


side character enthusiast [ he/him , 17 ]

really bored and cant focus on anything so im tryin out some new fun shit. an audio equivalent of mixing some random drinks in the fridge and hoping u get a Taste as a result


literally nothing cooler than someone saying they started a show bc of my fanart its so so flattering but also makes me feel evil bc i draw versions of characters that only exist in my mind and not in canon at all even a little bit


lupppppppp lup

Image description: grayscale digital art of Lup from The Adventure Zone. She's a fat elf with medium-tone freckled skin, curly dark hair with lighter highlights in front, and she's wearing a sun-shaped earring and a long cape with the hood down. She's seen in about three-quarters view from the chest up, facing forward and smiling. End description.


ill start,,,,,reposting everything tmrw,,,,,,bweeeehhgghhhh

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