

Never forget:

“A blasphemy, you mean! How could the goddess of order violate the most fundamental natural law?”

Reviving the dead is the mark of villainy in this franchise... at least until Engage had Alear die and get back up three or so times, the last two being in consecutive chapters.


Dorothea was real for questioning the Church for enabling them to kill people during the Red Canyon Mission, but I've seen some people harp on her for it, saying stuff like "No shit that a MILITARY school is training you to hunt bandits, what did she expect?"

Valid argument, but think about how she doesn't see those bandits as just people who displeased the Church. She knows how some of those bandits have a life outside of thievery and had to resort into such activities to support themselves/their families because their government wouldn't. She's DEFINITELY been there.

(Not to say killing people isn't concerning enough of a problem because it is, it just feels like many people overlook how insightful Dorothea really is.)


People just can't take anything Dorothea says or does with a modicum of good faith T_T


Chapter 109 jump out!

I just posted chapter 109 of my fanfic, On Black Wings :)

It’s a ludicrously in-depth retelling of the Crimson Flower storyline of Fire Emblem Three Houses, focusing on character moments, tactics and strategy, and the day-to-day life at Garreg Mach.

The Black Eagle Strike Force grapples with Jeritza's unexpected disappearance and plans their next move…

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