Magenta Fantasies

Female / 30 / INFP / American / Married-------Mostly fan art and fandom finds with flurries of furriness. I try to keep posts positive and work-safe.
Please visit Magenta-Fantasies-Illustration for my fan art, cartoons and more!


I put all of my Choose Your Legends votes towards Shura this year. I didn’t want any nonsense like last year where if I had used all of my votes for him, he would have been in the Top 200 (he was in 200th, and those two votes would have pushed him to 199th place, tying with Meg and Ricken.) I might have voted for Soren or Female Corrin except that they may or may not be in the Top 3, since the entire Top 20 were announced, but not in order.

After the 2022’s extremely underwhelming second-gen Fates banner (No Ascended Shigure? No Sophie? No Percy as the GHB? This would have been the perfect opportunity!) I want more story-important Fates characters added to Heroes. My interest in having Rickard in Heroes has waned slightly, due to his alt last year. I love the phantom thief theme and aesthetic (in general, I’m very fond of phantom thieves,) and he’s a great unit. I moved Kieran and several other characters up. It’s been years since Oscar was added; where is his superior red counterpart? A few characters also shifted down for various reasons.

Speaking of story-important Fates characters, I added Kotaro, who is still weirdly absent from the Choose Your Legends voting list despite the likes of Candace and the other Paralogue-exclusive bosses appearing, and even a dancer NPC who appears in one chapter. He has an interesting role in the story in Fates, and he isn’t that minor of a villain, so I was disappointed not to see him.