

@n-o-eyes / n-o-eyes.tumblr.com

22. They/Them. cotl art sometimes
pfp by poppy-purpura

i am Charlie. i am 22. They/them.

this was my fandom art blog (mostly cult of the lamb). new blog for all art regardless of fandom is @skeleton--soup

stuff i made is under #my art (shittier things under #doodles)

i tag written works/fics/headcanons under #cotl

im self taught. still learning. i leave tons of tags. if you dont like it then lmk.

(note: I will not tolerate racism/homophobia/transphobia/incest/pedophilia etc. get that shit out of here)


this is just a personal thingy but dont send me anon asks about how much you prefer leshy having toes over hooves

or anything (even gently) pushing me to make my design choices the way you want them to be in general

i get youre not trying to be rude neither of you were particularly "rahhhhh fuck youuuuuuu" about it but its kinda ????????????

you can make your own design too its not like i own him

i think we should eat thier toes and replace them with hooves for that, tbh.


Oh, your lamb serves cunt? Thatโ€™s cool and all but mine serves pancakes


in real life you will probably not respond to harassment in a sexy, clever, scripted way where you come out with the upper hand and everyone claps. you will freeze up and your moment will pass, or your voice will shake when you tell them to stop and youโ€™ll realize two minutes later that youโ€™re gross and sweaty and sticky from the adrenaline. maybe youโ€™ll be on the ball and answer in a way you actually think is pretty smart and get ignored, or theyโ€™ll get more aggressive when you mouth off to them. you almost never will walk away feeling victorious. you walk away feeling uncomfortable and relieved that itโ€™s over. youโ€™ll think about it later and imagine that maybe you could have said something else. maybe youโ€™ll feel ashamed that you werenโ€™t quicker-witted, werenโ€™t able to cut them down to size, werenโ€™t able to avoid that lingering sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, as though thereโ€™s some kind of magical words you could have said that would have left you feeling less powerless. there really arenโ€™t. 

Honestly this is such an important lesson to learn. If someone threatens, belittles, or verbally assaults you, you will likely feel bad, no matter how you respond. Please donโ€™t beat yourself up for feeling emotions that are perfectly healthy and justified. 


[ID: Photo of a black cat in a fuzzy sheep costume sitting on a floral backdrop. The cat looks somewhat grouchy.]

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