Hello everyone,

I finished playing MCLAL Armin episode 5, and I want to give you my review. There will be spoilers in it about the episode. I have to start with that this really was an amazing episode. You can see that there has been put a lot of work in it, and it paid really off. So nicely done, Beemoov. The game that you get to play is really amazing. And I like that you get the outfit from the character, and the outfit doesn't matter for the illustrations. So you really can choose this time what fits the most with you. I like that a lot. By the way, the outfits are really amazing. My character looks like a really cool heroine. The fairy item is awesome. I didn't know how the item looked like before I found the fairy. And when I saw it, I was screaming at how cool it looked. I love it so much. I also saw that with the cupcakes items, they have other animals with the game chair. The blue, penguin one, looks so cool, I can't wait to have it. Penguins are my favorite animal of the animals that we know exist. Nathaniel comes over for dinner. I really like his friendship with Armin and that we get to see those characters together. There is one character from the high school series that I still would like to see back one day; Iris. She was always so sweet. The proposal route is really sweet. I really like the idea of asking someone to marry you with a video game. It would be really cool if you could buy a game in real life. Play it together and in the end you get to ask your loved one if he wants to marry you. It is so sweet and romantic. I like the build up in the NSFW route. You get all this little scene between Candy and Armin. You see how much they are into each other. It is so sweet and the scene itself is really good. Both of the illustrations are really nice. I like the proposal one more. Candy is so surprised. That is really sweet. So overall, I liked the episode a lot. Beemoov really did an awesome job on the game you get to play in the episode. I hope you like this review. Love, Belodie

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