Conceiving lover

Summery: Angsty, You find out that Ashton has a dating profil.

Paring: Ashton Irwin x Reader

Warnings: Angsty, mature language?

A/N: Its been a while since I've written anything, and honestly I feel like this isn't my best but it is the best I can do atm, and I really wanna get back into the swing of things soooo lets go. And Thaaaank you to the people who continue to ask for prompts and read my fics xx

A gasp left your lips as your world stopped. After hours of scrolling through TikTok, you came across a video you wished you had never seen. A young woman showing how she stumbled across Ashtons bumble profil, surely it must have been fake. The investigation started, you followed the link to part 2, and your heart dropped into your stomach. The video showed his profil in detail, somehow you just knew it was his, the profil screamed Ashton. Your boyfriend, the part of him that was only for you, was now blasted on the internet for everyone to see, because he actively was trying to cheat on you. So nonchalant as if he couldn't care less if you found out. 

Chock filled your body, not only had you lost your boyfriend in that second, you were mortified about the whole world witnessing it. Rushing you ran to your bathroom before emptying the content of your stomach into the toilet. And then you broke, the physical release was the emotional tricker you needed, this was real and it was happening to you. You were not the only one. Surely you should've known, it was well known in Hollywood, Ashton Irwin never broke up with a girl, he moved on while she believed they were still committed to one another, and you really thought that he had changed, how stupid. As if you were ever gonna be enough for the handsome drummer. 

The cold tile against your naked thigh was starting to hurt so you rose to your feet, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. You didn't know if it was your bloodshot eyes that looked back at you, or if it was the trails of tears or maybe the puffiness but it was  something about seeing yourself like this. Broken into a thousand peaces, after so carelessly being tossed to the side by the man who said he loved you that made you snap. Straighten up, you looked deeply into your own eyes "Fuck him". With long determined strides you crossed the distance between the bathroom and the draw Ashton had at your house, you hurled the content into a nearby shopping bag. He was expected at your home within the next couple of hours but all that was gonna meet him was the brown bag holding everything that ever tied you together. It was done, and he was the one to blame. 

With the new determination rushing through your body you started getting ready, the shower lead the embarrassment down the drain, it was embarrassing to him not you, you told yourself again and again. Once you looked like the bosslady you are you went to instagram, both his and your page was filled with lovey dovey photos entangled in each other, you deleted every single one before posting a new one with the caption "You did a wonderful job convincing people that you love me, I almost fell for it". Keeping your head held high you placed the bag in front of the door before heading to your friends house, you knew she would understand this better than anyone else. 

By the time you parked before Kay's house your phone was glowing with the many notifications, though the 5sos fandom forever would be loyal to Ashton, they were cheering you on and dragging the drummer bad choices in the comment section. You smiled slightly at least they were on your side, which wasn't a given at all. As you took a short look at the comments and liked a few your phone started to vibrate with an incoming call, you took a deep breath before denying it. You turned off your phone and walked to knock on Kays door. Shortly after the door swung open revealing a Kay who's smile faded the second she saw you "Oh honey im so sorry", she knew already, the glee of the internet everything travels faster than you. Kay did her best to comfort you, she hugged you tight an hour after you had sobbed into her embrace and rubbed your shoulder. The tears had dried and you looked at her with a smile "You know, this just show how much of a better person than me you are" she shot you a confused look "How come y/n" looking straight at her you laughed at her cluelessness "Because you haven't  once said- I told you so, and I definitely  would've done that if you had dated my cheating ex". And it truly was the thing you admired the most about Kay, she was like a fairy who always just wanted the best for anyone, she was even the one setting you and Ashton up. "I don't need to do that hun, im sure you beating yourself up enough for the both of us". And she was right but you were trying not to. 

You agreed that it would be best for you to talk to Ash while she was at you side for emotional support, so hesitantly you turned on your phone again. It was unusable the first few seconds due to the amount of missed phone calls and messages, all Ash trying to make you speak to him, so you pressed his contact and waited shortly before he breathed out your name with relief. "Please, babe let us meet up so we can talk?" Kay made big eyes and shook her head no "No Ashton, I don't want to meet with you. I know that you have been dating others, and I don't really care if you never met them or not. You still were out there  trying " your voice was trembling and the pit in your stomach had returned, Kay rubbed her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner and you send her a thankful smile shortly. Ashton's voice revealed that he was just as big of a mess as you "No please y/n, I was only on there to meet new people, I've felt so discounted to the world after Corona. I know its wrong, I really do but please love, it was nothing like what we have" You lost it, that was it. He wanted to make excuses? Fuck him "You know what Ashton, im sure you have, being surrounded by people who does nothing but support you must be so hard, im sorry that I didn't think about that." And with that the phone call ended and you lunged yourself into Kays waiting embrace. The world could stop for all you cared, you had lost the one person you thought would be your forever. 

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