

@kimiko-dear / kimiko-dear.tumblr.com

Collecting Demons since 2020!

The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.


This tweet is just... Odd. Very odd.

Like... You live like this? You write like this? You think like this??

I want to be absolutely clear that, when I write an alcoholic character, it's because I think that alcohol addiction and drinking to excess are cool. Just like when I write a criminal, I'm trying to persuade you, the reader, to take up a life of larceny and murder. Just so long as that's understood.

Oh good, because that's 100% the message I take from fictional media. For instance, I watched Hannibal for recipes and relationship advice.


what your hogwarts house says about you!!!!1!1!

  • gryffindor - in your continued endorsement of a media franchise created by the most affluent transmisogynist of all time, you are promoting transmisogynist ideals and furthering transphobic legislation.
  • ravenclaw - in your continued endorsement of a media franchise created by the most affluent transmisogynist of all time, you are promoting transmisogynist ideals and furthering transphobic legislation.
  • hufflepuff - in your continued endorsement of a media franchise created by the most affluent transmisogynist of all time, you are promoting transmisogynist ideals and furthering transphobic legislation.
  • slytherin - in your continued endorsement of a media franchise created by the most affluent transmisogynist of all time, you are promoting transmisogynist ideals and furthering transphobic legislation. and you're also a white supremacist i guess.

You know what really fucking Annoys Me about internet censorship is stuff like swear words being heavily censored because that's entirely an American cultural hangup being forced on the rest of us. I don't know a single country where swearing is as taboo as it is in America. In fact most languages have swear words that would have the same effect on an American as giving a Victorian chimney sweep a pepsi max cherry.

Me calling a random dickhead a cunt is an act of reclamation and patriotism

In Scotland, cunt is an all round descriptor for everyone. Good cunts, bad cunts, annoying cunts and just plain cunts. Couldn't imagine love without cunt tbh

In Australia, too. Cunt is highly contextual.


I suggest learning these words in other languages. Expand your cultural awareness and piss off American racists at the same time!


Imagine a person who only consumes Batman-related media. That is, they only watch movies and TV shows that have Batman in them, only read books that are novelisations of Batman media, only play licensed Batman video games, and so forth. This is not so absurd an idea; Batman-related media is sufficiently popular, varied and widespread that restricting one's media consumption in this way is completely feasible. However, I trust we can agree that if you actually do this, you will be left with very strange ideas about what popular media looks like.

The next step in this analogy is undestanding that if the only tabletop RPG you're acquainted with is Dungeons & Dragons, you have the same grasp of the tabletop roleplaying hobby as our hypothetical Batman Guy has of popular media.

Not throwing shade here and I legitimately wish the best on you, but I can't NOT point out how "5e is just easier mathwise" is like, a perfect illustration of the point that being exclusively acquainted with D&D leaves you with some very strange ideas about what the wider tabletop hobby looks like.


This already happens with Christianity. Just sayin'.


I love talking with neurotypical people about my executive dysfunction because I'm like "yeah there's this invisible wall in my head that I'm incapable of getting past no matter what I do and it stops me from doing things" and they're like what the actual fuck

Meanwhile other neurodivergents are like


Here is your mission.

TSLA hit its all time high of $488.50 on 15 DEC 2024. To reach of a price of $114.00 would be a 76.7% drop. That's huge, right?

Yeah well, when I checked the price just now (12 MAR 2025 @ 1:31 PM EDT), TSLA is currently trading at $250.85. That's down 48.6% from the high.

Babes, we're already nearly two-thirds of the way there.

TSLA $114.00. I believe this is where I say 'like to charge, reblog to cast.'

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