I feel like this is as good a time as any to finally tell you guys what is up. I know people probably won’t read this and I know a lot of people have probably forgot about my account due to inactivity. But there is no other way to say it other than i am completely unmotivated and honestly at this point i feel like i am depressed. Im not going to dump my feelings on that however i feel like you all have a right to know that i can’t bring myself to write lately. I have things in my drafts and asks in my inbox and i look at them and just get sad because i want to i really do, but i can’t put in the effort that i want to. I need some time away and i know it’s like “amelia you haven’t posted your own thing in like two months and even when you did it was half assed” I know. I want to love what i put out and i want to want to write. but at this point in time, i can’t. So for a little while i might not post anything at all. Not reposts and not my own works, and who knows maybe my feelings will change now that i have shared this, just right now i can’t do it. i’m sorry.

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